class_name PaletteGrid extends GridContainer signal swatch_pressed(mouse_button, index) signal swatch_double_clicked(mouse_button, index, position) signal swatch_dropped(source_index, target_index) const PALETTE_SWATCH_SCENE := preload("res://src/Palette/PaletteSwatch.tscn") const DEFAULT_SWATCH_SIZE := Vector2(26, 26) const MIN_SWATCH_SIZE := Vector2(8, 8) const MAX_SWATCH_SIZE := Vector2(64, 64) var swatches: Array[PaletteSwatch] = [] var current_palette: Palette = null var grid_window_origin := Vector2.ZERO var grid_size := Vector2.ZERO var swatch_size := DEFAULT_SWATCH_SIZE func _ready() -> void: swatch_size = Global.config_cache.get_value("palettes", "swatch_size", DEFAULT_SWATCH_SIZE) func set_palette(new_palette: Palette) -> void: # Only display valid palette objects if not new_palette: return current_palette = new_palette grid_window_origin = Vector2.ZERO func setup_swatches() -> void: # Columns cannot be 0 columns = 1.0 if grid_size.x == 0.0 else grid_size.x if grid_size.x * grid_size.y > swatches.size(): for i in range(swatches.size(), grid_size.x * grid_size.y): var swatch := PALETTE_SWATCH_SCENE.instantiate() as PaletteSwatch swatch.index = i init_swatch(swatch) swatch.pressed.connect(_on_PaletteSwatch_pressed.bind(i)) swatch.double_clicked.connect(_on_PaletteSwatch_double_clicked.bind(i)) swatch.dropped.connect(_on_PaletteSwatch_dropped) add_child(swatch) swatches.push_back(swatch) else: var diff := swatches.size() - grid_size.x * grid_size.y for _i in range(0, diff): var swatch: PaletteSwatch = swatches.pop_back() remove_child(swatch) swatch.queue_free() for i in range(0, swatches.size()): init_swatch(swatches[i]) func init_swatch(swatch: PaletteSwatch) -> void: swatch.color = PaletteSwatch.DEFAULT_COLOR swatch.show_left_highlight = false swatch.show_right_highlight = false swatch.empty = true swatch.set_swatch_size(swatch_size) func draw_palette() -> void: for j in range(grid_size.y): for i in range(grid_size.x): var grid_index := i + grid_size.x * j var index := convert_grid_index_to_palette_index(grid_index) var swatch = swatches[grid_index] swatch.show_left_highlight = false swatch.show_right_highlight = false var color = current_palette.get_color(index) if color != null: swatch.color = color swatch.empty = false else: swatch.color = PaletteSwatch.DEFAULT_COLOR swatch.empty = true func scroll_palette(origin: Vector2) -> void: grid_window_origin = origin draw_palette() func find_and_select_color(mouse_button: int, target_color: Color) -> void: var old_index = Palettes.current_palette_get_selected_color_index(mouse_button) for color_ind in swatches.size(): if target_color.is_equal_approx(swatches[color_ind].color): select_swatch(mouse_button, color_ind, old_index) match mouse_button: MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT: Palettes.left_selected_color = color_ind MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT: Palettes.right_selected_color = color_ind break ## Displays a left/right highlight over a swatch func select_swatch(mouse_button: int, palette_index: int, old_palette_index: int) -> void: var index = convert_palette_index_to_grid_index(palette_index) var old_index = convert_palette_index_to_grid_index(old_palette_index) if index >= 0 and index < swatches.size(): # Remove highlight from old index swatch and add to index swatch if old_index >= 0 and old_index < swatches.size(): # Old index could be undefined when no swatch was previously selected swatches[old_index].show_selected_highlight(false, mouse_button) swatches[index].show_selected_highlight(true, mouse_button) func unselect_swatch(mouse_button: int, palette_index: int) -> void: var index = convert_palette_index_to_grid_index(palette_index) if index >= 0 and index < swatches.size(): swatches[index].show_selected_highlight(false, mouse_button) func set_swatch_color(palette_index: int, color: Color) -> void: var index = convert_palette_index_to_grid_index(palette_index) if index >= 0 and index < swatches.size(): swatches[index].color = color func get_swatch_color(palette_index: int) -> Color: var index = convert_palette_index_to_grid_index(palette_index) if index >= 0 and index < swatches.size(): return swatches[index].color return Color.TRANSPARENT ## Used to reload empty swatch color from a theme func reset_empty_swatches_color() -> void: for swatch in swatches: if swatch.empty: swatch.empty = true ## Grid index adds grid window origin func convert_grid_index_to_palette_index(index: int) -> int: return ( int(index / grid_size.x + grid_window_origin.y) * current_palette.width + (index % int(grid_size.x) + grid_window_origin.x) ) func convert_palette_index_to_grid_index(palette_index: int) -> int: var x := palette_index % current_palette.width var y := palette_index / current_palette.width return int((x - grid_window_origin.x) + (y - grid_window_origin.y) * grid_size.x) func resize_grid(new_rect_size: Vector2) -> void: if not is_instance_valid(current_palette): return var grid_x: int = ( new_rect_size.x / (swatch_size.x + get("theme_override_constants/h_separation")) ) var grid_y: int = ( new_rect_size.y / (swatch_size.y + get("theme_override_constants/v_separation")) ) grid_size.x = mini(grid_x, current_palette.width) grid_size.y = mini(grid_y, current_palette.height) setup_swatches() draw_palette() func change_swatch_size(size_diff: Vector2) -> void: swatch_size += size_diff if swatch_size.x < MIN_SWATCH_SIZE.x: swatch_size = MIN_SWATCH_SIZE elif swatch_size.x > MAX_SWATCH_SIZE.x: swatch_size = MAX_SWATCH_SIZE for swatch in swatches: swatch.set_swatch_size(swatch_size) Global.config_cache.set_value("palettes", "swatch_size", swatch_size) func _on_PaletteSwatch_pressed(mouse_button: int, index: int) -> void: var palette_index = convert_grid_index_to_palette_index(index) swatch_pressed.emit(mouse_button, palette_index) func _on_PaletteSwatch_double_clicked(mouse_button: int, pos: Vector2, index: int) -> void: var palette_index = convert_grid_index_to_palette_index(index) swatch_double_clicked.emit(mouse_button, palette_index, pos) func _on_PaletteSwatch_dropped(source_index: int, target_index: int) -> void: var palette_source_index := convert_grid_index_to_palette_index(source_index) var palette_target_index := convert_grid_index_to_palette_index(target_index) swatch_dropped.emit(palette_source_index, palette_target_index)