extends Button enum MenuOptions { PROPERTIES, DELETE, LINK, UNLINK } var frame := 0 var layer := 0 var cel: BaseCel var _is_guide_stylebox := false @onready var popup_menu: PopupMenu = get_node_or_null("PopupMenu") @onready var linked: ColorRect = $Linked @onready var cel_texture: TextureRect = $CelTexture @onready var transparent_checker: ColorRect = $CelTexture/TransparentChecker @onready var properties: AcceptDialog = Global.control.find_child("CelProperties") func _ready() -> void: Global.cel_switched.connect(cel_switched) Themes.theme_switched.connect(cel_switched.bind(true)) cel = Global.current_project.frames[frame].cels[layer] button_setup() _dim_checker() cel.texture_changed.connect(_dim_checker) for selected in Global.current_project.selected_cels: if selected[1] == layer and selected[0] == frame: button_pressed = true if cel is PixelCel: popup_menu.add_item("Delete") popup_menu.add_item("Link Cels to") popup_menu.add_item("Unlink Cels") elif cel is GroupCel: transparent_checker.visible = false func _notification(what: int) -> void: if what == NOTIFICATION_TRANSLATION_CHANGED: tooltip_text = ( tr("Frame: %s, Layer: %s") % [frame + 1, Global.current_project.layers[layer].name] ) func cel_switched(force_stylebox_change := false) -> void: z_index = 1 if button_pressed else 0 var current_theme := Global.control.theme var is_guide := false for selected in Global.current_project.selected_cels: if selected[1] == layer or selected[0] == frame: is_guide = true break if is_guide: if not _is_guide_stylebox or force_stylebox_change: var guide_stylebox := current_theme.get_stylebox("guide", "CelButton") add_theme_stylebox_override("normal", guide_stylebox) _is_guide_stylebox = true else: if _is_guide_stylebox or force_stylebox_change: var normal_stylebox := current_theme.get_stylebox("normal", "CelButton") add_theme_stylebox_override("normal", normal_stylebox) _is_guide_stylebox = false func button_setup() -> void: custom_minimum_size.x = Global.animation_timeline.cel_size custom_minimum_size.y = Global.animation_timeline.cel_size var base_layer := Global.current_project.layers[layer] tooltip_text = tr("Frame: %s, Layer: %s") % [frame + 1, base_layer.name] cel_texture.texture = cel.image_texture if is_instance_valid(linked): linked.visible = cel.link_set != null if cel.link_set != null: linked.color.h = cel.link_set["hue"] func _on_CelButton_pressed() -> void: var project := Global.current_project if Input.is_action_just_released("left_mouse"): Global.canvas.selection.transform_content_confirm() var change_cel := true var prev_curr_frame: int = project.current_frame var prev_curr_layer: int = project.current_layer if Input.is_action_pressed("shift"): var frame_diff_sign := signi(frame - prev_curr_frame) if frame_diff_sign == 0: frame_diff_sign = 1 var layer_diff_sign := signi(layer - prev_curr_layer) if layer_diff_sign == 0: layer_diff_sign = 1 for i in range(prev_curr_frame, frame + frame_diff_sign, frame_diff_sign): for j in range(prev_curr_layer, layer + layer_diff_sign, layer_diff_sign): var frame_layer := [i, j] if !project.selected_cels.has(frame_layer): project.selected_cels.append(frame_layer) elif Input.is_action_pressed("ctrl"): var frame_layer := [frame, layer] if project.selected_cels.has(frame_layer): if project.selected_cels.size() > 1: project.selected_cels.erase(frame_layer) change_cel = false else: project.selected_cels.append(frame_layer) else: # If the button is pressed without Shift or Control project.selected_cels.clear() var frame_layer := [frame, layer] if !project.selected_cels.has(frame_layer): project.selected_cels.append(frame_layer) if change_cel: project.change_cel(frame, layer) else: project.change_cel(project.selected_cels[0][0], project.selected_cels[0][1]) release_focus() elif Input.is_action_just_released("right_mouse"): popup_menu.popup_on_parent(Rect2(get_global_mouse_position(), Vector2.ONE)) button_pressed = !button_pressed elif Input.is_action_just_released("middle_mouse"): button_pressed = !button_pressed _delete_cel_content() else: # An example of this would be Space button_pressed = !button_pressed func _on_PopupMenu_id_pressed(id: int) -> void: match id: MenuOptions.PROPERTIES: properties.cel_indices = _get_cel_indices() properties.popup_centered() MenuOptions.DELETE: _delete_cel_content() MenuOptions.LINK, MenuOptions.UNLINK: var project := Global.current_project if id == MenuOptions.UNLINK: