mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 12:33:14 +00:00
Let the user change icon colors regardless of theme
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 112 additions and 40 deletions
@ -488,6 +488,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Purple"
msgstr ""
msgid "Theme"
msgstr ""
msgid "Icon color from:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Icon color:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Only affect selection"
msgstr ""
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ enum Direction {UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT}
enum ThemeTypes {DARK, BLUE, CARAMEL, LIGHT}
enum TileMode {NONE, BOTH, X_AXIS, Y_AXIS}
enum IconColorFrom {THEME, CUSTOM}
# Stuff for arrowkey-based canvas movements nyaa ^.^
const low_speed_move_rate := 150.0
const medium_speed_move_rate := 750.0
@ -47,11 +48,14 @@ var default_clear_color := Color.gray
# Preferences
var pressure_sensitivity_mode = PressureSensitivity.NONE
var open_last_project := false
var smooth_zoom := true
var shrink := 1.0
var dim_on_popup := true
var smooth_zoom := true
var theme_type : int = ThemeTypes.DARK
var modulate_button_color : Color = Color.gray
var modulate_icon_color := Color.gray
var icon_color_from : int = IconColorFrom.THEME
var custom_icon_color := Color.gray
var default_image_width := 64
var default_image_height := 64
@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
extends Node
var theme_index := 0
onready var themes := [
[preload("res://assets/themes/dark/theme.tres"), "Dark"],
[preload("res://assets/themes/gray/theme.tres"), "Gray"],
[preload("res://assets/themes/blue/theme.tres"), "Blue"],
[preload("res://assets/themes/caramel/theme.tres"), "Caramel"],
[preload("res://assets/themes/light/theme.tres"), "Light"],
[preload("res://assets/themes/purple/theme.tres"), "Purple"],
[preload("res://assets/themes/dark/theme.tres"), "Dark", Color.gray],
[preload("res://assets/themes/gray/theme.tres"), "Gray", Color.gray],
[preload("res://assets/themes/blue/theme.tres"), "Blue", Color.gray],
[preload("res://assets/themes/caramel/theme.tres"), "Caramel", Color(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)],
[preload("res://assets/themes/light/theme.tres"), "Light", Color(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)],
[preload("res://assets/themes/purple/theme.tres"), "Purple", Color.gray],
onready var buttons_container : BoxContainer = $ThemeButtons
onready var colors_container : BoxContainer = $ThemeColorsSpacer/ThemeColors
onready var theme_color_preview_scene = preload("res://src/Preferences/ThemeColorPreview.tscn")
@ -53,21 +56,20 @@ func _on_Theme_pressed(index : int) -> void:
func change_theme(ID : int) -> void:
var font = Global.control.theme.default_font
theme_index = ID
var main_theme : Theme = themes[ID][0]
var darkergray := Color(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
if ID == 0 or ID == 1 or ID == 5: # Dark, Gray or Purple Theme
Global.theme_type = Global.ThemeTypes.DARK
Global.modulate_button_color = Color.gray
elif ID == 2: # Godot's Theme
Global.theme_type = Global.ThemeTypes.BLUE
Global.modulate_button_color = Color.gray
elif ID == 3: # Caramel Theme
Global.theme_type = Global.ThemeTypes.CARAMEL
Global.modulate_button_color = darkergray
elif ID == 4: # Light Theme
Global.theme_type = Global.ThemeTypes.LIGHT
Global.modulate_button_color = darkergray
if Global.icon_color_from == Global.IconColorFrom.THEME:
Global.modulate_icon_color = themes[ID][2]
Global.control.theme = main_theme
Global.control.theme.default_font = font
@ -93,24 +95,7 @@ func change_theme(ID : int) -> void:
Global.vertical_ruler.add_stylebox_override("hover", ruler_style)
Global.vertical_ruler.add_stylebox_override("focus", ruler_style)
for button in get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("UIButtons"):
if button is TextureButton:
button.modulate = Global.modulate_button_color
if button.disabled:
button.modulate.a = 0.5
elif button is Button:
