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mirror of https://github.com/Orama-Interactive/Pixelorama.git synced 2025-02-13 17:23:08 +00:00

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2 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Emmanouil Papadeas 7eeb0b0cba Add a clear recently open file list option 2024-10-10 00:42:40 +03:00
Emmanouil Papadeas 2f24508dea Add a new Reset category in the Preferences 2024-10-09 21:20:17 +03:00
7 changed files with 179 additions and 8 deletions

View file

@ -2482,6 +2482,26 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "A default background color of a new image"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the preferences, under the Reset category.
msgid "Reset all options available in the Preferences"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the preferences, under the Reset category.
msgid "Reset timeline options"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the preferences, under the Reset category.
msgid "Reset all tool options"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the preferences, under the Reset category.
msgid "Remove all extensions"
msgstr ""
#. Found in the preferences, under the Reset category.
msgid "Clear the recently opened file list"
msgstr ""
msgid "Lock aspect ratio"
msgstr ""

View file

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
# gdlint: ignore=max-public-methods
extends Node
signal color_changed(color: Color, button: int)
signal flip_rotated(flip_x, flip_y, rotate_90, rotate_180, rotate_270)
signal options_reset
enum Dynamics { NONE, PRESSURE, VELOCITY }
@ -315,6 +317,7 @@ class Slot:
func _ready() -> void:
_tool_buttons = Global.control.find_child("ToolButtons")
for t in tools:
@ -370,6 +373,12 @@ func _ready() -> void:
func reset_options() -> void:
assign_tool(get_tool(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT).tool_node.name, MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT, true)
assign_tool(get_tool(MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT).tool_node.name, MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT, true)
func add_tool_button(t: Tool, insert_pos := -1) -> void:
var tool_button: BaseButton = _tool_button_scene.instantiate()
tool_button.name = t.name
@ -414,12 +423,16 @@ func set_tool(tool_name: String, button: int) -> void:
_right_tools_per_layer_type[_curr_layer_type] = tool_name
func assign_tool(tool_name: String, button: int) -> void:
func get_tool(button: int) -> Slot:
return _slots[button]
func assign_tool(tool_name: String, button: int, allow_refresh := false) -> void:
var slot: Slot = _slots[button]
var panel: Node = _panels[button]
if slot.tool_node != null:
if slot.tool_node.name == tool_name:
if slot.tool_node.name == tool_name and not allow_refresh:

View file

@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ var selected_item := 0
@onready var list: ItemList = $HSplitContainer/List
@onready var right_side: VBoxContainer = $"%RightSide"
@onready var language: VBoxContainer = %Language
@onready var system_language := language.get_node(^"System Language") as CheckBox
@onready var autosave_container: Container = right_side.get_node("Backup/AutosaveContainer")
@onready var autosave_interval: SpinBox = autosave_container.get_node("AutosaveInterval")
@onready var themes: BoxContainer = right_side.get_node("Interface/Themes")
@ -252,6 +253,7 @@ func _ready() -> void:
right_side.get_node(^"Language").visible = true
Global.open_last_project = false
if OS.get_name() == "Windows":
tablet_driver_label.visible = true
tablet_driver.visible = true
@ -271,7 +273,6 @@ func _ready() -> void:
# Create buttons for each language
var system_language := language.get_node(^"System Language") as Button
var button_group: ButtonGroup = system_language.button_group
for locale in Global.loaded_locales: # Create radiobuttons for each language
var button := CheckBox.new()
@ -424,3 +425,51 @@ func _on_language_pressed(index: int) -> void:
func _on_reset_button_pressed() -> void:
func _on_reset_options_confirmation_confirmed() -> void:
# Clear preferences
if %ResetPreferences.button_pressed:
system_language.button_pressed = true
themes.buttons_container.get_child(0).button_pressed = true
for pref in preferences:
var property_name := pref.prop_name
var default_value = pref.default_value
var node := right_side.get_node(pref.node_path)
if is_instance_valid(node):
node.set(pref.value_type, default_value)
Global.set(property_name, default_value)
# Clear timeline options
if %ResetTimelineOptions.button_pressed:
# Clear tool options
if %ResetAllToolOptions.button_pressed:
# Remove all extensions
if %RemoveAllExtensions.button_pressed:
var extensions_node := Global.control.get_node("Extensions") as Extensions
var extensions_list := extensions_node.extensions.duplicate()
for extension in extensions_list:
# Clear recent files list
if %ClearRecentFiles.button_pressed:
Global.config_cache.erase_section_key("data", "last_project_path")
Global.config_cache.erase_section_key("data", "recent_projects")

