- A new type of custom brush has been added, brushes from files! Basically there's a "Brushes" folder where Pixelorama can get brushes from, and, unlike the previous brushes, these are for all projects and are not saved in .pxo files. These brushes get loaded on the _ready() method of Main.gd, and are ignored by Godot.
- There are now 2 containers for the two types of custom brushes. The main pixel brush is with the brushes from files.
- Fixed bug where, if you had selected a custom "project" brush and loaded a .pxo file, the brush would still be selected, causing potential problems
- Fixed bug where you could save a project brush that was completely transparent
- Fixed bug where, if you named a file, some shortcuts would be activated.
- export_presets.cfg is now ignored.
v0.2 of Pixelorama is out!
- Added animation timeline. You can add. remove. clone and change order of your frames!
- You can now import multiple images as frames.
- Ability to save individual frames, all frames as multiple files, or all frames as a single file in the form of a horizontal or vertical spritesheet!
- Different frames can have a unique amount of layers and they can be of different sizes.
- Image scaling is now functional.
- Added hints for UI elements.
- A lot of UI changes.