class_name SelectionNode extends Node2D signal is_moving_content_changed enum SelectionOperation { ADD, SUBTRACT, INTERSECT } const KEY_MOVE_ACTION_NAMES: PackedStringArray = [&"ui_up", &"ui_down", &"ui_left", &"ui_right"] const CLIPBOARD_FILE_PATH := "user://clipboard.txt" # flags (additional properties of selection that can be toggled) var flag_tilemode := false var is_moving_content := false: set(value): is_moving_content = value is_moving_content_changed.emit() var arrow_key_move := false var is_pasting := false var big_bounding_rectangle := Rect2i(): set(value): big_bounding_rectangle = value if value.size == Vector2i(0, 0): set_process_input(false) Global.can_draw = true else: set_process_input(true) for slot in Tools._slots.values(): if slot.tool_node is BaseSelectionTool: slot.tool_node.set_spinbox_values() _update_gizmos() var image_current_pixel := Vector2.ZERO ## The ACTUAL pixel coordinate of image var temp_rect := Rect2() var rect_aspect_ratio := 0.0 var temp_rect_pivot := Vector2.ZERO var original_big_bounding_rectangle := Rect2i() var original_preview_image := var original_bitmap := var original_offset := Vector2.ZERO var preview_image := var preview_image_texture := var undo_data: Dictionary var gizmos: Array[Gizmo] = [] var dragged_gizmo: Gizmo = null var angle := 0.0 var content_pivot := Vector2.ZERO var mouse_pos_on_gizmo_drag := Vector2.ZERO var resize_keep_ratio := false @onready var canvas := get_parent() as Canvas @onready var marching_ants_outline: Sprite2D = $MarchingAntsOutline class Gizmo: enum Type { SCALE, ROTATE } var rect: Rect2 var direction := Vector2i.ZERO var type: int func _init(_type: int = Type.SCALE, _direction := Vector2i.ZERO) -> void: type = _type direction = _direction func get_cursor() -> Input.CursorShape: var cursor := Input.CURSOR_MOVE if direction == Vector2i.ZERO: return Input.CURSOR_POINTING_HAND elif direction == Vector2i(-1, -1) or direction == Vector2i(1, 1): # Top left or bottom right if Global.mirror_view: cursor = Input.CURSOR_BDIAGSIZE else: cursor = Input.CURSOR_FDIAGSIZE elif direction == Vector2i(1, -1) or direction == Vector2i(-1, 1): # Top right or bottom left if Global.mirror_view: cursor = Input.CURSOR_FDIAGSIZE else: cursor = Input.CURSOR_BDIAGSIZE elif direction == Vector2i(0, -1) or direction == Vector2i(0, 1): # Center top or center bottom cursor = Input.CURSOR_VSIZE elif direction == Vector2i(-1, 0) or direction == Vector2i(1, 0): # Center left or center right cursor = Input.CURSOR_HSIZE return cursor func _ready() -> void: Global.project_switched.connect(_project_switched) # It's being set to true only when the big_bounding_rectangle has a size larger than 0 set_process_input(false) gizmos.append(, Vector2i(-1, -1))) # Top left gizmos.append(, Vector2i(0, -1))) # Center top gizmos.append(, Vector2i(1, -1))) # Top right gizmos.append(, Vector2i(1, 0))) # Center right gizmos.append(, Vector2i(1, 1))) # Bottom right gizmos.append(, Vector2i(0, 1))) # Center bottom gizmos.append(, Vector2i(-1, 1))) # Bottom left gizmos.append(, Vector2i(-1, 0))) # Center left #gizmos.append( # Rotation gizmo (temp) func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void: var project := Global.current_project image_current_pixel = canvas.current_pixel if Global.mirror_view: image_current_pixel.x = Global.current_project.size.x - image_current_pixel.x if is_moving_content: if Input.is_action_just_pressed(&"transformation_confirm"): transform_content_confirm() elif Input.is_action_just_pressed(&"transformation_cancel"): transform_content_cancel() if not project.layers[project.current_layer].can_layer_get_drawn(): return if event is InputEventKey: _move_with_arrow_keys(event) if not event is InputEventMouse: return var gizmo_hover: Gizmo if big_bounding_rectangle.size != Vector2i.ZERO: for g in gizmos: if g.rect.has_point(image_current_pixel): gizmo_hover =, g.direction) break if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.button_index == MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT: if event.pressed: if gizmo_hover and not dragged_gizmo: # Select a gizmo Global.can_draw = false mouse_pos_on_gizmo_drag = image_current_pixel