extends Node ## The Global autoload of Pixelorama. ## ## This Autoload contains signals, enums, constants, variables and ## references to many UI elements used within Pixelorama. signal pixelorama_opened ## Emitted as soon as Pixelorama fully opens up. signal pixelorama_about_to_close ## Emitted just before Pixelorama is about to close. signal project_created(project: Project) ## Emitted when a new project class is initialized. signal project_about_to_switch ## Emitted before a project is about to be switched signal project_switched ## Emitted whenever you switch to some other project tab. signal cel_switched ## Emitted whenever you select a different cel. signal project_data_changed(project: Project) ## Emitted when project data is modified. enum LayerTypes { PIXEL, GROUP, THREE_D } enum GridTypes { CARTESIAN, ISOMETRIC, ALL } ## ## Used to tell whether a color is being taken from the current theme, ## or if it is a custom color. enum ColorFrom { THEME, CUSTOM } enum ButtonSize { SMALL, BIG } enum MeasurementMode { NONE, MOVE } ## Enumeration of items present in the File Menu. enum FileMenu { NEW, OPEN, OPEN_LAST_PROJECT, RECENT, SAVE, SAVE_AS, EXPORT, EXPORT_AS, QUIT } ## Enumeration of items present in the Edit Menu. enum EditMenu { UNDO, REDO, COPY, CUT, PASTE, PASTE_IN_PLACE, DELETE, NEW_BRUSH, PREFERENCES } ## Enumeration of items present in the View Menu. enum ViewMenu { TILE_MODE, TILE_MODE_OFFSETS, GREYSCALE_VIEW, MIRROR_VIEW, SHOW_GRID, SHOW_PIXEL_GRID, SHOW_RULERS, SHOW_GUIDES, SHOW_MOUSE_GUIDES, DISPLAY_LAYER_EFFECTS, SNAP_TO, } ## Enumeration of items present in the Window Menu. enum WindowMenu { WINDOW_OPACITY, PANELS, LAYOUTS, MOVABLE_PANELS, ZEN_MODE, FULLSCREEN_MODE } ## Enumeration of items present in the Image Menu. enum ImageMenu { PROJECT_PROPERTIES, RESIZE_CANVAS, SCALE_IMAGE, CROP_TO_SELECTION, CROP_TO_CONTENT, } ## Enumeration of items present in the Effects menu. enum EffectsMenu { OFFSET_IMAGE, FLIP, ROTATE, OUTLINE, DROP_SHADOW, INVERT_COLORS, DESATURATION, HSV, BRIGHTNESS_SATURATION, PALETTIZE, PIXELIZE, POSTERIZE, GRADIENT, GRADIENT_MAP, SHADER } ## Enumeration of items present in the Select Menu. enum SelectMenu { SELECT_ALL, CLEAR_SELECTION, INVERT, TILE_MODE } ## Enumeration of items present in the Help Menu. enum HelpMenu { VIEW_SPLASH_SCREEN, ONLINE_DOCS, ISSUE_TRACKER, OPEN_EDITOR_DATA_FOLDER, CHANGELOG, ABOUT_PIXELORAMA, SUPPORT_PIXELORAMA } const LANGUAGES_DICT := { "en_US": ["English", "English"], "cs_CZ": ["Czech", "Czech"], "da_DK": ["Dansk", "Danish"], "de_DE": ["Deutsch", "German"], "el_GR": ["Ελληνικά", "Greek"], "eo_UY": ["Esperanto", "Esperanto"], "es_ES": ["Español", "Spanish"], "fr_FR": ["Français", "French"], "id_ID": ["Indonesian", "Indonesian"], "it_IT": ["Italiano", "Italian"], "lv_LV": ["Latvian", "Latvian"], "pl_PL": ["Polski", "Polish"], "pt_BR": ["Português Brasileiro", "Brazilian Portuguese"], "pt_PT": ["Português", "Portuguese"], "ru_RU": ["Русский", "Russian"], "zh_CN": ["简体中文", "Chinese Simplified"], "zh_TW": ["繁體中文", "Chinese Traditional"], "nb_NO": ["Norsk Bokmål", "Norwegian Bokmål"], "hu_HU": ["Magyar", "Hungarian"], "ro_RO": ["Română", "Romanian"], "ko_KR": ["한국어", "Korean"], "tr_TR": ["Türkçe", "Turkish"], "ja_JP": ["日本語", "Japanese"], "uk_UA": ["Українська", "Ukrainian"], } ## The file path used for the [member config_cache] file. const CONFIG_PATH := "user://config.ini" ## The file used to save preferences that use [method _save_to_override_file]. const OVERRIDE_FILE := "override.cfg" ## The name of folder containing Pixelorama preferences. const HOME_SUBDIR_NAME := "pixelorama" ## The name of folder that contains subdirectories for users to place brushes, palettes, patterns. const CONFIG_SUBDIR_NAME := "pixelorama_data" ## The path of the directory where the UI layouts are being stored. const LAYOUT_DIR := "user://layouts" const VALUE_SLIDER_V2_TSCN := preload("res://src/UI/Nodes/ValueSliderV2.tscn") const GRADIENT_EDIT_TSCN := preload("res://src/UI/Nodes/GradientEdit.tscn") ## It is path to the executable's base drectory. var root_directory := "." ## The path where preferences and other subdirectories for stuff like layouts, extensions, logs etc. ## will get stored by Pixelorama. var home_data_directory := OS.get_data_dir().path_join(HOME_SUBDIR_NAME) ## Only read from these directories. This is an [Array] of directories potentially containing ## stuff such as Brushes, Palettes and Patterns in sub-directories.[br] ## ([member home_data_directory] and [member root_directory] are also included in this array). var data_directories: PackedStringArray = [home_data_directory] ## The config file used to get/set preferences, tool settings etc. var config_cache := ConfigFile.new() var loaded_locales: PackedStringArray = LANGUAGES_DICT.keys() var projects: Array[Project] = [] ## Array of currently open projects. var current_project: Project ## The project that currently in focus. ## The index of project that is currently in focus. var current_project_index := 0: set(value): if value >= projects.size(): return canvas.selection.transform_content_confirm() current_project_index = value project_about_to_switch.emit() current_project = projects[value] project_switched.connect(current_project.change_project) project_switched.emit() project_switched.disconnect(current_project.change_project) cel_switched.emit() var default_layouts: Array[DockableLayout] = [ preload("res://assets/layouts/Default.tres"), preload("res://assets/layouts/Tallscreen.tres"), ] var layouts: Array[DockableLayout] = [] # Canvas related stuff ## Tells if the user allowed to draw on the canvas. Usually it is temporarily set to ## [code]false[/code] when we are moving some gizmo and don't want the current tool to accidentally ## start drawing.[br](This does not depend on layer invisibility or lock/unlock status). var can_draw := true ## (Intended to be used as getter only) Tells if the user allowed to move the guide while on canvas. var move_guides_on_canvas := true var play_only_tags := true ## If [code]true[/code], animation plays only on frames of the same tag. ## (Intended to be used as getter only) Tells if the x-symmetry guide ( -- ) is visible. var show_x_symmetry_axis := false ## (Intended to be used as getter only) Tells if the y-symmetry guide ( | ) is visible. var show_y_symmetry_axis := false # Preferences ## Found in Preferences. If [code]true[/code], the last saved project will open on startup. var open_last_project := false ## Found in Preferences. If [code]true[/code], asks for permission to quit on exit. var quit_confirmation := false ## Found in Preferences. Refers to the ffmpeg location path. var ffmpeg_path := "" ## Found in Preferences. If [code]true[/code], the zoom is smooth. var smooth_zoom := true ## Found in Preferences. If [code]true[/code], the zoom is restricted to integral multiples of 100%. var integer_zoom := false: set(value): if value == integer_zoom: return integer_zoom = value var zoom_slider: ValueSlider = top_menu_container.get_node("%ZoomSlider") if value: zoom_slider.min_value = 100 zoom_slider.snap_step = 100 zoom_slider.step = 100 else: zoom_slider.min_value = 1 zoom_slider.snap_step = 1 zoom_slider.step = 1 zoom_slider.value = zoom_slider.value # to trigger signal emission ## Found in Preferences. The scale of the interface. var shrink := 1.0 ## Found in Preferences. The font size used by the interface. var font_size := 16 ## Found in Preferences. If [code]true[/code], the interface dims on popups. var dim_on_popup := true ## Found in Preferences. If [code]true[/code], the native file dialogs of the ## operating system are being used, instead of Godot's FileDialog node. var use_native_file_dialogs := false: set(value): if value == use_native_file_dialogs: return use_native_file_dialogs = value if not is_inside_tree(): await tree_entered await get_tree().process_frame get_tree().set_group(&"FileDialogs", "use_native_dialog", value) ## Found in Preferences. If [code]true[/code], subwindows are embedded in the main window. var single_window_mode := true: set(value): if value == single_window_mode: return single_window_mode = value _save_to_override_file() ## Found in Preferences. The modulation color (or simply color) of icons. var modulate_icon_color := Color.GRAY ## Found in Preferences. Determines if [member modulate_icon_color] uses custom or theme color. var icon_color_from := ColorFrom.THEME: set(value): if value == icon_color_from: return icon_color_from = value if icon_color_from == ColorFrom.THEME: var current_theme := Themes.themes[Themes.theme_index] modulate_icon_color = current_theme.get_color("modulate_color", "Icons") else: modulate_icon_color = custom_icon_color Themes.change_icon_colors() ## Found in Preferences. Color of icons when [member icon_color_from] is set to use custom colors. var custom_icon_color := Color.GRAY: set(value): if value == custom_icon_color: return custom_icon_color = value if icon_color_from == ColorFrom.CUSTOM: modulate_icon_color = custom_icon_color Themes.change_icon_colors() ## Found in Preferences. The modulation color (or simply color) of canvas background ## (aside from checker background). var modulate_clear_color := Color.GRAY: set(value): if value == modulate_clear_color: return modulate_clear_color = value Themes.change_clear_color() ## Found in Preferences. Determines if [member modulate_clear_color] uses custom or theme color. var clear_color_from := ColorFrom.THEME: set(value): if value == clear_color_from: return clear_color_from = value Themes.change_clear_color() ## Found in Preferences. The selected size mode of tool buttons using [enum ButtonSize] enum. var tool_button_size := ButtonSize.SMALL: set(value): if value == tool_button_size: return tool_button_size = value Tools.set_button_size(tool_button_size) ## Found in Preferences. The left tool color. var left_tool_color := Color("0086cf"): set(value): if value == left_tool_color: return left_tool_color = value if not is_instance_valid(Tools._tool_buttons): await get_tree().process_frame for child in Tools._tool_buttons.get_children(): var background: NinePatchRect = child.get_node("BackgroundLeft") background.modulate = value Tools._slots[MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT].tool_node.color_rect.color = value ## Found in Preferences. The right tool color. var right_tool_color := Color("fd6d14"): set(value): if value == right_tool_color: return right_tool_color = value if not is_instance_valid(Tools._tool_buttons): await get_tree().process_frame for child in Tools._tool_buttons.get_children(): var background: NinePatchRect = child.get_node("BackgroundRight") background.modulate = value Tools._slots[MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT].tool_node.color_rect.color = value var default_width := 64 ## Found in Preferences. The default width of startup project. var default_height := 64 ## Found in Preferences. The default height of startup project. ## Found in Preferences. The fill color of startup project. var default_fill_color := Color(0, 0, 0, 0) ## Found in Preferences. The distance to the guide or grig below which cursor snapping activates. var snapping_distance := 32.0 ## Found in Preferences. The grid type defined by [enum GridTypes] enum. var grid_type := GridTypes.CARTESIAN: set(value): if value == grid_type: return grid_type = value if is_instance_valid(canvas.grid): canvas.grid.queue_redraw() ## Found in Preferences. The size of rectangular grid. var grid_size := Vector2i(2, 2): set(value): if value == grid_size: return grid_size = value if is_instance_valid(canvas.grid): canvas.grid.queue_redraw() ## Found in Preferences. The size of isometric grid. var isometric_grid_size := Vector2i(16, 8): set(value): if value == isometric_grid_size: return isometric_grid_size = value if is_instance_valid(canvas.grid): canvas.grid.queue_redraw() ## Found in Preferences. The grid offset from top-left corner of the canvas. var grid_offset := Vector2i.ZERO: set(value): if value == grid_offset: return grid_offset = value if is_instance_valid(canvas.grid): canvas.grid.queue_redraw() ## Found in Preferences. If [code]true[/code], The grid draws over the area extended by ## tile-mode as well. var grid_draw_over_tile_mode := false: set(value): if value == grid_draw_over_tile_mode: return grid_draw_over_tile_mode = value if is_instance_valid(canvas.grid): canvas.grid.queue_redraw() ## Found in Preferences. The color of grid. var grid_color := Color.BLACK: set(value): if value == grid_color: return grid_color = value if is_instance_valid(canvas.grid): canvas.grid.queue_redraw() ## Found in Preferences. The minimum zoom after which pixel grid gets drawn if enabled. var pixel_grid_show_at_zoom := 1500.0: # percentage set(value): if value == pixel_grid_show_at_zoom: return pixel_grid_show_at_zoom = value if is_instance_valid(canvas.pixel_grid): canvas.pixel_grid.queue_redraw() ## Found in Preferences. The color of pixel grid. var pixel_grid_color := Color("21212191"): set(value): if value == pixel_grid_color: return pixel_grid_color = value if is_instance_valid(canvas.pixel_grid): canvas.pixel_grid.queue_redraw() ## Found in Preferences. The color of guides. var guide_color := Color.PURPLE: set(value): if value == guide_color: return guide_color = value for guide in canvas.get_children(): if guide is Guide: guide.set_color(guide_color) ## Found in Preferences. The size of checkers in the checker background. var checker_size := 10: set(value): if value == checker_size: return checker_size = value transparent_checker.update_rect() ## Found in Preferences. The color of first checker. var checker_color_1 := Color(0.47, 0.47, 0.47, 1): set(value): if value == checker_color_1: return checker_color_1 = value transparent_checker.update_rect() ## Found in Preferences. The color of second checker. var checker_color_2 := Color(0.34, 0.35, 0.34, 1): set(value): if value == checker_color_2: return checker_color_2 = value