- Also fixed a small translation bug with the menu items, for real this time
- Fixed a bug with the brush color not being updated when using the custom color picker tool
- The pixel indicators only appear for Pencil, Eraser and LightenDarken tools
- Small UI margin changes.
- Custom cursor images for bucket & color picker, only when mapped to the left button
- Cursor is now invisible when the left chosen tool is anything but bucket, color picker and rectangle select.
- Improved and added more hint tooltips.
- New UI icons for the tools, layer and frame buttons.
- Removed clone, remove and move frame buttons. You can now right click on a frame button to do these actions instead.
- Added first, previous, next and last frame buttons to the timeline.
- Added rulers for the main canvas viewport.
- Window size bumped to 1152x648.
- Default FPS is now 6 instead of 1.
- Fill tool renamed to Bucket.
- Mouse default cursor shape for the canvas is the arrow instead of cross.
- Mouse default cursor shape for the mirror and onion skinning buttons is the pointing hand.