View file

@ -1344,6 +1344,59 @@ tooltip_text = "A default background color of a new image"
mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2
color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0)
[node name="Reset" type="VBoxContainer" parent="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer/ScrollContainer/RightSide"]
visible = false
layout_mode = 2
[node name="ResetHeader" type="HBoxContainer" parent="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer/ScrollContainer/RightSide/Reset"]
layout_mode = 2
theme_override_constants/separation = 0
[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer/ScrollContainer/RightSide/Reset/ResetHeader"]
layout_mode = 2
theme_type_variation = &"HeaderSmall"
text = "Reset"
[node name="HSeparator" type="HSeparator" parent="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer/ScrollContainer/RightSide/Reset/ResetHeader"]
layout_mode = 2
size_flags_horizontal = 3
[node name="ResetPreferences" type="CheckBox" parent="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer/ScrollContainer/RightSide/Reset"]
unique_name_in_owner = true
layout_mode = 2
mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2
button_pressed = true
text = "Reset all options available in the Preferences"
[node name="ResetTimelineOptions" type="CheckBox" parent="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer/ScrollContainer/RightSide/Reset"]
unique_name_in_owner = true
layout_mode = 2
mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2
text = "Reset timeline options"
[node name="ResetAllToolOptions" type="CheckBox" parent="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer/ScrollContainer/RightSide/Reset"]
unique_name_in_owner = true
layout_mode = 2
mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2
text = "Reset all tool options"
[node name="RemoveAllExtensions" type="CheckBox" parent="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer/ScrollContainer/RightSide/Reset"]
unique_name_in_owner = true
layout_mode = 2
mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2
text = "Remove all extensions"
[node name="ClearRecentFiles" type="CheckBox" parent="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer/ScrollContainer/RightSide/Reset"]
unique_name_in_owner = true
layout_mode = 2
mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2
text = "Clear the recently opened file list"
[node name="ResetButton" type="Button" parent="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer/ScrollContainer/RightSide/Reset"]
layout_mode = 2
mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2
text = "Reset"
[node name="MustRestart" type="HBoxContainer" parent="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer"]
unique_name_in_owner = true
visible = false
@ -1379,6 +1432,9 @@ ok_button_text = "Delete Permanently"
dialog_text = "Are you sure you want to delete this extension?"
dialog_autowrap = true
[node name="ResetOptionsConfirmation" type="ConfirmationDialog" parent="."]
dialog_text = "Are you sure you want to reset the selected options? There will be no way to undo this."
[connection signal="about_to_popup" from="." to="." method="_on_PreferencesDialog_about_to_show"]
[connection signal="visibility_changed" from="." to="." method="_on_PreferencesDialog_visibility_changed"]
[connection signal="item_selected" from="HSplitContainer/List" to="." method="_on_List_item_selected"]
@ -1392,6 +1448,8 @@ dialog_autowrap = true
[connection signal="pressed" from="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer/ScrollContainer/RightSide/Extensions/HBoxContainer/EnableButton" to="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer/ScrollContainer/RightSide/Extensions" method="_on_EnableButton_pressed"]
[connection signal="pressed" from="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer/ScrollContainer/RightSide/Extensions/HBoxContainer/UninstallButton" to="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer/ScrollContainer/RightSide/Extensions" method="_on_UninstallButton_pressed"]
[connection signal="pressed" from="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer/ScrollContainer/RightSide/Extensions/HBoxContainer/OpenFolderButton" to="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer/ScrollContainer/RightSide/Extensions" method="_on_OpenFolderButton_pressed"]
[connection signal="pressed" from="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer/ScrollContainer/RightSide/Reset/ResetButton" to="." method="_on_reset_button_pressed"]
[connection signal="files_selected" from="AddExtensionFileDialog" to="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer/ScrollContainer/RightSide/Extensions" method="_on_AddExtensionFileDialog_files_selected"]
[connection signal="confirmed" from="DeleteExtensionConfirmation" to="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer/ScrollContainer/RightSide/Extensions" method="_on_delete_confirmation_confirmed"]
[connection signal="custom_action" from="DeleteExtensionConfirmation" to="HSplitContainer/VBoxContainer/ScrollContainer/RightSide/Extensions" method="_on_delete_confirmation_custom_action"]
[connection signal="confirmed" from="ResetOptionsConfirmation" to="." method="_on_reset_options_confirmation_confirmed"]