transparent_checker.update_rect() ## Found in Preferences. The color of second checker. var checker_follow_movement := false: set(value): if value == checker_follow_movement: return checker_follow_movement = value transparent_checker.update_rect() ## Found in Preferences. If [code]true[/code], the checker follows zoom. var checker_follow_scale := false: set(value): if value == checker_follow_scale: return checker_follow_scale = value transparent_checker.update_rect() ## Found in Preferences. Opacity of the sprites rendered on the extended area of tile-mode. var tilemode_opacity := 1.0: set(value): if value == tilemode_opacity: return tilemode_opacity = value if is_instance_valid(canvas.tile_mode): canvas.tile_mode.queue_redraw() ## Found in Preferences. If [code]true[/code], layers get selected when their buttons are pressed. var select_layer_on_button_click := false ## Found in Preferences. The onion color of past frames. var onion_skinning_past_color := Color.RED: set(value): if value == onion_skinning_past_color: return onion_skinning_past_color = value if is_instance_valid(canvas.onion_past): canvas.onion_past.blue_red_color = value canvas.onion_past.queue_redraw() ## Found in Preferences. The onion color of future frames. var onion_skinning_future_color := Color.BLUE: set(value): if value == onion_skinning_future_color: return onion_skinning_future_color = value if is_instance_valid(canvas.onion_future): canvas.onion_future.blue_red_color = value canvas.onion_future.queue_redraw() ## Found in Preferences. If [code]true[/code], the selection rect has animated borders. var selection_animated_borders := true: set(value): if value == selection_animated_borders: return selection_animated_borders = value if is_instance_valid(canvas.selection): var marching_ants: Sprite2D = canvas.selection.marching_ants_outline marching_ants.material.set_shader_parameter("animated", selection_animated_borders) ## Found in Preferences. The first color of border. var selection_border_color_1 := Color.WHITE: set(value): if value == selection_border_color_1: return selection_border_color_1 = value if is_instance_valid(canvas.selection): var marching_ants: Sprite2D = canvas.selection.marching_ants_outline marching_ants.material.set_shader_parameter("first_color", selection_border_color_1) canvas.selection.queue_redraw() ## Found in Preferences. The second color of border. var selection_border_color_2 := Color.BLACK: set(value): if value == selection_border_color_2: return selection_border_color_2 = value if is_instance_valid(canvas.selection): var marching_ants: Sprite2D = canvas.selection.marching_ants_outline marching_ants.material.set_shader_parameter("second_color", selection_border_color_2) canvas.selection.queue_redraw() ## Found in Preferences. If [code]true[/code], Pixelorama pauses when unfocused to save cpu usage. var pause_when_unfocused := true ## Found in Preferences. The max fps, Pixelorama is allowed to use (does not limit fps if it is 0). var fps_limit := 0: set(value): if value == fps_limit: return fps_limit = value Engine.max_fps = fps_limit ## Found in Preferences. Affects the per_pixel_transparency project setting. ## If [code]true[/code], it allows for the window to be transparent. ## This affects performance, so keep it [code]false[/code] if you don't need it. var update_continuously := false: set(value): update_continuously = value OS.low_processor_usage_mode = !value var window_transparency := false: set(value): if value == window_transparency: return window_transparency = value _save_to_override_file() ## Found in Preferences. The time (in minutes) after which backup is created (if enabled). var autosave_interval := 1.0: set(value): if value == autosave_interval: return autosave_interval = value OpenSave.update_autosave() ## Found in Preferences. If [code]true[/code], generation of backups get enabled. var enable_autosave := true: set(value): if value == enable_autosave: return enable_autosave = value OpenSave.update_autosave() ## Found in Preferences. The index of tablet driver used by Pixelorama. var tablet_driver := 0: set(value): if value == tablet_driver: return tablet_driver = value var tablet_driver_name := DisplayServer.tablet_get_driver_name(tablet_driver) DisplayServer.tablet_set_current_driver(tablet_driver_name) # Tools & options ## Found in Preferences. If [code]true[/code], the cursor's left tool icon is visible. var show_left_tool_icon := true ## Found in Preferences. If [code]true[/code], the cursor's right tool icon is visible. var show_right_tool_icon := true ## Found in Preferences. If [code]true[/code], the left tool's brush indicator is visible. var left_square_indicator_visible := true ## Found in Preferences. If [code]true[/code], the right tool's brush indicator is visible. var right_square_indicator_visible := true ## Found in Preferences. If [code]true[/code], native cursors are used instead of default cursors. var native_cursors := false: set(value): if value == native_cursors: return if DisplayServer.get_name() == "headless": return native_cursors = value if native_cursors: Input.set_custom_mouse_cursor(null, Input.CURSOR_CROSS, Vector2(15, 15)) else: control.set_custom_cursor() ## Found in Preferences. If [code]true[/code], cursor becomes cross shaped when hovering the canvas. var cross_cursor := true # View menu options ## If [code]true[/code], the canvas is in greyscale. var greyscale_view := false ## If [code]true[/code], the content of canvas is flipped. var mirror_view := false ## If [code]true[/code], the grid is visible. var draw_grid := false ## If [code]true[/code], the pixel grid is visible. var draw_pixel_grid := false ## If [code]true[/code], the rulers are visible. var show_rulers := true ## If [code]true[/code], the guides are visible. var show_guides := true ## If [code]true[/code], the mouse guides are visible. var show_mouse_guides := false var display_layer_effects := true: set(value): if value == display_layer_effects: return display_layer_effects = value if is_instance_valid(top_menu_container): top_menu_container.view_menu.set_item_checked(ViewMenu.DISPLAY_LAYER_EFFECTS, value) canvas.queue_redraw() ## If [code]true[/code], cursor snaps to the boundary of rectangular grid boxes. var snap_to_rectangular_grid_boundary := false ## If [code]true[/code], cursor snaps to the center of rectangular grid boxes. var snap_to_rectangular_grid_center := false ## If [code]true[/code], cursor snaps to regular guides. var snap_to_guides := false ## If [code]true[/code], cursor snaps to perspective guides. var snap_to_perspective_guides := false # Onion skinning options var onion_skinning := false ## If [code]true[/code], onion skinning is enabled. var onion_skinning_past_rate := 1 ## Number of past frames shown when onion skinning is enabled. ## Number of future frames shown when onion skinning is enabled. var onion_skinning_future_rate := 1 var onion_skinning_blue_red := false ## If [code]true[/code], then blue-red mode is