extends Node const PROFILES_PATH := "user://shortcut_profiles" ## [Array] of [ShortcutProfile]s. var profiles: Array[ShortcutProfile] = [preload("profiles/default.tres")] var selected_profile := profiles[0] ## The currently selected [ShortcutProfile]. var profile_index := 0 ## The index of the currently selected [ShortcutProfile]. ## [Dictionary] of [String] and [InputAction]. ## Syntax: "action_name": InputAction.new("Action Display Name", "Group", true) ## Note that "action_name" must already exist in the Project's Input Map. var actions := {} ## [Dictionary] of [String] and [InputGroup]. ## Syntax: "Group Name": InputGroup.new("Parent Group Name") var groups := {} var ignore_actions: Array[StringName] = [] ## [Array] of [StringName] input map actions to ignore. ## If [code]true[/code], ignore Godot's default "ui_" input map actions. var ignore_ui_actions := true ## A [PackedByteArray] of [bool]s with a fixed length of 4. Used for developers to allow or ## forbid setting certain types of InputEvents. The first element is for [InputEventKey]s, ## the second for [InputEventMouseButton]s, the third for [InputEventJoypadButton]s ## and the fourth for [InputEventJoypadMotion]s. var changeable_types: PackedByteArray = [true, true, true, true] ## The file path of the [code]config_file[/code]. var config_path := "user://config.ini" ## Used to store the settings to the filesystem. var config_file: ConfigFile class InputAction: var display_name := "" var group := "" var global := true func _init(_display_name := "", _group := "", _global := true): display_name = _display_name group = _group global = _global class InputGroup: var parent_group := "" var folded := true var tree_item: TreeItem func _init(_parent_group := "", _folded := true) -> void: parent_group = _parent_group folded = _folded func _init() -> void: for locale in TranslationServer.get_loaded_locales(): load_translation(locale) func _ready() -> void: if !config_file: config_file = ConfigFile.new() if !config_path.is_empty(): config_file.load(config_path) # Load shortcut profiles DirAccess.make_dir_recursive_absolute(PROFILES_PATH) var profile_dir := DirAccess.open(PROFILES_PATH) profile_dir.list_dir_begin() var file_name := profile_dir.get_next() while file_name != "": if !profile_dir.current_is_dir(): if file_name.get_extension() == "tres": var file := load(PROFILES_PATH.path_join(file_name)) if file is ShortcutProfile: profiles.append(file) file_name = profile_dir.get_next() # If there are no profiles besides the default, create one custom if profiles.size() == 1: var profile := ShortcutProfile.new() profile.name = "Custom" profile.resource_path = PROFILES_PATH.path_join("custom.tres") var saved := profile.save() if saved: profiles.append(profile) for profile in profiles: profile.fill_bindings() profile_index = config_file.get_value("shortcuts", "shortcuts_profile", 0) change_profile(profile_index) func change_profile(index: int) -> void: if index >= profiles.size(): index = profiles.size() - 1 profile_index = index selected_profile = profiles[index] for action in selected_profile.bindings: action_erase_events(action) for event in selected_profile.bindings[action]: action_add_event(action, event) func action_add_event(action: StringName, event: InputEvent) -> void: InputMap.action_add_event(action, event) func action_erase_event(action: StringName, event: InputEvent) -> void: InputMap.action_erase_event(action, event) func action_erase_events(action: StringName) -> void: InputMap.action_erase_events(action) func load_translation(locale: String) -> void: var translation_file_path := "res://addons/keychain/translations".path_join(locale + ".po") if not ResourceLoader.exists(translation_file_path, "Translation"): return var translation := load(translation_file_path) if is_instance_valid(translation) and translation is Translation: TranslationServer.add_translation(translation) ## Converts a [param text] with snake case to a more readable format, by replacing ## underscores with spaces. If [param capitalize_first_letter] is [code]true[/code], ## the first letter of the text is capitalized. ## E.g, "snake_case" would be converted to "Snake case" if ## [param capitalize_first_letter] is [code]true[/code], else it would be converted to ## "snake case". func humanize_snake_case(text: String, capitalize_first_letter := true) -> String: text = text.replace("_", " ") if capitalize_first_letter: var first_letter := text.left(1) first_letter = first_letter.capitalize() text = text.right(-1) text = text.insert(0, first_letter) return text