extends Node signal palette_selected(palette_name: String) signal new_palette_imported enum SortOptions { NEW_PALETTE, REVERSE, HUE, SATURATION, VALUE, RED, GREEN, BLUE, ALPHA } ## Presets for creating a new palette enum NewPalettePresetType { EMPTY = 0, FROM_CURRENT_PALETTE = 1, FROM_CURRENT_SPRITE = 2, FROM_CURRENT_SELECTION = 3 } ## Color options when user creates a new palette from current sprite or selection enum GetColorsFrom { CURRENT_FRAME = 0, CURRENT_CEL = 1, ALL_FRAMES = 2 } const DEFAULT_PALETTE_NAME := "Default" var palettes_write_path := Global.home_data_directory.path_join("Palettes") ## All available palettes var palettes := {} ## Currently displayed palette var current_palette: Palette = null # Indexes of colors that are selected in palette # by left and right mouse button var left_selected_color := -1 var right_selected_color := -1 func _ready() -> void: _load_palettes() func does_palette_exist(palette_name: String) -> bool: for name_to_test: String in palettes.keys(): if name_to_test == palette_name: return true return false func select_palette(palette_name: String) -> void: current_palette = palettes.get(palette_name) _clear_selected_colors() Global.config_cache.set_value("data", "last_palette", current_palette.name) palette_selected.emit(palette_name) func is_any_palette_selected() -> bool: if is_instance_valid(current_palette): return true return false func _ensure_palette_directory_exists() -> void: var dir := DirAccess.open(Global.home_data_directory) if is_instance_valid(dir) and not dir.dir_exists(palettes_write_path): dir.make_dir(palettes_write_path) func _save_palette(palette: Palette = current_palette) -> void: _ensure_palette_directory_exists() if not is_instance_valid(palette): return var old_name := palette.path.get_basename().get_file() # If the palette's name has changed, remove the old palette file if old_name != palette.name: DirAccess.remove_absolute(palette.path) palettes.erase(old_name) # Save palette var save_path := palettes_write_path.path_join(palette.name) + ".json" palette.path = save_path var err := palette.save_to_file() if err != OK: Global.notification_label("Failed to save palette") func copy_palette() -> void: var new_palette_name := current_palette.name while does_palette_exist(new_palette_name): new_palette_name += " copy" var comment := current_palette.comment _create_new_palette_from_current_palette(new_palette_name, comment) func create_new_palette( preset: int, palette_name: String, comment: String, width: int, height: int, add_alpha_colors: bool, get_colors_from: int ) -> void: _check_palette_settings_values(palette_name, width, height) match preset: NewPalettePresetType.EMPTY: _create_new_empty_palette(palette_name, comment, width, height) NewPalettePresetType.FROM_CURRENT_PALETTE: _create_new_palette_from_current_palette(palette_name, comment) NewPalettePresetType.FROM_CURRENT_SPRITE: _create_new_palette_from_current_sprite( palette_name, comment, width, height, add_alpha_colors, get_colors_from ) NewPalettePresetType.FROM_CURRENT_SELECTION: _create_new_palette_from_current_selection( palette_name, comment, width, height, add_alpha_colors, get_colors_from ) func _create_new_empty_palette( palette_name: String, comment: String, width: int, height: int ) -> void: var new_palette := Palette.new(palette_name, width, height, comment) _save_palette(new_palette) palettes[palette_name] = new_palette select_palette(palette_name) func _create_new_palette_from_current_palette(palette_name: String, comment: String) -> void: if !current_palette: return var new_palette := current_palette.duplicate() new_palette.name = palette_name new_palette.comment = comment new_palette.path = palettes_write_path.path_join(new_palette.name) + ".json" _save_palette(new_palette) palettes[palette_name] = new_palette select_palette(palette_name) func _create_new_palette_from_current_selection( palette_name: String, comment: String, width: int, height: int, add_alpha_colors: bool, get_colors_from: int ) -> void: var new_palette := Palette.new(palette_name, width, height, comment) var current_project := Global.current_project var pixels: Array[Vector2i] = [] for x in current_project.size.x: for y in current_project.size.y: var pos := Vector2i(x, y) if current_project.selection_map.is_pixel_selected(pos): pixels.append(pos) _fill_new_palette_with_colors(pixels, new_palette, add_alpha_colors, get_colors_from) func _create_new_palette_from_current_sprite( palette_name: String, comment: String, width: int, height: int, add_alpha_colors: bool, get_colors_from: int ) -> void: var new_palette := Palette.new(palette_name, width, height, comment) var current_project := Global.current_project var pixels: Array[Vector2i] = [] for x in current_project.size.x: for y in current_project.size.y: pixels.append(Vector2i(x, y)) _fill_new_palette_with_colors(pixels, new_palette, add_alpha_colors, get_colors_from) ## Fills [param new_palette] with the colors of the [param pixels] of the current sprite. ## Used when creating a new palette from the UI. func _fill_new_palette_with_colors( pixels: Array[Vector2i], new_palette: Palette, add_alpha_colors: bool, get_colors_from: int ) -> void: var current_project := Global.current_project var cels: Array[BaseCel] = [] match get_colors_from: GetColorsFrom.CURRENT_CEL: for cel_index in current_project.selected_cels: var cel := current_project.frames[cel_index[0]].cels[cel_index[1]] cels.append(cel) GetColorsFrom.CURRENT_FRAME: for cel in current_project.frames[current_project.current_frame].cels: cels.append(cel) GetColorsFrom.ALL_FRAMES: for frame in current_project.frames: for cel in frame.cels: cels.append(cel) for cel in cels: var cel_image := Image.new() cel_image.copy_from(cel.get_image()) if cel_image.is_invisible(): continue for i in pixels: var color := cel_image.get_pixelv(i) if color.a > 0: if not add_alpha_colors: color.a = 1 if not new_palette.has_theme_color(color): new_palette.add_color(color) _save_palette(new_palette) palettes[new_palette.name] = new_palette select_palette(new_palette.name) func current_palette_edit(palette_name: String, comment: String, width: int, height: int) -> void: _check_palette_settings_values(palette_name, width, height) current_palette.edit(palette_name, width, height, comment) _save_palette() palettes[palette_name] = current_palette func _delete_palette(palette: Palette, permanent := true) -> void: if not palette.path.is_empty(): if permanent: DirAccess.remove_absolute(palette.path) else: OS.move_to_trash(palette.path) palettes.erase(palette.name) func current_palete_delete(permanent := true) -> void: _delete_palette(current_palette, permanent) if palettes.size() > 0: select_palette(palettes.keys()[0]) else: current_palette = null func current_palette_add_color(mouse_button: int, start_index := 0) -> void: if ( not current_palette.is_full() and (mouse_button == MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT or mouse_button == MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT) ): # Get color on left or right tool var color := Tools.get_assigned_color(mouse_button) current_palette.add_color(color, start_index) _save_palette() func current_palette_get_color(index: int) -> Color: return current_palette.get_color(index) func current_palette_set_color(index: int, color: Color) -> void: current_palette.set_color(index, color) _save_palette() func current_palette_delete_color(index: int) -> void: current_palette.remove_color(index) _save_palette() func current_palette_sort_colors(id: SortOptions) -> void: if id == SortOptions.NEW_PALETTE: return if id == SortOptions.REVERSE: current_palette.reverse_colors() else: current_palette.sort(id) _save_palette() func current_palette_swap_colors(source_index: int, target_index: int) -> void: current_palette.swap_colors(source_index, target_index) _select_color(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT, target_index) _save_palette() func current_palette_copy_colors(from: int, to: int) -> void: current_palette.copy_colors(from, to) _save_palette() func current_palette_insert_color(from: int, to: int) -> void: var from_color: Palette.PaletteColor = current_palette.colors[from] current_palette.remove_color(from) current_palette.insert_color(to, from_color.color) _save_palette() func current_palette_get_selected_color_index(mouse_button: int) -> int: match mouse_button: MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT: return