dragged_gizmo = gizmo_hover if Input.is_action_pressed("transform_move_selection_only"): transform_content_confirm() if not is_moving_content: original_bitmap.copy_from(Global.current_project.selection_map) original_big_bounding_rectangle = big_bounding_rectangle if Input.is_action_pressed("transform_move_selection_only"): undo_data = get_undo_data(false) temp_rect = big_bounding_rectangle else: transform_content_start() project.selection_offset = Vector2.ZERO else: var horizontal_flip := signi(temp_rect.size.x) var vertical_flip := signi(temp_rect.size.y) dragged_gizmo.direction.x *= horizontal_flip dragged_gizmo.direction.y *= vertical_flip temp_rect = big_bounding_rectangle # If temp_rect had negative size, switch the position and end points if horizontal_flip < 0: var pos := temp_rect.position.x temp_rect.position.x = temp_rect.end.x temp_rect.end.x = pos if vertical_flip < 0: var pos := temp_rect.position.y temp_rect.position.y = temp_rect.end.y temp_rect.end.y = pos rect_aspect_ratio = absf(temp_rect.size.y / temp_rect.size.x) temp_rect_pivot = temp_rect.get_center() elif dragged_gizmo: # Mouse released, deselect gizmo Global.can_draw = true dragged_gizmo = null if not is_moving_content: original_bitmap = commit_undo("Select", undo_data) angle = 0.0 if dragged_gizmo: if dragged_gizmo.type == Gizmo.Type.SCALE: _gizmo_resize() else: _gizmo_rotate() else: # Set the appropriate cursor if gizmo_hover: Input.set_default_cursor_shape(gizmo_hover.get_cursor()) else: var cursor := Input.CURSOR_ARROW if Global.cross_cursor: cursor = Input.CURSOR_CROSS var layer: BaseLayer = project.layers[project.current_layer] if not layer.can_layer_get_drawn(): cursor = Input.CURSOR_FORBIDDEN if DisplayServer.cursor_get_shape() != cursor: Input.set_default_cursor_shape(cursor) func _move_with_arrow_keys(event: InputEvent) -> void: var selection_tool_selected := false for slot in Tools._slots.values(): if slot.tool_node is BaseSelectionTool: selection_tool_selected = true break if !selection_tool_selected: return if not Global.current_project.has_selection: return if !Global.current_project.layers[Global.current_project.current_layer].can_layer_get_drawn(): return if _is_action_direction_pressed(event) and !arrow_key_move: arrow_key_move = true if Input.is_key_pressed(KEY_ALT): transform_content_confirm() move_borders_start() else: transform_content_start() if _is_action_direction_released(event) and arrow_key_move: arrow_key_move = false move_borders_end() if _is_action_direction(event) and arrow_key_move: var step := Vector2.ONE if Input.is_key_pressed(KEY_CTRL): step = Global.grids[0].grid_size var input := Input.get_vector("ui_left", "ui_right", "ui_up", "ui_down") var move := input.rotated(snappedf(, PI / 2)) # These checks are needed to fix a bug where the selection got stuck # to the canvas boundaries when they were 1px away from them if is_zero_approx(absf(move.x)): move.x = 0 if is_zero_approx(absf(move.y)): move.y = 0 var final_direction := (move * step).round() move_content(final_direction) ## Check if an event is a ui_up/down/left/right event pressed func _is_action_direction_pressed(event: InputEvent) -> bool: for action in KEY_MOVE_ACTION_NAMES: if event.is_action_pressed(action, false, true): return true return false ## Check if an event is a ui_up/down/left/right event func _is_action_direction(event: InputEvent) -> bool: for action in KEY_MOVE_ACTION_NAMES: if event.is_action(action, true): return true return false ## Check if an event is a ui_up/down/left/right event release func _is_action_direction_released(event: InputEvent) -> bool: for action in KEY_MOVE_ACTION_NAMES: if event.is_action_released(action, true): return true return false func _draw() -> void: if big_bounding_rectangle.size == Vector2i.ZERO: return var position_tmp := position var scale_tmp := scale if Global.mirror_view: position_tmp.x = position_tmp.x + Global.current_project.size.x scale_tmp.x = -1 draw_set_transform(position_tmp, rotation, scale_tmp) for gizmo in gizmos: # Draw gizmos draw_rect(gizmo.rect, Global.selection_border_color_2) var filled_rect: Rect2 = gizmo.rect var filled_size: Vector2 = gizmo.rect.size * Vector2(0.2, 