extends "res://src/Tools/SelectionTools/SelectionTool.gd" func draw_move(_position : Vector2) -> void: pass func draw_end(position : Vector2) -> void: var project : Project = Global.current_project if position.x < 0 or position.y < 0: return if position.x > project.size.x - 1 or position.y > project.size.y - 1: return if !_add and !_subtract and !_intersect: Global.canvas.selection.clear_selection() var selection_bitmap_copy : BitMap = project.selection_bitmap.duplicate() if _intersect: var full_rect = Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, selection_bitmap_copy.get_size()) selection_bitmap_copy.set_bit_rect(full_rect, false) var cel_image := Image.new() cel_image.copy_from(project.frames[project.current_frame].cels[project.current_layer].image) cel_image.lock() var color := cel_image.get_pixelv(position) # Flood fill logic var processed := BitMap.new() processed.create(cel_image.get_size()) var q = [position] for n in q: if processed.get_bit(n): continue var west : Vector2 = n var east : Vector2 = n while west.x >= 0 && cel_image.get_pixelv(west).is_equal_approx(color): west += Vector2.LEFT while east.x < project.size.x && cel_image.get_pixelv(east).is_equal_approx(color): east += Vector2.RIGHT for px in range(west.x + 1, east.x): var p := Vector2(px, n.y) if _intersect: selection_bitmap_copy.set_bit(p, project.selection_bitmap.get_bit(p)) else: selection_bitmap_copy.set_bit(p, !_subtract) processed.set_bit(p, true) var north := p + Vector2.UP var south := p + Vector2.DOWN if north.y >= 0 && cel_image.get_pixelv(north).is_equal_approx(color): q.append(north) if south.y < project.size.y && cel_image.get_pixelv(south).is_equal_approx(color): q.append(south) cel_image.unlock() project.selection_bitmap = selection_bitmap_copy Global.canvas.selection.big_bounding_rectangle = project.get_selection_rectangle(project.selection_bitmap) Global.canvas.selection.commit_undo("Rectangle Select", undo_data)