left_selected_color MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT: return right_selected_color _: return -1 func current_palette_select_color(mouse_button: int, index: int) -> void: var color := current_palette_get_color(index) if color == null: return match mouse_button: MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT: Tools.assign_color(color, mouse_button) MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT: Tools.assign_color(color, mouse_button) _select_color(mouse_button, index) func _select_color(mouse_button: int, index: int) -> void: match mouse_button: MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT: left_selected_color = index MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT: right_selected_color = index func _clear_selected_colors() -> void: left_selected_color = -1 right_selected_color = -1 func current_palette_is_empty() -> bool: return current_palette.is_empty() func current_palette_is_full() -> bool: return current_palette.is_full() func _check_palette_settings_values(palette_name: String, width: int, height: int) -> bool: # Just in case. These values should be not allowed in gui. if palette_name.length() <= 0 or width <= 0 or height <= 0: printerr("Palette width, height and name length must be greater than 0!") return false return true func _load_palettes() -> void: _ensure_palette_directory_exists() var search_locations := Global.path_join_array(Global.data_directories, "Palettes") var priority_ordered_files := _get_palette_priority_file_map(search_locations) # Iterate backwards, so any palettes defined in default files # get overwritten by those of the same name in user files search_locations.reverse() priority_ordered_files.reverse() for i in range(search_locations.size()): # If palette is not in palettes write path - make its copy in the write path var make_copy := false if search_locations[i] != palettes_write_path: make_copy = true var base_directory := search_locations[i] var palette_files := priority_ordered_files[i] for file_name in palette_files: var path := base_directory.path_join(file_name) import_palette_from_path(path, make_copy, true) if not current_palette && palettes.size() > 0: select_palette(palettes.keys()[0]) ## This returns an array of arrays, with priorities. ## In particular, it takes an array of paths to look for ## arrays in, in order of file and palette override priority ## such that the files in the first directory override the second, third, etc. ## It returns an array of arrays, where each output array ## corresponds to the given input array at the same index, and ## contains the (relative to the given directory) palette files ## to load, excluding all ones already existing in higher-priority directories. ## This also means you can run backwards on the result ## so that palettes with the given palette name in the higher priority ## directories override those set in lower priority directories. func _get_palette_priority_file_map(looking_paths: PackedStringArray) -> Array[PackedStringArray]: var final_list: Array[PackedStringArray] = [] # Holds pattern files already found var working_file_set: Dictionary = {} for search_directory in looking_paths: var to_add_files: PackedStringArray = [] var files := _get_palette_files(search_directory) # files to check for maybe_to_add in files: if not maybe_to_add in working_file_set: to_add_files.append(maybe_to_add) working_file_set[maybe_to_add] = true final_list.append(to_add_files) return final_list ## Get the palette files in a single directory. ## if it does not exist, return [] func _get_palette_files(path: String) -> PackedStringArray: var dir := DirAccess.open(path) var results: PackedStringArray = [] if not is_instance_valid(dir) or not dir.dir_exists(path): return [] dir.list_dir_begin() while true: var file_name := dir.get_next() if file_name == "": break elif ( (not file_name.begins_with(".")) && file_name.to_lower().ends_with("json") && not dir.current_is_dir() ): results.append(file_name) dir.list_dir_end() return results func import_palette_from_path(path: String, make_copy := false, is_initialising := false) -> void: if does_palette_exist(path.get_basename().get_file()): # If there is a palette with same name ignore