project.undo_redo.create_action("Unlink Cel") var selected_cels := _get_cel_indices(true) if not selected_cels.has([frame, layer]): selected_cels.append([frame, layer]) # Include this cel with the selected ones for cel_index in selected_cels: if layer != cel_index[1]: # Skip selected cels not on the same layer continue var s_cel := project.frames[cel_index[0]].cels[cel_index[1]] if s_cel.link_set == null: # Skip cels that aren't linked continue project.undo_redo.add_do_method( project.layers[layer].link_cel.bind(s_cel, null) ) project.undo_redo.add_undo_method( project.layers[layer].link_cel.bind(s_cel, s_cel.link_set) ) if s_cel.link_set.size() > 1: # Skip copying content if not linked to another project.undo_redo.add_do_method( s_cel.set_content.bind(s_cel.copy_content(), ImageTexture.new()) ) project.undo_redo.add_undo_method( s_cel.set_content.bind(s_cel.get_content(), s_cel.image_texture) ) elif id == MenuOptions.LINK: project.undo_redo.create_action("Link Cel") var link_set: Dictionary = {} if cel.link_set == null else cel.link_set if cel.link_set == null: project.undo_redo.add_do_method( project.layers[layer].link_cel.bind(cel, link_set) ) project.undo_redo.add_undo_method( project.layers[layer].link_cel.bind(cel, null) ) for cel_index in project.selected_cels: if layer != cel_index[1]: # Skip selected cels not on the same layer continue var s_cel := project.frames[cel_index[0]].cels[cel_index[1]] if cel == s_cel: # Don't need to link cel to itself continue if s_cel.link_set == link_set: # Skip cels that were already linked continue project.undo_redo.add_do_method( project.layers[layer].link_cel.bind(s_cel, link_set) ) project.undo_redo.add_undo_method( project.layers[layer].link_cel.bind(s_cel, s_cel.link_set) ) project.undo_redo.add_do_method( s_cel.set_content.bind(cel.get_content(), cel.image_texture) ) project.undo_redo.add_undo_method( s_cel.set_content.bind(s_cel.get_content(), s_cel.image_texture) ) # Remove and add a new cel button to update appearance (can't use button_setup # because there is no guarantee that it will be the exact same cel button instance) # May be able to use button_setup with a lambda to find correct cel button in Godot 4 for f in project.frames.size(): project.undo_redo.add_do_method( Global.animation_timeline.project_cel_removed.bind(f, layer) ) project.undo_redo.add_undo_method( Global.animation_timeline.project_cel_removed.bind(f, layer) ) project.undo_redo.add_do_method( Global.animation_timeline.project_cel_added.bind(f, layer) ) project.undo_redo.add_undo_method( Global.animation_timeline.project_cel_added.bind(f, layer) ) project.undo_redo.add_do_method(Global.undo_or_redo.bind(false)) project.undo_redo.add_undo_method(Global.undo_or_redo.bind(true)) project.undo_redo.commit_action() func _delete_cel_content() -> void: var indices := _get_cel_indices() var project := Global.current_project project.undos += 1 project.undo_redo.create_action("Draw") for cel_index in indices: var frame_index: int = cel_index[0] var layer_index: int = cel_index[1] var selected_cel := project.frames[frame_index].cels[layer_index] var empty_content = selected_cel.create_empty_content() var old_content = selected_cel.get_content() if selected_cel.link_set == null: project.undo_redo.add_do_method(selected_cel.set_content.bind(empty_content)) project.undo_redo.add_undo_method(selected_cel.set_content.bind(old_content)) else: for linked_cel in selected_cel.link_set["cels"]: project.undo_redo.add_do_method(linked_cel.set_content.bind(empty_content)) project.undo_redo.add_undo_method(linked_cel.set_content.bind(old_content)) project.undo_redo.add_do_method( Global.undo_or_redo.bind(false, frame_index, layer_index, project) ) project.undo_redo.add_undo_method( Global.undo_or_redo.bind(true, frame_index, layer_index, project) ) project.undo_redo.commit_action() func _dim_checker() -> void: var image := cel.get_image() if image == null: return if image.is_empty() or image.is_invisible(): transparent_checker.visible = false else: transparent_checker.visible = true func _get_drag_data(_position: Vector2) -> Variant: var button := Button.new() button.size = size button.theme = Global.control.theme var texture_rect := TextureRect.new() texture_rect.size = cel_texture.size texture_rect.position = cel_texture.position texture_rect.expand = true texture_rect.texture = cel_texture.texture