0.2) filled_rect.position += filled_size filled_rect.size -= filled_size * 2 draw_rect(filled_rect, Global.selection_border_color_1) # Filled white square if is_moving_content and !preview_image.is_empty(): draw_texture(preview_image_texture, big_bounding_rectangle.position, Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5)) draw_set_transform(position, rotation, scale) func _update_gizmos() -> void: var rect_pos: Vector2 = big_bounding_rectangle.position var rect_end: Vector2 = big_bounding_rectangle.end var size: Vector2 = Vector2.ONE / * 10 # Clockwise, starting from top-left corner gizmos[0].rect = Rect2(rect_pos - size, size) gizmos[1].rect = Rect2( Vector2((rect_end.x + rect_pos.x - size.x) / 2, rect_pos.y - size.y), size ) gizmos[2].rect = Rect2(Vector2(rect_end.x, rect_pos.y - size.y), size) gizmos[3].rect = Rect2(Vector2(rect_end.x, (rect_end.y + rect_pos.y - size.y) / 2), size) gizmos[4].rect = Rect2(rect_end, size) gizmos[5].rect = Rect2(Vector2((rect_end.x + rect_pos.x - size.x) / 2, rect_end.y), size) gizmos[6].rect = Rect2(Vector2(rect_pos.x - size.x, rect_end.y), size) gizmos[7].rect = Rect2( Vector2(rect_pos.x - size.x, (rect_end.y + rect_pos.y - size.y) / 2), size ) # Rotation gizmo (temp) #gizmos[8].rect = Rect2( #Vector2((rect_end.x + rect_pos.x - size.x) / 2, rect_pos.y - size.y - (size.y * 2)), size #) queue_redraw() func _update_on_zoom() -> void: var zoom := var size := maxi( Global.current_project.selection_map.get_size().x, Global.current_project.selection_map.get_size().y ) marching_ants_outline.material.set_shader_parameter("width", 1.0 / zoom) marching_ants_outline.material.set_shader_parameter("frequency", zoom * 10 * size / 64) for gizmo in gizmos: if gizmo.rect.size == Vector2.ZERO: return _update_gizmos() func _gizmo_resize() -> void: var dir := dragged_gizmo.direction if Input.is_action_pressed("shape_center"): # Code inspired from if dir.x != 0 and dir.y != 0: # Border gizmos temp_rect.size = ((image_current_pixel - temp_rect_pivot) * 2.0 * Vector2(dir)) elif dir.y == 0: # Center left and right gizmos temp_rect.size.x = (image_current_pixel.x - temp_rect_pivot.x) * 2.0 * dir.x elif dir.x == 0: # Center top and bottom gizmos temp_rect.size.y = (image_current_pixel.y - temp_rect_pivot.y) * 2.0 * dir.y temp_rect = Rect2(-1.0 * temp_rect.size / 2 + temp_rect_pivot, temp_rect.size) else: _resize_rect(image_current_pixel, dir) if Input.is_action_pressed("shape_perfect") or resize_keep_ratio: # Maintain aspect ratio var end_y := temp_rect.end.y if dir == Vector2i(1, -1) or dir.x == 0: # Top right corner, center top and center bottom var size := temp_rect.size.y # Needed in order for resizing to work properly in negative sizes if signf(size) != signf(temp_rect.size.x): size = absf(size) if temp_rect.size.x > 0 else -absf(size) temp_rect.size.x = size / rect_aspect_ratio else: # The rest of the corners var size := temp_rect.size.x # Needed in order for resizing to work properly in negative sizes if signf(size) != signf(temp_rect.size.y): size = absf(size) if temp_rect.size.y > 0 else -absf(size) temp_rect.size.y = size * rect_aspect_ratio # Inspired by the solution answered in if dir == Vector2i(-1, -1): # Top left corner temp_rect.position.y = end_y - temp_rect.size.y big_bounding_rectangle = temp_rect.abs() if big_bounding_rectangle.size.x == 0: big_bounding_rectangle.size.x = 1 if big_bounding_rectangle.size.y == 0: big_bounding_rectangle.size.y = 1 big_bounding_rectangle = big_bounding_rectangle # Call the setter method resize_selection() func _resize_rect(pos: Vector2, dir: Vector2) -> void: if dir.x > 0: temp_rect.size.x = pos.x - temp_rect.position.x elif dir.x < 0: var end_x := temp_rect.end.x temp_rect.position.x = pos.x temp_rect.end.x = end_x if dir.y > 0: temp_rect.size.y = pos.y - temp_rect.position.y elif dir.y < 0: var end_y := temp_rect.end.y temp_rect.position.y = pos.y temp_rect.end.y = end_y func resize_selection() -> void: var size := big_bounding_rectangle.size.abs() if original_bitmap.is_empty(): print("original_bitmap is empty, this shouldn't happen.") else: Global.current_project.selection_map.copy_from(original_bitmap) if is_moving_content: content_pivot = original_big_bounding_rectangle.size / 2.0 preview_image.copy_from(original_preview_image) DrawingAlgos.nn_rotate(preview_image, angle, content_pivot) preview_image.resize(size.x, size.y, Image.INTERPOLATE_NEAREST) if temp_rect.size.x < 0: preview_image.flip_x() if temp_rect.size.y < 0: preview_image.flip_y() preview_image_texture = ImageTexture.create_from_image(preview_image) Global.current_project.selection_map.copy_from(original_bitmap) var bitmap_pivot := original_big_bounding_rectangle.get_center() DrawingAlgos.nn_rotate(Global.current_project.selection_map, angle, bitmap_pivot) Global.current_project.selection_map.resize_bitmap_values( Global.current_project, size, temp_rect.size.x < 0, temp_rect.size.y < 0 ) Global.current_project.selection_map_changed() queue_redraw() canvas.queue_redraw() func _gizmo_rotate() -> void: angle = image_current_pixel.angle_to_point(mouse_pos_on_gizmo_drag) resize_selection() func select_rect(rect: Rect2i, operation := SelectionOperation.ADD) -> void: var project := Global.current_project # Used only if the selection is outside of the canvas boundaries, # on the left and/or above (negative coords) var offset_position := Vector2i.ZERO if big_bounding_rectangle.position.x < 0: rect.position.x -= big_bounding_rectangle.position.x offset_position.x = big_bounding_rectangle.position.x if big_bounding_rectangle.position.y < 0: rect.position.y -= big_bounding_rectangle.position.y offset_position.y = big_bounding_rectangle.position.y if offset_position != Vector2i.ZERO: big_bounding_rectangle.position -= offset_position project.selection_map.move_bitmap_values(project) if operation == SelectionOperation.ADD: project.selection_map.fill_rect(rect, Color(1, 1, 1, 1)) elif operation == SelectionOperation.SUBTRACT: project.selection_map.fill_rect(rect, Color(0)) elif operation == SelectionOperation.INTERSECT: var previous_selection_map := previous_selection_map.copy_from(project.selection_map) project.selection_map.clear() for x in range(rect.position.x, rect.end.x): for y in range(rect.position.y, rect.end.y): var pos := Vector2i(x, y) if !Rect2i(Vector2i.ZERO, previous_selection_map.get_size()).has_point(pos): continue project.selection_map.select_pixel( pos, previous_selection_map.is_pixel_selected(pos, false) ) big_bounding_rectangle = project.selection_map.get_used_rect() if offset_position != Vector2i.ZERO and big_bounding_rectangle.get_area() != 0: big_bounding_rectangle.position += offset_position project.selection_map.move_bitmap_values(project) big_bounding_rectangle = big_bounding_rectangle # call getter method func move_borders_start() -> void: undo_data = get_undo_data(false) func move_borders(move: Vector2i) -> void: if move == Vector2i.ZERO: return marching_ants_outline.offset += Vector2(move) big_bounding_rectangle.position += move queue_redraw() func move_borders_end() -> void: Global.current_project.selection_map.move_bitmap_values(Global.current_project) if not is_moving_content: commit_undo("Select", undo_data) else: Global.current_project.selection_map_changed() queue_redraw() canvas.queue_redraw() func transform_content_start() -> void: if is_moving_content: return undo_data = get_undo_data(true) temp_rect = big_bounding_rectangle _get_preview_image() if original_preview_image.is_empty(): undo_data = get_undo_data(false) return is_moving_content = true original_bitmap.copy_from(Global.current_project.selection_map) original_big_bounding_rectangle = big_bounding_rectangle original_offset = Global.current_project.selection_offset queue_redraw() canvas.queue_redraw() func move_content(move: Vector2) -> void: move_borders(move) func transform_content_confirm() -> void: if not is_moving_content: return var project := Global.current_project for cel in _get_selected_draw_cels(): var cel_image := cel.get_image() var src := src.copy_from(preview_image) if not is_pasting: src.copy_from(cel.transformed_content) cel.transformed_content = null DrawingAlgos.nn_rotate(src, angle, content_pivot) src.resize( preview_image.get_width(), preview_image.get_height(), Image.INTERPOLATE_NEAREST ) if temp_rect.size.x < 0: src.flip_x() if temp_rect.size.y < 0: src.flip_y() cel_image.blit_rect_mask( src, src, Rect2i(Vector2i.ZERO, project.selection_map.get_size()), big_bounding_rectangle.position ) cel_image.convert_rgb_to_indexed() project.selection_map.move_bitmap_values(project) commit_undo("Move Selection", undo_data) original_preview_image = preview_image = original_bitmap = is_moving_content = false is_pasting = false angle = 0.0 content_pivot = Vector2.ZERO queue_redraw() canvas.queue_redraw() func transform_content_cancel() -> void: if preview_image.is_empty(): return var project := Global.current_project project.selection_offset = original_offset is_moving_content = false big_bounding_rectangle = original_big_bounding_rectangle project.selection_map.copy_from(original_bitmap) project.selection_map_changed() preview_image = original_preview_image for cel in _get_selected_draw_cels(): var cel_image := cel.get_image() if !is_pasting: cel_image.blit_rect_mask( cel.transformed_content, cel.transformed_content, Rect2i(Vector2i.ZERO, Global.current_project.selection_map.get_size()), big_bounding_rectangle.position ) cel.transformed_content = null for cel_index in project.selected_cels: canvas.update_texture(cel_index[1]) original_preview_image = preview_image = original_bitmap = is_pasting = false angle = 0.0 content_pivot = Vector2.ZERO queue_redraw() canvas.queue_redraw() func commit_undo(action: String, undo_data_tmp: Dictionary) -> void: if !undo_data_tmp: print("No undo data found!") return var redo_data := get_undo_data(undo_data_tmp["undo_image"]) var project := Global.current_project project.undos += 1 project.undo_redo.create_action(action) Global.undo_redo_compress_images(redo_data, undo_data_tmp, project) project.undo_redo.add_do_property( self, "big_bounding_rectangle", redo_data["big_bounding_rectangle"] ) project.undo_redo.add_do_property(project, "selection_offset", redo_data["outline_offset"]) project.undo_redo.add_undo_property( self, "big_bounding_rectangle", undo_data_tmp["big_bounding_rectangle"] ) project.undo_redo.add_undo_property( project, "selection_offset", undo_data_tmp["outline_offset"] ) project.undo_redo.add_do_method(Global.undo_or_redo.bind(false)) project.undo_redo.add_do_method(project.selection_map_changed) project.undo_redo.add_undo_method(Global.undo_or_redo.bind(true)) project.undo_redo.add_undo_method(project.selection_map_changed) project.undo_redo.commit_action() undo_data.clear() func get_undo_data(undo_image: bool) -> Dictionary: var data := {} var project := Global.current_project data[project.selection_map] = data["big_bounding_rectangle"] = big_bounding_rectangle data["outline_offset"] = Global.current_project.selection_offset data["undo_image"] = undo_image if undo_image: var images := _get_selected_draw_images() for image in images: image.add_data_to_dictionary(data) return data func _get_selected_draw_cels() -> Array[PixelCel]: var cels: Array[PixelCel] = [] var project := Global.current_project for cel_index in project.selected_cels: var cel: BaseCel = project.frames[cel_index[0]].cels[cel_index[1]] if not cel is PixelCel: continue if project.layers[cel_index[1]].can_layer_get_drawn(): cels.append(cel) return cels func _get_selected_draw_images() -> Array[ImageExtended]: var images: Array[ImageExtended] = [] var project := Global.current_project for cel_index in project.selected_cels: var cel: BaseCel = project.frames[cel_index[0]].cels[cel_index[1]] if not cel is PixelCel: continue if project.layers[cel_index[1]].can_layer_get_drawn(): images.append(cel.get_image()) return images ## Returns the portion of current cel's image enclosed by the selection. func get_enclosed_image() -> Image: var project := Global.current_project if !project.has_selection: return var image := project.get_current_cel().get_image() var enclosed_img := if is_moving_content: enclosed_img.copy_from(preview_image) var selection_map_copy := selection_map_copy.copy_from(project.selection_map) selection_map_copy.move_bitmap_values(project, false) else: enclosed_img = _get_selected_image(image) return enclosed_img func cut() -> void: var project := Global.current_project if !project.layers[project.current_layer].can_layer_get_drawn(): return