Trying to merge layers into the timeline, and eventually add more features like "share layer with all frames", among others. THIS IS NOT FINISHED, IT WILL *NOT* WORK PROPERLY. Once it is finished, this branch will be merged onto master.
So far only add layer and add frame work, and even they may have some issues. Undoing also does not work properly yet.
The UI is also not finished, as it currently has problems with the scroll containers.
Added a slider under the layer add/remove/etc buttons that changes the currently selected layer's transparency. It gets saved in .png and .pxo files, while respecting non-opaque pixels in the image too. Which means, their alpha values aren't being overwritten.
- New UI icons for the tools, layer and frame buttons.
- Removed clone, remove and move frame buttons. You can now right click on a frame button to do these actions instead.
- Added first, previous, next and last frame buttons to the timeline.
- Added rulers for the main canvas viewport.
- Window size bumped to 1152x648.
- Default FPS is now 6 instead of 1.
- Fill tool renamed to Bucket.
- Mouse default cursor shape for the canvas is the arrow instead of cross.
- Mouse default cursor shape for the mirror and onion skinning buttons is the pointing hand.
- UndoRedo for Add/Remove/Clone/Move Frames
- Set functions for frame changes (both on canvases and Global.current_frame)
- Removed unneeded signal methods and put multiple signals on one method instead (for example, add and clone layer button signals both connect to add_layer())
- Fixed bug where, if you opened a .pxo file with multiple frames, the remove frame button would be disabled.
- Probably other small things that I'm forgetting to mention
Current frame label now shows the current frame and the number of all frames. Also, when saving frames as multiple files, the count starts at 1 instead of 0.
v0.2 of Pixelorama is out!
- Added animation timeline. You can add. remove. clone and change order of your frames!
- You can now import multiple images as frames.
- Ability to save individual frames, all frames as multiple files, or all frames as a single file in the form of a horizontal or vertical spritesheet!
- Different frames can have a unique amount of layers and they can be of different sizes.
- Image scaling is now functional.
- Added hints for UI elements.
- A lot of UI changes.