enabled. ## The current version of pixelorama var current_version: String = ProjectSettings.get_setting("application/config/version") # Nodes ## The [PackedScene] of the button used by layers in the timeline. var layer_button_node := preload("res://src/UI/Timeline/LayerButton.tscn") ## The [PackedScene] of the button used by cels in the timeline. var cel_button_scene: PackedScene = load("res://src/UI/Timeline/CelButton.tscn") ## The control node (aka Main node). It has the [param Main.gd] script attached. @onready var control := get_tree().current_scene as Control ## The project tabs bar. It has the [param Tabs.gd] script attached. @onready var tabs: TabBar = control.find_child("TabBar") ## Contains viewport of the main canvas. It has the [param ViewportContainer.gd] script attached. @onready var main_viewport: SubViewportContainer = control.find_child("SubViewportContainer") ## The main canvas node. It has the [param Canvas.gd] script attached. @onready var canvas: Canvas = main_viewport.find_child("Canvas") ## Contains viewport of the second canvas preview. ## It has the [param ViewportContainer.gd] script attached. @onready var second_viewport: SubViewportContainer = control.find_child("Second Canvas") ## The panel container of the canvas preview. ## It has the [param CanvasPreviewContainer.gd] script attached. @onready var canvas_preview_container: Container = control.find_child("Canvas Preview") ## The global tool options. It has the [param GlobalToolOptions.gd] script attached. @onready var global_tool_options: PanelContainer = control.find_child("Global Tool Options") ## Contains viewport of the canvas preview. @onready var small_preview_viewport: SubViewportContainer = canvas_preview_container.find_child( "PreviewViewportContainer" ) ## Camera of the main canvas. @onready var camera: CanvasCamera = main_viewport.find_child("Camera2D") ## Camera of the second canvas preview. @onready var camera2: CanvasCamera = second_viewport.find_child("Camera2D2") ## Camera of the canvas preview. @onready var camera_preview: CanvasCamera = control.find_child("CameraPreview") ## Array of cameras used in Pixelorama. @onready var cameras := [camera, camera2, camera_preview] ## Horizontal ruler of the main canvas. It has the [param HorizontalRuler.gd] script attached. @onready var horizontal_ruler: BaseButton = control.find_child("HorizontalRuler") ## Vertical ruler of the main canvas. It has the [param VerticalRuler.gd] script attached. @onready var vertical_ruler: BaseButton = control.find_child("VerticalRuler") ## Transparent checker of the main canvas. It has the [param TransparentChecker.gd] script attached. @onready var transparent_checker: ColorRect = control.find_child("TransparentChecker") ## The perspective editor. It has the [param PerspectiveEditor.gd] script attached. @onready var perspective_editor := control.find_child("Perspective Editor") ## The top menu container. It has the [param TopMenuContainer.gd] script attached. @onready var top_menu_container: Panel = control.find_child("TopMenuContainer") ## The label indicating cursor position. @onready var cursor_position_label: Label = top_menu_container.find_child("CursorPosition") ## The animation timeline. It has the [param AnimationTimeline.gd] script attached. @onready var animation_timeline: Panel = control.find_child("Animation Timeline") ## The timer used by the animation timeline. @onready var animation_timer: Timer = animation_timeline.find_child("AnimationTimer") ## The container of frame buttons @onready var frame_hbox: HBoxContainer = animation_timeline.find_child("FrameHBox") ## The container of layer buttons @onready var layer_vbox: VBoxContainer = animation_timeline.find_child("LayerVBox") ## At runtime HBoxContainers containing cel buttons get added to it. @onready var cel_vbox: VBoxContainer = animation_timeline.find_child("CelVBox") ## The container of animation tags. @onready var tag_container: Control = animation_timeline.find_child("TagContainer") ## The brushes popup dialog used to display brushes. ## It has the [param BrushesPopup.gd] script attached. @onready var brushes_popup: Popup = control.find_child("BrushesPopup") ## The patterns popup dialog used to display patterns ## It has the [param PatternsPopup.gd] script attached. @onready var patterns_popup: Popup = control.find_child("PatternsPopup") ## Dialog used to navigate and open images and projects. @onready var open_sprites_dialog: FileDialog = control.find_child("OpenSprite") ## Dialog used to save (.pxo) projects. @onready var save_sprites_dialog: FileDialog = control.find_child("SaveSprite") ## Dialog used to export images. It has the [param ExportDialog.gd] script attached. @onready var export_dialog: AcceptDialog = control.find_child("ExportDialog") ## An error dialog to show errors. @onready var error_dialog: AcceptDialog = control.find_child("ErrorDialog") func _init() -> void: # Load settings from the config file config_cache.load(CONFIG_PATH) loaded_locales.sort() # Make sure locales are always sorted var saved_locale := OS.get_locale() # Load language if config_cache.has_section_key("preferences", "locale"): saved_locale = config_cache.get_value("preferences", "locale") set_locale(saved_locale, false) # If no language is saved, OS' locale is used if OS.has_feature("template"): root_directory = OS.get_executable_path().get_base_dir() if OS.get_name() == "macOS": data_directories.append( root_directory.path_join("../Resources").path_join(CONFIG_SUBDIR_NAME) ) data_directories.append(root_directory.path_join(CONFIG_SUBDIR_NAME)) if OS.get_name() in ["Linux", "FreeBSD", "NetBSD", "OpenBSD", "BSD"]: # Checks the list of files var, and processes them. if OS.has_environment("XDG_DATA_DIRS"): var raw_env_var := OS.get_environment("XDG_DATA_DIRS") # includes empties. var unappended_subdirs := raw_env_var.split(":", true) for unapp_subdir in unappended_subdirs: data_directories.append(unapp_subdir.path_join(HOME_SUBDIR_NAME)) else: # Create defaults for default_loc in ["/usr/local/share", "/usr/share"]: data_directories.append(default_loc.path_join(HOME_SUBDIR_NAME)) if ProjectSettings.get_setting("display/window/tablet_driver") == "winink": tablet_driver = 1 single_window_mode = ProjectSettings.get_setting("display/window/subwindows/embed_subwindows") window_transparency = ProjectSettings.get_setting( "display/window/per_pixel_transparency/allowed" ) func _ready() -> void: _initialize_keychain() default_width = config_cache.get_value("preferences", "default_width", default_width) default_height = config_cache.get_value("preferences", "default_height", default_height) default_fill_color = config_cache.get_value( "preferences", "default_fill_color", default_fill_color ) var proj_size := Vector2i(default_width, default_height) projects.append(Project.new([], tr("untitled"), proj_size)) current_project = projects[0] current_project.fill_color = default_fill_color # Load preferences from the config file for pref in