extends Control enum { KEYBOARD, MOUSE, JOY_BUTTON, JOY_AXIS } const MOUSE_BUTTON_NAMES: PackedStringArray = [ "Left Button", "Right Button", "Middle Button", "Wheel Up Button", "Wheel Down Button", "Wheel Left Button", "Wheel Right Button", "Mouse Thumb Button 1", "Mouse Thumb Button 2", ] const JOY_BUTTON_NAMES: PackedStringArray = [ "DualShock Cross, Xbox A, Nintendo B", "DualShock Circle, Xbox B, Nintendo A", "DualShock Square, Xbox X, Nintendo Y", "DualShock Triangle, Xbox Y, Nintendo X", "L, L1", "R, R1", "L2", "R2", "L3", "R3", "Select, DualShock Share, Nintendo -", "Start, DualShock Options, Nintendo +", "D-Pad Up", "D-Pad Down", "D-Pad Left", "D-Pad Right", "Home, DualShock PS, Guide", "Xbox Share, PS5 Microphone, Nintendo Capture", "Xbox Paddle 1", "Xbox Paddle 2", "Xbox Paddle 3", "Xbox Paddle 4", "PS4/5 Touchpad", ] const JOY_AXIS_NAMES: PackedStringArray = [ "(Left Stick Left)", "(Left Stick Right)", "(Left Stick Up)", "(Left Stick Down)", "(Right Stick Left)", "(Right Stick Right)", "(Right Stick Up)", "(Right Stick Down)", "", "", "", "", "", "(L2)", "", "(R2)", "", "", "", "", ] var currently_editing_tree_item: TreeItem var is_editing := false # Textures taken from Godot https://github.com/godotengine/godot/tree/master/editor/icons var add_tex: Texture2D = preload("assets/add.svg") var edit_tex: Texture2D = preload("assets/edit.svg") var delete_tex: Texture2D = preload("assets/close.svg") var joy_axis_tex: Texture2D = preload("assets/joy_axis.svg") var joy_button_tex: Texture2D = preload("assets/joy_button.svg") var key_tex: Texture2D = preload("assets/keyboard.svg") var key_phys_tex: Texture2D = preload("assets/keyboard_physical.svg") var mouse_tex: Texture2D = preload("assets/mouse.svg") var shortcut_tex: Texture2D = preload("assets/shortcut.svg") var folder_tex: Texture2D = preload("assets/folder.svg") @onready var tree: Tree = $VBoxContainer/ShortcutTree @onready var profile_option_button: OptionButton = find_child("ProfileOptionButton") @onready var rename_profile_button: Button = find_child("RenameProfile") @onready var delete_profile_button: Button = find_child("DeleteProfile") @onready var shortcut_type_menu: PopupMenu = $ShortcutTypeMenu @onready var keyboard_shortcut_selector: ConfirmationDialog = $KeyboardShortcutSelectorDialog @onready var mouse_shortcut_selector: ConfirmationDialog = $MouseShortcutSelectorDialog @onready var joy_key_shortcut_selector: ConfirmationDialog = $JoyKeyShortcutSelectorDialog @onready var joy_axis_shortcut_selector: ConfirmationDialog = $JoyAxisShortcutSelectorDialog @onready var profile_settings: ConfirmationDialog = $ProfileSettings @onready var profile_name: LineEdit = $ProfileSettings/ProfileName @onready var delete_confirmation: ConfirmationDialog = $DeleteConfirmation func _ready() -> void: for profile in Keychain.profiles: profile_option_button.add_item(profile.name) _fill_selector_options() # Remove input types that are not changeable var i := 0 for type in Keychain.changeable_types: if !type: shortcut_type_menu.remove_item(i) else: i += 1 profile_option_button.select(Keychain.profile_index) _on_ProfileOptionButton_item_selected(Keychain.profile_index) if OS.get_name() == "Web": $VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/OpenProfileFolder.queue_free() func _construct_tree() -> void: var buttons_disabled := false if Keychain.selected_profile.customizable else true var tree_root: TreeItem = tree.create_item() for group in Keychain.groups: # Create groups var input_group: Keychain.InputGroup = Keychain.groups[group] _create_group_tree_item(input_group, group) for action in InputMap.get_actions(): # Fill the tree with actions and their events if action in Keychain.ignore_actions: continue if Keychain.ignore_ui_actions and (action as String).begins_with("ui_"): continue var display_name := get_action_name(action) var group_name := "" if action in Keychain.actions: var input_action: Keychain.InputAction = Keychain.actions[action] group_name = input_action.group var tree_item: TreeItem if not group_name.is_empty() and group_name in Keychain.groups: var input_group: Keychain.InputGroup = Keychain.groups[group_name] var group_root: TreeItem = input_group.tree_item tree_item = tree.create_item(group_root) else: tree_item = tree.create_item(tree_root) tree_item.set_text(0, display_name) tree_item.set_metadata(0, action) tree_item.set_icon(0, shortcut_tex) for event in InputMap.action_get_events(action): add_event_tree_item(event, tree_item) tree_item.add_button(0, add_tex, 0, buttons_disabled, "Add") tree_item.add_button(0, delete_tex, 1, buttons_disabled, "Delete") tree_item.collapsed = true func _fill_selector_options() -> void: mouse_shortcut_selector.input_type_l.text = "Mouse Button Index:" joy_key_shortcut_selector.input_type_l.text = "Joypad Button Index:" joy_axis_shortcut_selector.input_type_l.text = "Joypad Axis Index:" var mouse_option_button: OptionButton = mouse_shortcut_selector.option_button for option in MOUSE_BUTTON_NAMES: mouse_option_button.add_item(option) var joy_key_option_button: OptionButton = joy_key_shortcut_selector.option_button for i in JOY_BUTTON_MAX: var text: String = tr("Button") + " %s" % i if i < JOY_BUTTON_NAMES.size(): text += " (%s)" % tr(JOY_BUTTON_NAMES[i]) joy_key_option_button.add_item(text) var joy_axis_option_button: OptionButton = joy_axis_shortcut_selector.option_button var i := 0.0 for option in JOY_AXIS_NAMES: var sign_symbol := "+" if floori(i) != i else "-" var text: String = tr("Axis") + " %s %s %s" % [floori(i), sign_symbol, tr(option)] joy_axis_option_button.add_item(text) i += 0.5 func _create_group_tree_item(group: Keychain.InputGroup, group_name: String) -> void: if group.tree_item: return var group_root: TreeItem if group.parent_group: var parent_group: Keychain.InputGroup = Keychain.groups[group.parent_group] _create_group_tree_item(parent_group, group.parent_group) group_root = tree.create_item(parent_group.tree_item) else: group_root = tree.create_item(tree.get_root()) group_root.set_text(0, group_name) group_root.set_icon(0, folder_tex) group.tree_item = group_root if group.folded: group_root.collapsed = true func get_action_name(action: String) -> String: var display_name := "" if action in Keychain.actions: display_name = Keychain.actions[action].display_name if display_name.is_empty(): display_name = Keychain.humanize_snake_case(action) return display_name func add_event_tree_item(event: InputEvent, action_tree_item: TreeItem) -> void: var event_class := event.get_class() match event_class: "InputEventKey": if !Keychain.changeable_types[0]: return "InputEventMouseButton": if !Keychain.changeable_types[1]: return "InputEventJoypadButton": if !Keychain.changeable_types[2]: return "InputEventJoypadMotion": if !Keychain.changeable_types[3]: return var buttons_disabled := false if Keychain.selected_profile.customizable else true var event_tree_item: TreeItem = tree.create_item(action_tree_item) event_tree_item.set_text(0, event_to_str(event)) event_tree_item.set_metadata(0, event) match event_class: "InputEventKey": var scancode: int = event.get_keycode_with_modifiers() if scancode > 0: event_tree_item.set_icon(0, key_tex) else: event_tree_item.set_icon(0, key_phys_tex) "InputEventMouseButton": event_tree_item.set_icon(0, mouse_tex) "InputEventJoypadButton": event_tree_item.set_icon(0, joy_button_tex) "InputEventJoypadMotion": event_tree_item.set_icon(0, joy_axis_tex) event_tree_item.add_button(0, edit_tex, 0, buttons_disabled, "Edit") event_tree_item.add_button(0, delete_tex, 1, buttons_disabled, "Delete") func event_to_str(event: InputEvent) -> String: var output := event.as_text() # event.as_text() could be used for these event types as well, but this gives more control # to the developer as to what strings will be printed if event is InputEventJoypadButton: var button_index: int = event.button_index output = tr("Button") if button_index >= JOY_BUTTON_NAMES.size(): output += " %s" % button_index else: output += " %s (%s)" % [button_index, tr(JOY_BUTTON_NAMES[button_index])] elif event is InputEventJoypadMotion: var positive_axis: bool = event.axis_value > 0 var axis_value: int = event.axis * 2 + int(positive_axis) var sign_symbol = "+" if positive_axis else "-" output = tr("Axis") output += " %s %s %s" % [event.axis, sign_symbol, tr(JOY_AXIS_NAMES[axis_value])] return output func _on_shortcut_tree_button_clicked(item: TreeItem, _column: int, id: int, _mbi: int) -> void: var action = item.get_metadata(0) currently_editing_tree_item = item