var texture : TextureRect
for child in button.get_children():
if child is TextureRect and child.name != "Background":
texture = child
if texture:
texture.modulate = Global.modulate_button_color
if button.disabled:
texture.modulate.a = 0.5
elif button is TextureRect or button is Sprite:
button.modulate = Global.modulate_button_color
# Make sure the frame text gets updated
Global.current_project.current_frame = Global.current_project.current_frame
@ -119,3 +104,24 @@ func change_theme(ID : int) -> void:
# Sets disabled theme color on palette swatches
func change_icon_colors() -> void:
for node in get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("UIButtons"):
if node is TextureButton:
node.modulate = Global.modulate_icon_color
if node.disabled:
node.modulate.a = 0.5
elif node is Button:
var texture : TextureRect
for child in node.get_children():
if child is TextureRect and child.name != "Background":
texture = child
if texture:
texture.modulate = Global.modulate_icon_color
if node.disabled:
texture.modulate.a = 0.5
elif node is TextureRect or node is Sprite:
node.modulate = Global.modulate_icon_color
@ -3,9 +3,12 @@ extends AcceptDialog
# Preferences table: [Prop name in Global, relative node path, value type, default value]
var preferences = [
["open_last_project", "Startup/StartupContainer/OpenLastProject", "pressed", Global.open_last_project],
["shrink", "Interface/ShrinkContainer/ShrinkHSlider", "value", Global.shrink],
["dim_on_popup", "Interface/DimPopup/CheckBox", "pressed", Global.dim_on_popup],
["smooth_zoom", "Canvas/ZoomOptions/SmoothZoom", "pressed", Global.smooth_zoom],
["icon_color_from", "Interface/IconColorFrom/IconColorOptionButton", "selected", Global.icon_color_from],
["custom_icon_color", "Interface/IconColorFrom/IconColorButton", "color", Global.custom_icon_color],
["pressure_sensitivity_mode", "Startup/PressureSentivity/PressureSensitivityOptionButton", "selected", Global.pressure_sensitivity_mode],
["show_left_tool_icon", "Indicators/IndicatorsContainer/LeftToolIconCheckbox", "pressed", Global.show_left_tool_icon],
["show_right_tool_icon", "Indicators/IndicatorsContainer/RightToolIconCheckbox", "pressed", Global.show_right_tool_icon],
@ -18,6 +21,7 @@ var preferences = [
["default_image_height", "Image/ImageOptions/ImageDefaultHeight", "value", Global.default_image_height],
["default_fill_color", "Image/ImageOptions/DefaultFillColor", "color", Global.default_fill_color],
["smooth_zoom", "Canvas/ZoomOptions/SmoothZoom", "pressed", Global.smooth_zoom],
["grid_type", "Canvas/GridOptions/GridType", "selected", Global.grid_type],
["grid_width", "Canvas/GridOptions/GridWidthValue", "value", Global.grid_width],
["grid_height", "Canvas/GridOptions/GridHeightValue", "value", Global.grid_height],
@ -52,6 +56,7 @@ onready var right_side : VBoxContainer = $HSplitContainer/ScrollContainer/VBoxCo
onready var autosave_interval : SpinBox = $HSplitContainer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer/Backup/AutosaveContainer/AutosaveInterval
onready var restore_default_button_scene = preload("res://src/Preferences/RestoreDefaultButton.tscn")
onready var shrink_label : Label = $HSplitContainer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer/Interface/ShrinkContainer/ShrinkLabel
onready var themes : BoxContainer = $"HSplitContainer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer/Interface/Themes"
func _ready() -> void:
@ -160,6 +165,13 @@ func preference_update(prop : String) -> void:
Global.canvas.selection.marching_ants_outline.material.set_shader_param("second_color", Global.selection_border_color_2)
if prop in ["icon_color_from", "custom_icon_color"]:
if Global.icon_color_from == Global.IconColorFrom.THEME:
Global.modulate_icon_color = themes.themes[themes.theme_index][2]
Global.modulate_icon_color = Global.custom_icon_color
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ text = "System Language"
visible = false
margin_top = 28.0
margin_right = 498.0