config_cache.get_section_keys("preferences"): if get(pref) == null: continue var value = config_cache.get_value("preferences", pref) set(pref, value) if OS.is_sandboxed(): Global.use_native_file_dialogs = true await get_tree().process_frame project_switched.emit() func _initialize_keychain() -> void: Keychain.config_file = config_cache Keychain.actions = { &"new_file": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "File menu", true), &"open_file": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "File menu", true), &"open_last_project": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "File menu", true), &"save_file": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "File menu", true), &"save_file_as": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "File menu", true), &"export_file": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "File menu", true), &"export_file_as": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "File menu", true), &"quit": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "File menu", true), &"redo": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Edit menu", true), &"undo": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Edit menu", true), &"cut": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Edit menu", true), &"copy": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Edit menu", true), &"paste": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Edit menu", true), &"paste_in_place": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Edit menu", true), &"delete": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Edit menu", true), &"new_brush": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Edit menu", true), &"preferences": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Edit menu", true), &"project_properties": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Image menu", true), &"scale_image": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Image menu", true), &"crop_to_selection": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Image menu", true), &"crop_to_content": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Image menu", true), &"resize_canvas": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Image menu", true), &"offset_image": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Effects menu", true), &"mirror_image": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Effects menu", true), &"rotate_image": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Effects menu", true), &"invert_colors": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Effects menu", true), &"desaturation": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Effects menu", true), &"outline": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Effects menu", true), &"drop_shadow": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Effects menu", true), &"adjust_hsv": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Effects menu", true), &"adjust_brightness_contrast": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Effects menu", true), &"gradient": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Effects menu", true), &"gradient_map": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Effects menu", true), &"palettize": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Effects menu", true), &"pixelize": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Effects menu", true), &"posterize": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Effects menu", true), &"mirror_view": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "View menu", true), &"show_grid": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "View menu", true), &"show_pixel_grid": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "View menu", true), &"show_guides": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "View menu", true), &"show_rulers": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "View menu", true), &"display_layer_effects": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "View menu", true), &"moveable_panels": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Window menu", true), &"zen_mode": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Window menu", true), &"toggle_fullscreen": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Window menu", true), &"clear_selection": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Select menu", true), &"select_all": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Select menu", true), &"invert_selection": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Select menu", true), &"view_splash_screen": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Help menu", true), &"open_docs": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Help menu", true), &"issue_tracker": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Help menu", true), &"open_editor_data_folder": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Help menu", true), &"changelog": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Help menu", true), &"about_pixelorama": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Help menu", true), &"zoom_in": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Canvas"), &"zoom_out": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Canvas"), &"camera_left": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Canvas"), &"camera_right": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Canvas"), &"camera_up": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Canvas"), &"camera_down": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Canvas"), &"pan": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Canvas"), &"activate_left_tool": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Canvas"), &"activate_right_tool": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Canvas"), &"move_mouse_left": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Cursor movement"), &"move_mouse_right": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Cursor movement"), &"move_mouse_up": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Cursor movement"), &"move_mouse_down": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Cursor