View file

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ var color_sliders_vbox: VBoxContainer
func _ready() -> void:
_average(left_color_rect.color, right_color_rect.color)
color_picker.color_mode = Global.config_cache.get_value(
@ -121,6 +122,12 @@ func _on_left_color_button_toggled(toggled_on: bool) -> void:
_average(left_color_rect.color, right_color_rect.color)
func reset_options() -> void:
color_picker.color_mode = ColorPicker.MODE_RGB
color_picker.picker_shape = ColorPicker.SHAPE_HSV_RECTANGLE
expand_button.button_pressed = false
func update_color(color: Color, button: int) -> void:
if Tools.picking_color_for == button:
color_picker.color = color

View file

@ -10,11 +10,20 @@ extends PanelContainer
func _ready() -> void:
# Resize tools panel when window gets resized
horizontal_mirror.button_pressed = Tools.horizontal_mirror
vertical_mirror.button_pressed = Tools.vertical_mirror
pixel_perfect.button_pressed = Tools.pixel_perfect
alpha_lock.button_pressed = Tools.alpha_locked
func reset_options() -> void:
horizontal_mirror.button_pressed = false
vertical_mirror.button_pressed = false
pixel_perfect.button_pressed = false
alpha_lock.button_pressed = false
func _on_resized() -> void:

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ const FRAME_BUTTON_TSCN := preload("res://src/UI/Timeline/FrameButton.tscn")
const LAYER_FX_SCENE_PATH := "res://src/UI/Timeline/LayerEffects/LayerEffectsSettings.tscn"
var is_animation_running := false
var animation_loop := 1 ## 0 is no loop, 1 is cycle loop, 2 is ping-pong loop
var animation_loop := 1 ## 0 is no loop, 1 is cycle loop, 2 is ping-pong loop.
var animation_forward := true
var first_frame := 0
var last_frame := 0
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ var global_layer_visibility := true
var global_layer_lock := false
var global_layer_expand := true
@onready var old_scroll := 0 ## The previous scroll state of $ScrollContainer
@onready var old_scroll := 0 ## The previous scroll state of $ScrollContainer.
@onready var tag_spacer := %TagSpacer as Control
@onready var layer_settings_container := %LayerSettingsContainer as VBoxContainer
@onready var layer_container := %LayerContainer as VBoxContainer
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ func _ready() -> void:
Global.animation_timer.wait_time = 1 / Global.current_project.fps
fps_spinbox.value = Global.current_project.fps
# Config loading
# Config loading.
layer_frame_h_split.split_offset = Global.config_cache.get_value("timeline", "layer_size", 0)
layer_frame_header_h_split.split_offset = layer_frame_h_split.split_offset
cel_size = Global.config_cache.get_value("timeline", "cel_size", cel_size) # Call setter
@ -94,13 +94,13 @@ func _ready() -> void:
var onion_skinning_opacity = Global.config_cache.get_value(
"timeline", "onion_skinning_opacity", 0.6
get_node("%OnionSkinningOpacity").value = onion_skinning_opacity * 100.0
%OnionSkinningOpacity.value = onion_skinning_opacity * 100.0
%PastOnionSkinning.value = past_rate
%FutureOnionSkinning.value = future_rate
%BlueRedMode.button_pressed = blue_red
%PastPlacement.select(0 if past_above else 1)
%FuturePlacement.select(0 if future_above else 1)
# emit signals that were supposed to be emitted (Check if it's still required in godot 4)
# Emit signals that were supposed to be emitted.
%PastPlacement.item_selected.emit(0 if past_above else 1)
%FuturePlacement.item_selected.emit(0 if future_above else 1)
@ -140,6 +140,21 @@ func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
cel_size += (2 * int(event.is_action("zoom_in")) - 2 * int(event.is_action("zoom_out")))
func reset_settings() -> void:
cel_size = 36
%OnionSkinningOpacity.value = 60.0
%PastOnionSkinning.value = 1
%FutureOnionSkinning.value = 1
%BlueRedMode.button_pressed = false
for onion_skinning_node: Node2D in get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("canvas_onion_skinning"):
onion_skinning_node.opacity = 0.6
func _get_minimum_size() -> Vector2:
# X targets enough to see layers, 1 frame, vertical scrollbar, and padding
# Y targets enough to see 1 layer