margin_bottom = 110.0
margin_bottom = 134.0
[node name="ShrinkContainer" type="HBoxContainer" parent="HSplitContainer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer/Interface"]
margin_right = 498.0
@ -163,13 +163,13 @@ margin_bottom = 48.0
[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="HSplitContainer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer/Interface/DimPopup"]
margin_top = 5.0
margin_right = 207.0
margin_right = 193.0
margin_bottom = 19.0
text = "Dim interface on dialog popup"
[node name="CheckBox" type="CheckBox" parent="HSplitContainer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer/Interface/DimPopup"]
margin_left = 211.0
margin_right = 258.0
margin_left = 197.0
margin_right = 244.0
margin_bottom = 24.0
mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2
pressed = true
@ -207,6 +207,47 @@ margin_top = 4.0
margin_bottom = 4.0
custom_constants/separation = 12
[node name="HSeparator2" type="HSeparator" parent="HSplitContainer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer/Interface"]
margin_top = 52.0
margin_right = 498.0
margin_bottom = 56.0
[node name="IconColorFrom" type="GridContainer" parent="HSplitContainer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer/Interface"]
margin_top = 86.0
margin_right = 498.0
margin_bottom = 106.0
columns = 3
[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="HSplitContainer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer/Interface/IconColorFrom"]
margin_top = 3.0
margin_right = 102.0
margin_bottom = 17.0
text = "Icon color from:"
[node name="IconColorOptionButton" type="OptionButton" parent="HSplitContainer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer/Interface/IconColorFrom"]
margin_left = 106.0
margin_right = 179.0
margin_bottom = 20.0
mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2
text = "Theme"
items = [ "Theme", null, false, 0, null, "Custom", null, false, 1, null ]
selected = 0
[node name="Label2" type="Label" parent="HSplitContainer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer/Interface/IconColorFrom"]
margin_top = -83.0
margin_right = 102.0
margin_bottom = -69.0
text = "Icon color:"
[node name="IconColorButton" type="ColorPickerButton" parent="HSplitContainer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer/Interface/IconColorFrom"]
margin_top = 24.0
margin_right = 64.0
margin_bottom = 44.0
rect_min_size = Vector2( 64, 20 )
mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2
size_flags_horizontal = 0
color = Color( 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 1 )
[node name="Canvas" type="VBoxContainer" parent="HSplitContainer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer"]
visible = false
margin_top = 28.0
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ var node : Node
func _ready() -> void:
modulate = Global.modulate_button_color
modulate = Global.modulate_icon_color
func _on_RestoreDefaultButton_pressed() -> void:
@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ func _ready() -> void:
$PixelPerfect.pressed = tool_slot.pixel_perfect
$Mirror/Horizontal.pressed = tool_slot.horizontal_mirror
$Mirror/Horizontal.modulate = Global.modulate_button_color
$Mirror/Horizontal.modulate = Global.modulate_icon_color
$Mirror/Vertical.pressed = tool_slot.vertical_mirror
$Mirror/Vertical.modulate = Global.modulate_button_color
$Mirror/Vertical.modulate = Global.modulate_icon_color
func _on_PixelPerfect_toggled(button_pressed : bool) -> void:
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ func _ready() -> void:
var normal_file_name = texture.texture.resource_path.get_file()
texture.texture = load("res://assets/graphics/%s/%s" % [button_category, normal_file_name])
texture.modulate = Global.modulate_button_color
texture.modulate = Global.modulate_icon_color
if Global.current_project.layers[i].visible:
Global.change_button_texturerect(visibility_button.get_child(0), "layer_visible.png")
Add table
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