copy() delete(false) ## Copies the selection content (works in or between pixelorama instances only). func copy() -> void: var project := Global.current_project var cl_image := var cl_selection_map := var cl_big_bounding_rectangle := Rect2() var cl_selection_offset := Vector2.ZERO var image := project.get_current_cel().get_image() var to_copy := if !project.has_selection: to_copy.copy_from(image) cl_selection_map.copy_from(project.selection_map) cl_selection_map.select_all() cl_big_bounding_rectangle = Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, project.size) else: if is_moving_content: to_copy.copy_from(preview_image) project.selection_map.move_bitmap_values(project, false) cl_selection_map = project.selection_map else: to_copy = image.get_region(big_bounding_rectangle) # Remove unincluded pixels if the selection is not a single rectangle var offset_pos := big_bounding_rectangle.position for x in to_copy.get_size().x: for y in to_copy.get_size().y: var pos := Vector2i(x, y) if offset_pos.x < 0: offset_pos.x = 0 if offset_pos.y < 0: offset_pos.y = 0 if not project.selection_map.is_pixel_selected(pos + offset_pos, false): to_copy.set_pixelv(pos, Color(0)) cl_selection_map.copy_from(project.selection_map) cl_big_bounding_rectangle = big_bounding_rectangle cl_image = to_copy cl_selection_offset = project.selection_offset var transfer_clipboard := { "image": cl_image, "selection_map":, "big_bounding_rectangle": cl_big_bounding_rectangle, "selection_offset": cl_selection_offset, } var clipboard_file :=, FileAccess.WRITE) clipboard_file.store_var(transfer_clipboard, true) clipboard_file.close() if !to_copy.is_empty(): var pattern: Patterns.Pattern = Global.patterns_popup.get_pattern(0) pattern.image = to_copy var tex := ImageTexture.create_from_image(to_copy) var container = Global.patterns_popup.get_node("ScrollContainer/PatternContainer") container.get_child(0).get_child(0).texture = tex ## Pastes the selection content. func paste(in_place := false) -> void: if !FileAccess.file_exists(CLIPBOARD_FILE_PATH): return var clipboard_file :=, FileAccess.READ) var clipboard = clipboard_file.get_var(true) clipboard_file.close() # Sanity checks if typeof(clipboard) != TYPE_DICTIONARY: return if !clipboard.has_all(["image", "selection_map", "big_bounding_rectangle", "selection_offset"]): return if clipboard.image.is_empty(): return if is_moving_content: transform_content_confirm() undo_data = get_undo_data(true) clear_selection() var project := Global.current_project var clip_map := = clipboard.selection_map var max_size := Vector2i( maxi(clip_map.get_size().x, project.selection_map.get_size().x), maxi(clip_map.get_size().y, project.selection_map.get_size().y) ) project.selection_map.copy_from(clip_map) project.selection_map.crop(max_size.x, max_size.y) project.selection_offset = clipboard.selection_offset big_bounding_rectangle = clipboard.big_bounding_rectangle if not in_place: # If "Paste" is selected, and not "Paste in Place" var camera_center := camera_center -= Vector2(big_bounding_rectangle.size) / 2.0 var max_pos := project.size - big_bounding_rectangle.size if max_pos.x >= 0: camera_center.x = clampf(camera_center.x, 0, max_pos.x) else: camera_center.x = 0 if max_pos.y >= 0: camera_center.y = clampf(camera_center.y, 0, max_pos.y) else: camera_center.y = 0 big_bounding_rectangle.position = Vector2i(camera_center.floor()) project.selection_map.move_bitmap_values(Global.current_project, false) big_bounding_rectangle = big_bounding_rectangle temp_rect = big_bounding_rectangle is_moving_content = true is_pasting = true original_preview_image = clipboard.image original_big_bounding_rectangle = big_bounding_rectangle original_offset = project.selection_offset original_bitmap.copy_from(project.selection_map) preview_image.copy_from(original_preview_image) preview_image_texture = ImageTexture.create_from_image(preview_image) project.selection_map_changed() ## Deletes the drawing enclosed within the selection's area. func delete(selected_cels := true) -> void: var project := Global.current_project if !project.layers[project.current_layer].can_layer_get_drawn(): return if is_moving_content: is_moving_content = false