import for now return var palette: Palette = null match path.to_lower().get_extension(): "gpl": if FileAccess.file_exists(path): var text := FileAccess.open(path, FileAccess.READ).get_as_text() palette = _import_gpl(path, text) "pal": if FileAccess.file_exists(path): var text := FileAccess.open(path, FileAccess.READ).get_as_text() palette = _import_pal_palette(path, text) "png", "bmp", "hdr", "jpg", "jpeg", "svg", "tga", "webp": var image := Image.new() var err := image.load(path) if !err: palette = _import_image_palette(path, image) "json": if FileAccess.file_exists(path): var text := FileAccess.open(path, FileAccess.READ).get_as_text() palette = Palette.new(path.get_basename().get_file()) palette.path = path palette.deserialize(text) if is_instance_valid(palette): if make_copy: _save_palette(palette) # Makes a copy of the palette palettes[palette.name] = palette var default_palette_name: String = Global.config_cache.get_value( "data", "last_palette", DEFAULT_PALETTE_NAME ) if is_initialising: # Store index of the default palette if palette.name == default_palette_name: select_palette(palette.name) else: new_palette_imported.emit() select_palette(palette.name) else: Global.popup_error(tr("Can't load file '%s'.\nThis is not a valid palette file.") % [path]) ## Refer to app/core/gimppalette-load.c of the GNU Image Manipulation Program for the "living spec" func _import_gpl(path: String, text: String) -> Palette: var result: Palette = null var lines := text.split("\n") var line_number := 0 var palette_name := path.get_basename().get_file() var comments := "" var colors := PackedColorArray() for line in lines: # Check if the file is a valid palette if line_number == 0: if not "GIMP Palette" in line: return result # Comments if line.begins_with("#"): comments += line.trim_prefix("#") + "\n" # Some programs output palette name in a comment for old format if line.begins_with("#Palette Name: "): palette_name = line.replace("#Palette Name: ", "") elif line.begins_with("Name: "): palette_name = line.replace("Name: ", "") elif line.begins_with("Columns: "): # Number of colors in this palette. Unnecessary and often wrong continue elif line_number > 0 && line.length() >= 9: line = line.replace("\t", " ") var color_data: PackedStringArray = line.split(" ", false, 4) var red: float = color_data[0].to_float() / 255.0 var green: float = color_data[1].to_float() / 255.0 var blue: float = color_data[2].to_float() / 255.0 var color := Color(red, green, blue) if color_data.size() >= 4: # Ignore color name for now - result.add_color(color, color_data[3]) colors.append(color) else: colors.append(color) line_number += 1 if line_number > 0: return _fill_imported_palette_with_colors(palette_name, colors, comments) return result func _import_pal_palette(path: String, text: String) -> Palette: var result: Palette = null var colors := PackedColorArray() var lines := text.split("\n") if not "JASC-PAL" in lines[0] or not "0100" in lines[1]: return result var num_colors := int(lines[2]) for i in range(3, num_colors + 3): var color_data := lines[i].split(" ") var red := color_data[0].to_float() / 255.0 var green := color_data[1].to_float() / 255.0 var blue := color_data[2].to_float() / 255.0 var color := Color(red, green, blue) colors.append(color) return _fill_imported_palette_with_colors(path.get_basename().get_file(), colors) func _import_image_palette(path: String, image: Image) -> Palette: var colors: PackedColorArray = [] var height := image.get_height() var width := image.get_width() # Iterate all pixels and store unique colors to palette for y in range(0, height): for x in range(0, width): var color := image.get_pixel(x, y) if !colors.has(color): colors.append(color) return _fill_imported_palette_with_colors(path.get_basename().get_file(), colors) ## Fills a new [Palette] with colors. Used when importing files. ## TODO: Somehow let the users choose the fixed height or width, instead of hardcoding 8. func _fill_imported_palette_with_colors( palette_name: String, colors: PackedColorArray, comment := "" ) -> Palette: var height := ceili(colors.size() / 8.0) var result := Palette.new(palette_name, 8, height, comment) for color in colors: result.add_color(color) return result