if action is StringName: if id == 0: # Add var rect: Rect2 = tree.get_item_area_rect(item, 0) rect.position.x = rect.end.x - 42 rect.position.y += 42 - tree.get_scroll().y rect.position += global_position rect.size = Vector2(110, 23 * shortcut_type_menu.get_item_count()) shortcut_type_menu.popup_on_parent(rect) elif id == 1: # Delete Keychain.action_erase_events(action) Keychain.selected_profile.change_action(action) for child in item.get_children(): child.free() elif action is InputEvent: var parent_action = item.get_parent().get_metadata(0) if id == 0: # Edit if action is InputEventKey: keyboard_shortcut_selector.popup_centered() elif action is InputEventMouseButton: mouse_shortcut_selector.popup_centered() elif action is InputEventJoypadButton: joy_key_shortcut_selector.popup_centered() elif action is InputEventJoypadMotion: joy_axis_shortcut_selector.popup_centered() elif id == 1: # Delete if not parent_action is StringName: return Keychain.action_erase_event(parent_action, action) Keychain.selected_profile.change_action(parent_action) item.free() func _on_ShortcutTree_item_activated() -> void: var selected_item: TreeItem = tree.get_selected() if selected_item.get_button_count(0) > 0 and !selected_item.is_button_disabled(0, 0): _on_shortcut_tree_button_clicked(tree.get_selected(), 0, 0, 0) func _on_ShortcutTypeMenu_id_pressed(id: int) -> void: if id == KEYBOARD: keyboard_shortcut_selector.popup_centered() elif id == MOUSE: mouse_shortcut_selector.popup_centered() elif id == JOY_BUTTON: joy_key_shortcut_selector.popup_centered() elif id == JOY_AXIS: joy_axis_shortcut_selector.popup_centered() func _on_ProfileOptionButton_item_selected(index: int) -> void: Keychain.change_profile(index) rename_profile_button.disabled = false if Keychain.selected_profile.customizable else true delete_profile_button.disabled = false if Keychain.selected_profile.customizable else true # Re-construct the tree for group in Keychain.groups: Keychain.groups[group].tree_item = null tree.clear() _construct_tree() Keychain.config_file.set_value("shortcuts", "shortcuts_profile", index) Keychain.config_file.save(Keychain.config_path) func _on_NewProfile_pressed() -> void: is_editing = false profile_name.text = "New Shortcut Profile" profile_settings.title = "New Shortcut Profile" profile_settings.popup_centered() func _on_RenameProfile_pressed() -> void: is_editing = true profile_name.text = Keychain.selected_profile.name profile_settings.title = "Rename Shortcut Profile" profile_settings.popup_centered() func _on_DeleteProfile_pressed() -> void: delete_confirmation.popup_centered() func _on_OpenProfileFolder_pressed() -> void: OS.shell_open(ProjectSettings.globalize_path(Keychain.PROFILES_PATH)) func _on_ProfileSettings_confirmed() -> void: var file_name := profile_name.text + ".tres" var profile := ShortcutProfile.new() profile.name = profile_name.text profile.resource_path = Keychain.PROFILES_PATH.path_join(file_name) profile.fill_bindings() var saved := profile.save() if not saved: return if is_editing: var old_file_name: String = Keychain.selected_profile.resource_path if old_file_name != file_name: _delete_profile_file(old_file_name) Keychain.profiles[Keychain.profile_index] = profile profile_option_button.set_item_text(Keychain.profile_index, profile.name) else: # Add new shortcut profile Keychain.profiles.append(profile) profile_option_button.add_item(profile.name) Keychain.profile_index = Keychain.profiles.size() - 1 profile_option_button.select(Keychain.profile_index) _on_ProfileOptionButton_item_selected(Keychain.profile_index) func _delete_profile_file(file_name: String) -> void: var dir := DirAccess.open(file_name.get_base_dir()) var err := dir.get_open_error() if err != OK: print("Error deleting shortcut profile %s. Error code: %s" % [file_name, err]) return dir.remove(file_name) func _on_DeleteConfirmation_confirmed() -> void: _delete_profile_file(Keychain.selected_profile.resource_path) profile_option_button.remove_item(Keychain.profile_index) Keychain.profiles.remove_at(Keychain.profile_index) Keychain.profile_index -= 1 if Keychain.profile_index < 0: Keychain.profile_index = 0 profile_option_button.select(Keychain.profile_index) _on_ProfileOptionButton_item_selected(Keychain.profile_index)