movement"), &"reset_colors_default": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"switch_colors": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"horizontal_mirror": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"vertical_mirror": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"pixel_perfect": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"alpha_lock": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"new_layer": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"remove_layer": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"move_layer_up": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"move_layer_down": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"clone_layer": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"merge_down_layer": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"add_frame": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"remove_frame": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"clone_frame": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"move_frame_left": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"move_frame_right": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"go_to_first_frame": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"go_to_last_frame": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"go_to_previous_frame": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"go_to_next_frame": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"go_to_previous_layer": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"go_to_next_layer": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"play_backwards": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"play_forward": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"onion_skinning_toggle": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"loop_toggle": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"onion_skinning_settings": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"new_palette": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"edit_palette": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"brush_size_increment": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"brush_size_decrement": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Buttons"), &"change_tool_mode": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Tool modifiers", false), &"draw_create_line": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Draw tools", false), &"draw_snap_angle": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Draw tools", false), &"draw_color_picker": Keychain.InputAction.new("Quick color picker", "Draw tools", false), &"change_layer_automatically": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Tools", false), &"shape_perfect": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Shape tools", false), &"shape_center": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Shape tools", false), &"shape_displace": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Shape tools", false), &"selection_add": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Selection tools", false), &"selection_subtract": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Selection tools", false), &"selection_intersect": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Selection tools", false), &"transformation_confirm": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Transformation tools", false), &"transformation_cancel": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Transformation tools", false), &"transform_snap_axis": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Transformation tools", false), &"transform_snap_grid": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Transformation tools", false), &"transform_move_selection_only": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Transformation tools", false), &"transform_copy_selection_content": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Transformation tools", false), &"reference_rotate": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Reference images", false), &"reference_scale": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Reference images", false), &"reference_quick_menu": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Reference images", false), &"cancel_reference_transform": Keychain.InputAction.new("", "Reference images", false) } Keychain.groups = { "Canvas": Keychain.InputGroup.new("", false), "Cursor movement": Keychain.InputGroup.new("Canvas"), "Buttons": Keychain.InputGroup.new(), "Tools": Keychain.InputGroup.new(), "Left": Keychain.InputGroup.new("Tools"), "Right": Keychain.InputGroup.new("Tools"), "Menu": Keychain.InputGroup.new(), "File menu": Keychain.InputGroup.new("Menu"), "Edit menu": Keychain.InputGroup.new("Menu"), "View menu": Keychain.InputGroup.new("Menu"), "Select menu": Keychain.InputGroup.new("Menu"), "Image menu": Keychain.InputGroup.new("Menu"), "Effects menu": Keychain.InputGroup.new("Menu"), "Window menu": Keychain.InputGroup.new("Menu"), "Help menu": Keychain.InputGroup.new("Menu"), "Tool modifiers": Keychain.InputGroup.new(), "Draw tools": Keychain.InputGroup.new("Tool modifiers"), "Shape tools": Keychain.InputGroup.new("Tool modifiers"), "Selection tools": Keychain.InputGroup.new("Tool modifiers"), "Transformation tools": Keychain.InputGroup.new("Tool modifiers"), "Reference images": Keychain.InputGroup.new("Canvas") } Keychain.ignore_actions = ["left_mouse", "right_mouse", "middle_mouse", "shift", "ctrl"] ## Generates an animated notification label showing [param text]. func notification_label(text: String) -> void: var notif := NotificationLabel.new() notif.text = tr(text) notif.position = main_viewport.global_position notif.position.y += main_viewport.size.y control.add_child(notif) ## Performs the general, bare minimum stuff needed after an undo is done. func general_undo(project := current_project) -> void: project.undos -= 1 var action_name := project.undo_redo.get_current_action_name() notification_label("Undo: %s" % action_name) ## Performs the general, bare minimum stuff needed after a redo is done. func general_redo(project := current_project) -> void: if project.undos < project.undo_redo.get_version(): # If we did undo and then redo project.undos = project.undo_redo.get_version() if control.redone: var action_name := project.undo_redo.get_current_action_name() notification_label("Redo: %s" % action_name) ## Performs actions done after an undo or redo is done. this takes [member general_undo] and ## [member general_redo] a step further. Does further work if the current action requires it ## like refreshing textures, redraw UI elements etc...[br] ## [param frame_index] and [param layer_index] are there for optimizzation. if the undo or redo ## happens only in one cel then the cel's frame and layer should be passed to [param frame_index] ## and [param layer_index] respectively, otherwise the entire timeline will be refreshed. func undo_or_redo( undo: bool, frame_index := -1, layer_index := -1, project := current_project ) -> void: if undo: general_undo(project) else: general_redo(project) var action_name := project.undo_redo.get_current_action_name() if ( action_name in [ "Draw", "Draw Shape", "Select", "Move Selection", "Scale", "Center Frames", "Merge Layer", "Link Cel", "Unlink Cel" ] ): if layer_index > -1 and frame_index > -1: canvas.update_texture(layer_index, frame_index, project) else: for i in project.frames.size(): for j in project.layers.size(): canvas.update_texture(j, i, project) canvas.selection.queue_redraw() if action_name == "Scale": for i in project.frames.size(): for j in project.layers.size(): var current_cel := project.frames[i].cels[j] if current_cel is Cel3D: current_cel.size_changed(project.size) else: current_cel.image_texture.set_image(current_cel.get_image()) canvas.camera_zoom() canvas.grid.queue_redraw() canvas.pixel_grid.queue_redraw() project.selection_map_changed() cursor_position_label.text = "[%s×%s]" % [project.size.x, project.size.y] await RenderingServer.frame_post_draw canvas.queue_redraw() second_viewport.get_child(0).get_node("CanvasPreview").queue_redraw() canvas_preview_container.canvas_preview.queue_redraw() if !project.has_changed: if project == current_project: get_window().title = get_window().title + "(*)" project.has_changed = true ## Use this to prepare Pixelorama before opening a dialog. func dialog_open(open: bool, is_file_dialog := false) -> void: if is_file_dialog and use_native_file_dialogs: return var dim_color := Color.WHITE if open: if dim_on_popup: dim_color = Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) var tween := create_tween().set_trans(Tween.TRANS_LINEAR).set_ease(Tween.EASE_OUT) tween.tween_property(control, "modulate", dim_color, 0.1) func popup_error(text: String) -> void: error_dialog.set_text(text) error_dialog.popup_centered() dialog_open(true) ## sets the [member BaseButton.disabled] property of the [param button] to [param disable], ## changes the cursor shape for it accordingly, and dims/brightens any textures it may have. func disable_button(button: BaseButton, disable: bool) -> void: button.disabled = disable if disable: button.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_FORBIDDEN else: button.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_POINTING_HAND if button is Button: for c in button.get_children(): if c is TextureRect: c.modulate.a = 0.5 if disable else 1.0 break ## Changes the texture of the [param texture_rect] to another texture of name [param new_file_name] ## present in the same directory as the old one. func change_button_texturerect(texture_rect: TextureRect, new_file_name: String) -> void: if !texture_rect.texture: return var file_name := texture_rect.texture.resource_path.get_basename().get_file() var directory_path := texture_rect.texture.resource_path.get_basename().replace(file_name, "") texture_rect.texture = load(directory_path.path_join(new_file_name)) ## Joins each [String] path in [param basepaths] with [param subpath] using ## [method String.path_join] func path_join_array(basepaths: PackedStringArray, subpath: String) -> PackedStringArray: var res := PackedStringArray() for _path in basepaths: res.append(_path.path_join(subpath)) return res func set_locale(locale: String, load_keychain := true) -> void: locale = find_nearest_locale(locale) if not locale in TranslationServer.get_loaded_locales(): var translation := load("res://Translations/%s.po" % locale) if is_instance_valid(translation) and translation is Translation: TranslationServer.add_translation(translation) else: printerr("Translation %s for locale %s failed to load." % [translation, locale]) return if load_keychain: Keychain.load_translation(locale) TranslationServer.set_locale(locale) func find_nearest_locale(locale: String) -> String: if locale in loaded_locales: return locale var max_similarity_score := 0 var closest_locale := "en_US" for loaded_locale in loaded_locales: var compared := TranslationServer.compare_locales(locale, loaded_locale) if compared > max_similarity_score: max_similarity_score = compared closest_locale = loaded_locale return closest_locale ## Used by undo/redo operations to store compressed images in memory. ## [param redo_data] and [param undo_data] are Dictionaries, ## with keys of type [Image] and [Dictionary] values, coming from [member Image.data]. func undo_redo_compress_images( redo_data: Dictionary, undo_data: Dictionary, project := current_project ) -> void: for image in redo_data: if not image is Image: continue var new_image: Dictionary = redo_data[image] var new_size := Vector2i(new_image["width"], new_image["height"]) var buffer_size: int = new_image["data"].size() var compressed_data: PackedByteArray = new_image["data"].compress() project.undo_redo.add_do_method( undo_redo_draw_op.bind(image, new_size, compressed_data, buffer_size) ) for image in undo_data: if not image is Image: continue var new_image: Dictionary = undo_data[image] var new_size := Vector2i(new_image["width"], new_image["height"]) var buffer_size: int = new_image["data"].size() var compressed_data: PackedByteArray = new_image["data"].compress() project.undo_redo.add_undo_method( undo_redo_draw_op.bind(image, new_size, compressed_data, buffer_size) ) ## Decompresses the [param compressed_image_data] with [param buffer_size] to the [param image] ## This is a memory optimization method used while performing undo/redo drawing operations. func undo_redo_draw_op( image: Image, new_size: Vector2i, compressed_image_data: PackedByteArray, buffer_size: int ) -> void: var decompressed := compressed_image_data.decompress(buffer_size) image.set_data(new_size.x, new_size.y, image.has_mipmaps(), image.get_format(), decompressed) ## This method is used to write project setting overrides to the override.cfg file, located ## in the same directory as the executable. ## We use this method instead of [method ProjectSettings.save_custom] because that copies ## the entire project.godot file into override.cfg, which causes issues ## because software updates will not be able to make changes to the project settings for ## users who have already saved an override.cfg file, leading into confusion. ## To avoid this issue, we just write the lines we want to the override.cfg file. func _save_to_override_file() -> void: var file := FileAccess.open(OVERRIDE_FILE, FileAccess.WRITE) file.store_line("[display]\n") file.store_line("window/subwindows/embed_subwindows=%s" % single_window_mode) file.store_line("window/per_pixel_transparency/allowed=%s" % window_transparency) func create_ui_for_shader_uniforms( shader: Shader, params: Dictionary, parent_node: Control, value_changed: Callable, file_selected: Callable ) -> void: var code := shader.code.split("\n") var uniforms: PackedStringArray = [] for line in code: if line.begins_with("uniform"): uniforms.append(line) for uniform in uniforms: # Example uniform: # uniform float parameter_name : hint_range(0, 255) = 100.0; var uniform_split := uniform.split("=") var u_value := "" if uniform_split.size() > 1: u_value = uniform_split[1].replace(";", "").strip_edges() else: uniform_split[0] = uniform_split[0].replace(";", "").strip_edges() var u_left_side := uniform_split[0].split(":") var u_hint := "" if u_left_side.size() > 1: u_hint = u_left_side[1].strip_edges() u_hint = u_hint.replace(";", "") var u_init := u_left_side[0].split(" ") var u_type := u_init[1] var u_name := u_init[2] var humanized_u_name := Keychain.humanize_snake_case(u_name) + ":" if u_type == "float" or u_type == "int": var label := Label.new() label.text = humanized_u_name label.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL var slider := ValueSlider.new() slider.allow_greater = true slider.allow_lesser = true slider.