original_preview_image = preview_image = original_bitmap = is_pasting = false queue_redraw() commit_undo("Draw", undo_data) return var undo_data_tmp := get_undo_data(true) var images: Array[ImageExtended] if selected_cels: images = _get_selected_draw_images() else: images = [project.get_current_cel().get_image()] if project.has_selection: var blank := project.new_empty_image() var selection_map_copy := project.selection_map.return_cropped_copy(project.size) for image in images: image.blit_rect_mask( blank, selection_map_copy, big_bounding_rectangle, big_bounding_rectangle.position ) image.convert_rgb_to_indexed() else: for image in images: image.fill(0) image.convert_rgb_to_indexed() commit_undo("Draw", undo_data_tmp) ## Makes a project brush out of the current selection's content. func new_brush() -> void: var brush := get_enclosed_image() if brush and !brush.is_invisible(): var brush_used: Image = brush.get_region(brush.get_used_rect()) Global.current_project.brushes.append(brush_used) Brushes.add_project_brush(brush_used) ## Select the entire region of current cel. func select_all() -> void: var undo_data_tmp := get_undo_data(false) clear_selection() var full_rect := Rect2i(Vector2i.ZERO, Global.current_project.size) select_rect(full_rect) commit_undo("Select", undo_data_tmp) ## Inverts the selection. func invert() -> void: transform_content_confirm() var project := Global.current_project var undo_data_tmp := get_undo_data(false) project.selection_map.crop(project.size.x, project.size.y) project.selection_map.invert() project.selection_map_changed() big_bounding_rectangle = project.selection_map.get_used_rect() project.selection_offset = Vector2.ZERO commit_undo("Select", undo_data_tmp) ## Clears the selection. func clear_selection(use_undo := false) -> void: var project := Global.current_project if !project.has_selection: return transform_content_confirm() var undo_data_tmp := get_undo_data(false) project.selection_map.crop(project.size.x, project.size.y) project.selection_map.clear() big_bounding_rectangle = Rect2() project.selection_offset = Vector2.ZERO queue_redraw() if use_undo: commit_undo("Clear Selection", undo_data_tmp) func _project_switched() -> void: marching_ants_outline.offset = Global.current_project.selection_offset big_bounding_rectangle = Global.current_project.selection_map.get_used_rect() big_bounding_rectangle.position += Global.current_project.selection_offset queue_redraw() func _get_preview_image() -> void: var project := Global.current_project var blended_image := project.new_empty_image() DrawingAlgos.blend_layers( blended_image, project.frames[project.current_frame], Vector2i.ZERO, project, true ) if original_preview_image.is_empty(): original_preview_image = Image.create( big_bounding_rectangle.size.x, big_bounding_rectangle.size.y, false, project.get_image_format() ) var selection_map_copy := project.selection_map.return_cropped_copy(project.size) original_preview_image.blit_rect_mask( blended_image, selection_map_copy, big_bounding_rectangle, Vector2i.ZERO ) if original_preview_image.is_invisible(): original_preview_image = return preview_image.copy_from(original_preview_image) preview_image_texture = ImageTexture.create_from_image(preview_image) var clear_image := Image.create( original_preview_image.get_width(), original_preview_image.get_height(), original_preview_image.has_mipmaps(), original_preview_image.get_format() ) for cel in _get_selected_draw_cels(): var cel_image := cel.get_image() cel.transformed_content = _get_selected_image(cel_image) cel_image.blit_rect_mask( clear_image, cel.transformed_content, Rect2i(Vector2i.ZERO, project.selection_map.get_size()), big_bounding_rectangle.position ) for cel_index in project.selected_cels: canvas.update_texture(cel_index[1]) func _get_selected_image(cel_image: Image) -> Image: var project := Global.current_project var image := Image.create( big_bounding_rectangle.size.x, big_bounding_rectangle.size.y, false, project.get_image_format() ) var selection_map_copy := project.selection_map.return_cropped_copy(project.size) image.blit_rect_mask(cel_image, selection_map_copy, big_bounding_rectangle, Vector2i.ZERO) return image