button.add_child(texture_rect) set_drag_preview(button) return ["Cel", _get_cel_indices()] func _can_drop_data(_pos: Vector2, data) -> bool: var project := Global.current_project if typeof(data) != TYPE_ARRAY: Global.animation_timeline.drag_highlight.visible = false return false if data[0] != "Cel": Global.animation_timeline.drag_highlight.visible = false return false var drop_cels: Array = data[1] drop_cels.sort_custom(_sort_cel_indices_by_frame) var drop_frames: PackedInt32Array = [] var drop_layers: PackedInt32Array = [] for cel_idx in drop_cels: drop_frames.append(cel_idx[0]) drop_layers.append(cel_idx[1]) # Can't move to the same cel for drop_frame in drop_frames: if drop_frame == frame and drop_layers[-1] == layer: Global.animation_timeline.drag_highlight.visible = false return false # Can't move different types of layers between them for drop_layer in drop_layers: if project.layers[drop_layer].get_script() != project.layers[layer].get_script(): Global.animation_timeline.drag_highlight.visible = false return false var drop_layer := drop_layers[0] # Check if all dropped cels are on the same layer var different_layers := false for l in drop_layers: if l != layer: different_layers = true # Check if any of the dropped cels are linked var are_dropped_cels_linked := false for f in drop_frames: if project.frames[f].cels[drop_layer].link_set != null: are_dropped_cels_linked = true if ( # If both cels are on the same layer, or both are not linked drop_layer == layer or (project.frames[frame].cels[layer].link_set == null and not are_dropped_cels_linked) ): var region: Rect2 if Input.is_action_pressed("ctrl") or different_layers: # Swap cels region = get_global_rect() else: # Move cels if _get_region_rect(0, 0.5).has_point(get_global_mouse_position()): # Left region = _get_region_rect(-0.125, 0.125) region.position.x -= 2 # Container spacing else: # Right region = _get_region_rect(0.875, 1.125) region.position.x += 2 # Container spacing Global.animation_timeline.drag_highlight.global_position = region.position Global.animation_timeline.drag_highlight.size = region.size Global.animation_timeline.drag_highlight.visible = true return true Global.animation_timeline.drag_highlight.visible = false return false func _drop_data(_pos: Vector2, data) -> void: var drop_cels: Array = data[1] drop_cels.sort_custom(_sort_cel_indices_by_frame) var drop_frames: PackedInt32Array = [] var drop_layers: PackedInt32Array = [] for cel_idx in drop_cels: drop_frames.append(cel_idx[0]) drop_layers.append(cel_idx[1]) var drop_layer := drop_layers[0] var different_layers := false for l in drop_layers: if l != layer: different_layers = true var project := Global.current_project project.undo_redo.create_action("Move Cels") if Input.is_action_pressed("ctrl") or different_layers: # Swap cels project.undo_redo.add_do_method( project.swap_cel.bind(frame, layer, drop_frames[0], drop_layer) ) project.undo_redo.add_undo_method( project.swap_cel.bind(frame, layer, drop_frames[0], drop_layer) ) else: # Move cels var to_frame: int if _get_region_rect(0, 0.5).has_point(get_global_mouse_position()): # Left to_frame = frame else: # Right to_frame = frame + 1 for drop_frame in drop_frames: if drop_frame < frame: to_frame -= 1 var to_frames := range(to_frame, to_frame + drop_frames.size()) project.undo_redo.add_do_method( project.move_cels_same_layer.bind(drop_frames, to_frames, layer) ) project.undo_redo.add_undo_method( project.move_cels_same_layer.bind(to_frames, drop_frames, layer) ) project.undo_redo.add_do_method(project.change_cel.bind(frame, layer)) project.undo_redo.add_undo_method( project.change_cel.bind(project.current_frame, project.current_layer) ) project.undo_redo.add_undo_method(Global.undo_or_redo.bind(true)) project.undo_redo.add_do_method(Global.undo_or_redo.bind(false)) project.undo_redo.commit_action() func _get_region_rect(x_begin: float, x_end: float) -> Rect2: var rect := get_global_rect() rect.position.x += rect.size.x * x_begin rect.size.x *= x_end - x_begin return rect func _get_cel_indices(add_current_cel := false) -> Array: var indices := Global.current_project.selected_cels.duplicate() if not [frame, layer] in indices: if add_current_cel: indices.append([frame, layer]) else: indices = [[frame, layer]] return indices func _sort_cel_indices_by_frame(a: Array, b: Array) -> bool: var frame_a: int = a[0] var frame_b: int = b[0] if frame_a < frame_b: return true return false