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL var min_value := 0.0 var max_value := 255.0 var step := 1.0 var range_values_array: PackedStringArray if "hint_range" in u_hint: var range_values: String = u_hint.replace("hint_range(", "") range_values = range_values.replace(")", "").strip_edges() range_values_array = range_values.split(",") if u_type == "float": if range_values_array.size() >= 1: min_value = float(range_values_array[0]) else: min_value = 0.01 if range_values_array.size() >= 2: max_value = float(range_values_array[1]) if range_values_array.size() >= 3: step = float(range_values_array[2]) else: step = 0.01 if u_value != "": slider.value = float(u_value) else: if range_values_array.size() >= 1: min_value = int(range_values_array[0]) if range_values_array.size() >= 2: max_value = int(range_values_array[1]) if range_values_array.size() >= 3: step = int(range_values_array[2]) if u_value != "": slider.value = int(u_value) if params.has(u_name): slider.value = params[u_name] else: params[u_name] = slider.value slider.min_value = min_value slider.max_value = max_value slider.step = step slider.value_changed.connect(value_changed.bind(u_name)) slider.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_POINTING_HAND var hbox := HBoxContainer.new() hbox.add_child(label) hbox.add_child(slider) parent_node.add_child(hbox) elif u_type == "vec2" or u_type == "ivec2" or u_type == "uvec2": var label := Label.new() label.text = humanized_u_name label.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL var vector2 := _vec2str_to_vector2(u_value) var slider := VALUE_SLIDER_V2_TSCN.instantiate() as ValueSliderV2 slider.show_ratio = true slider.allow_greater = true if u_type != "uvec2": slider.allow_lesser = true slider.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL slider.value = vector2 if params.has(u_name): slider.value = params[u_name] else: params[u_name] = slider.value slider.value_changed.connect(value_changed.bind(u_name)) var hbox := HBoxContainer.new() hbox.add_child(label) hbox.add_child(slider) parent_node.add_child(hbox) elif u_type == "vec4": if "source_color" in u_hint: var label := Label.new() label.text = humanized_u_name label.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL var color := _vec4str_to_color(u_value) var color_button := ColorPickerButton.new() color_button.custom_minimum_size = Vector2(20, 20) color_button.color = color if params.has(u_name): color_button.color = params[u_name] else: params[u_name] = color_button.color color_button.color_changed.connect(value_changed.bind(u_name)) color_button.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL color_button.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_POINTING_HAND var hbox := HBoxContainer.new() hbox.add_child(label) hbox.add_child(color_button) parent_node.add_child(hbox) elif u_type == "sampler2D": if u_name == "selection": continue if u_name == "palette_texture": var palette := Palettes.current_palette var palette_texture := ImageTexture.create_from_image(palette.convert_to_image()) value_changed.call(palette_texture, u_name) Palettes.palette_selected.connect( func(_name): _shader_change_palette(value_changed, u_name) ) palette.data_changed.connect( func(): _shader_update_palette_texture(palette, value_changed, u_name) ) continue var label := Label.new() label.text = humanized_u_name label.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL var hbox := HBoxContainer.new() hbox.add_child(label) if u_name.begins_with("gradient_"): var gradient_edit := GRADIENT_EDIT_TSCN.instantiate() as GradientEditNode gradient_edit.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL if params.has(u_name) and params[u_name] is GradientTexture2D: gradient_edit.set_gradient_texture(params[u_name]) else: params[u_name] = gradient_edit.texture # This needs to be call_deferred because GradientTexture2D gets updated next frame. # Without this, the texture is purple. value_changed.call_deferred(gradient_edit.texture, u_name) gradient_edit.updated.connect( func(_gradient, _cc): value_changed.call(gradient_edit.texture, u_name) ) hbox.add_child(gradient_edit) else: var file_dialog := FileDialog.new() file_dialog.file_mode = FileDialog.FILE_MODE_OPEN_FILE file_dialog.access = FileDialog.ACCESS_FILESYSTEM file_dialog.size = Vector2(384, 281) file_dialog.file_selected.connect(file_selected.bind(u_name)) file_dialog.use_native_dialog = use_native_file_dialogs var button := Button.new() button.text = "Load texture" button.pressed.connect(file_dialog.popup_centered) button.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL button.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_POINTING_HAND hbox.add_child(button) parent_node.add_child(file_dialog) parent_node.add_child(hbox) elif u_type == "bool": var label := Label.new() label.text = humanized_u_name label.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL var checkbox := CheckBox.new() checkbox.text = "On" if u_value == "true": checkbox.button_pressed = true if params.has(u_name): checkbox.button_pressed = params[u_name] else: params[u_name] = checkbox.button_pressed checkbox.toggled.connect(value_changed.bind(u_name)) checkbox.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL checkbox.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_POINTING_HAND var hbox := HBoxContainer.new() hbox.add_child(label) hbox.add_child(checkbox) parent_node.add_child(hbox) func _vec2str_to_vector2(vec2: String) -> Vector2: vec2 = vec2.replace("uvec2", "vec2") vec2 = vec2.replace("ivec2", "vec2") vec2 = vec2.replace("vec2(", "") vec2 = vec2.replace(")", "") var vec_values := vec2.split(",") if vec_values.size() == 0: return Vector2.ZERO var y := float(vec_values[0]) if vec_values.size() == 2: y = float(vec_values[1]) var vector2 := Vector2(float(vec_values[0]), y) return vector2 func _vec4str_to_color(vec4: String) -> Color: vec4 = vec4.replace("vec4(", "") vec4 = vec4.replace(")", "") var rgba_values := vec4.split(",") var red := float(rgba_values[0]) var green := float(rgba_values[0]) if rgba_values.size() >= 2: green = float(rgba_values[1]) var blue := float(rgba_values[0]) if rgba_values.size() >= 3: blue = float(rgba_values[2]) var alpha := float(rgba_values[0]) if rgba_values.size() == 4: alpha = float(rgba_values[3]) var color := Color(red, green, blue, alpha) return color func _shader_change_palette(value_changed: Callable, parameter_name: String) -> void: var palette := Palettes.current_palette _shader_update_palette_texture(palette, value_changed, parameter_name) #if not palette.data_changed.is_connected(_shader_update_palette_texture): palette.data_changed.connect( func(): _shader_update_palette_texture(palette, value_changed, parameter_name) ) func _shader_update_palette_texture( palette: Palette, value_changed: Callable, parameter_name: String ) -> void: value_changed.call(ImageTexture.create_from_image(palette.convert_to_image()), parameter_name)