mirror of
synced 2025-01-31 07:29:49 +00:00
Added Onion Skinning & Custom .pxo File
- Onion skinning for animations. Choose past and future steps and toggle blue-red mode. - Custom .pxo file. If you save your project as a .pxo file, it remembers all of your frames, their layers, brush sizes, brush colors and color palletes! - Ping-pong loop type. When the animation finishes, it plays backwards. - Ability to import new frames in the timeline as additions, without deleting the previous frames.
This commit is contained in:
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ anchor_bottom = 1.0
script = ExtResource( 1 )
[node name="UI" type="HBoxContainer" parent="."]
editor/display_folded = true
anchor_right = 1.0
anchor_bottom = 1.0
size_flags_horizontal = 3
@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ size_flags_horizontal = 3
size_flags_vertical = 3
[node name="MenusAndTools" type="VBoxContainer" parent="UI/ToolPanel/Tools"]
editor/display_folded = true
margin_right = 320.0
margin_bottom = 294.0
size_flags_vertical = 3
@ -105,6 +107,7 @@ margin_right = 320.0
margin_bottom = 302.0
[node name="ToolOptions" type="HBoxContainer" parent="UI/ToolPanel/Tools"]
editor/display_folded = true
margin_top = 306.0
margin_right = 320.0
margin_bottom = 600.0
@ -219,14 +222,14 @@ size_flags_horizontal = 3
[node name="ViewportContainer" type="ViewportContainer" parent="UI/CanvasAndTimeline"]
margin_right = 536.0
margin_bottom = 448.0
margin_bottom = 464.0
mouse_default_cursor_shape = 3
size_flags_horizontal = 3
size_flags_vertical = 3
stretch = true
[node name="Viewport" type="Viewport" parent="UI/CanvasAndTimeline/ViewportContainer"]
size = Vector2( 536, 448 )
size = Vector2( 536, 464 )
handle_input_locally = false
render_target_update_mode = 3
@ -238,10 +241,10 @@ zoom = Vector2( 0.15, 0.15 )
script = ExtResource( 6 )
[node name="AnimationTimeline" type="Panel" parent="UI/CanvasAndTimeline"]
margin_top = 452.0
margin_top = 468.0
margin_right = 536.0
margin_bottom = 600.0
rect_min_size = Vector2( 0, 148 )
rect_min_size = Vector2( 0, 132 )
size_flags_horizontal = 3
[node name="TimelineContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="UI/CanvasAndTimeline/AnimationTimeline"]
@ -250,34 +253,42 @@ anchor_bottom = 1.0
size_flags_horizontal = 3
[node name="ButtonContainer" type="CenterContainer" parent="UI/CanvasAndTimeline/AnimationTimeline/TimelineContainer"]
editor/display_folded = true
margin_right = 536.0
margin_bottom = 40.0
margin_bottom = 24.0
[node name="AnimationButtons" type="HBoxContainer" parent="UI/CanvasAndTimeline/AnimationTimeline/TimelineContainer/ButtonContainer"]
margin_left = 69.0
margin_right = 467.0
margin_bottom = 40.0
margin_left = 90.0
margin_right = 446.0
margin_bottom = 24.0
[node name="LoopAnim" type="CheckButton" parent="UI/CanvasAndTimeline/AnimationTimeline/TimelineContainer/ButtonContainer/AnimationButtons"]
margin_right = 111.0
margin_bottom = 40.0
[node name="LoopLabel" type="Label" parent="UI/CanvasAndTimeline/AnimationTimeline/TimelineContainer/ButtonContainer/AnimationButtons"]
margin_top = 5.0
margin_right = 35.0
margin_bottom = 19.0
text = "Loop:"
[node name="LoopAnim" type="Button" parent="UI/CanvasAndTimeline/AnimationTimeline/TimelineContainer/ButtonContainer/AnimationButtons"]
margin_left = 39.0
margin_right = 69.0
margin_bottom = 24.0
hint_tooltip = "Should the animation loop (play again after it reached the end)?"
mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2
text = "Loop"
text = "No"
[node name="PlayBackwards" type="Button" parent="UI/CanvasAndTimeline/AnimationTimeline/TimelineContainer/ButtonContainer/AnimationButtons"]
margin_left = 115.0
margin_right = 224.0
margin_bottom = 40.0
margin_left = 73.0
margin_right = 182.0
margin_bottom = 24.0
hint_tooltip = "Play the animation backwards (from end to beggining)"
mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2
toggle_mode = true
text = "Play Backwards"
[node name="PlayForward" type="Button" parent="UI/CanvasAndTimeline/AnimationTimeline/TimelineContainer/ButtonContainer/AnimationButtons"]
margin_left = 228.0
margin_right = 320.0
margin_bottom = 40.0
margin_left = 186.0
margin_right = 278.0
margin_bottom = 24.0
hint_tooltip = "Play the animation forward (from beggining to end)"
mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2
size_flags_horizontal = 0
@ -285,9 +296,9 @@ toggle_mode = true
text = "Play Forward"
[node name="FPSValue" type="SpinBox" parent="UI/CanvasAndTimeline/AnimationTimeline/TimelineContainer/ButtonContainer/AnimationButtons"]
margin_left = 324.0
margin_right = 398.0
margin_bottom = 40.0
margin_left = 282.0
margin_right = 356.0
margin_bottom = 24.0
hint_tooltip = "How many frames per second should the animation preview be? The more FPS, the faster the animation plays."
mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2
min_value = 1.0
@ -295,14 +306,15 @@ value = 1.0
suffix = "FPS"
[node name="HSeparator" type="HSeparator" parent="UI/CanvasAndTimeline/AnimationTimeline/TimelineContainer"]
margin_top = 44.0
margin_top = 28.0
margin_right = 536.0
margin_bottom = 48.0
margin_bottom = 32.0
[node name="CenterContainer" type="CenterContainer" parent="UI/CanvasAndTimeline/AnimationTimeline/TimelineContainer"]
margin_top = 52.0
editor/display_folded = true
margin_top = 36.0
margin_right = 536.0
margin_bottom = 72.0
margin_bottom = 56.0
[node name="FrameButtons" type="HBoxContainer" parent="UI/CanvasAndTimeline/AnimationTimeline/TimelineContainer/CenterContainer"]
margin_left = 209.0
@ -354,14 +366,14 @@ size_flags_horizontal = 0
text = "Cl"
[node name="HSeparator2" type="HSeparator" parent="UI/CanvasAndTimeline/AnimationTimeline/TimelineContainer"]
margin_top = 76.0
margin_top = 60.0
margin_right = 536.0
margin_bottom = 80.0
margin_bottom = 64.0
[node name="ScrollContainer" type="ScrollContainer" parent="UI/CanvasAndTimeline/AnimationTimeline/TimelineContainer"]
margin_top = 84.0
margin_top = 68.0
margin_right = 536.0
margin_bottom = 148.0
margin_bottom = 132.0
size_flags_horizontal = 3
size_flags_vertical = 3
scroll_vertical_enabled = false
@ -379,8 +391,9 @@ anchor_right = 1.0
anchor_bottom = 1.0
[node name="ScrollContainer" type="ScrollContainer" parent="UI/LayerPanel/LayersAndMisc"]
editor/display_folded = true
margin_right = 160.0
margin_bottom = 520.0
margin_bottom = 375.0
size_flags_horizontal = 3
size_flags_vertical = 3
@ -460,6 +473,45 @@ disabled = true
text = "M"
[node name="HSeparator" type="HSeparator" parent="UI/LayerPanel/LayersAndMisc"]
margin_top = 379.0
margin_right = 160.0
margin_bottom = 383.0
[node name="OnionSkinningButtons" type="VBoxContainer" parent="UI/LayerPanel/LayersAndMisc"]
editor/display_folded = true
margin_top = 387.0
margin_right = 160.0
margin_bottom = 520.0
[node name="OnionSkinning" type="Label" parent="UI/LayerPanel/LayersAndMisc/OnionSkinningButtons"]
margin_right = 160.0
margin_bottom = 31.0
text = "Onion Skinning:
Past Steps"
[node name="PastOnionSkinning" type="SpinBox" parent="UI/LayerPanel/LayersAndMisc/OnionSkinningButtons"]
margin_top = 35.0
margin_right = 160.0
margin_bottom = 59.0
[node name="OnionSkinningFuture" type="Label" parent="UI/LayerPanel/LayersAndMisc/OnionSkinningButtons"]
margin_top = 63.0
margin_right = 160.0
margin_bottom = 77.0
text = "Future Steps"
[node name="FutureOnionSkinning" type="SpinBox" parent="UI/LayerPanel/LayersAndMisc/OnionSkinningButtons"]
margin_top = 81.0
margin_right = 160.0
margin_bottom = 105.0
[node name="BlueRedMode" type="CheckBox" parent="UI/LayerPanel/LayersAndMisc/OnionSkinningButtons"]
margin_top = 109.0
margin_right = 160.0
margin_bottom = 133.0
text = "Blue-Red Mode"
[node name="HSeparator3" type="HSeparator" parent="UI/LayerPanel/LayersAndMisc"]
margin_top = 524.0
margin_right = 160.0
margin_bottom = 528.0
@ -546,6 +598,32 @@ suffix = "px"
[node name="OpenSprite" type="FileDialog" parent="."]
margin_right = 515.0
margin_bottom = 348.0
window_title = "Open a File"
resizable = true
mode = 0
access = 2
filters = PoolStringArray( "*.pxo ; Pixelorama Project" )
current_dir = "C:/Users/Overloaded/Dropbox/Orama Founding Members/εταιρικα αρχεια/Godot Projects/Pixelorama"
current_path = "C:/Users/Overloaded/Dropbox/Orama Founding Members/εταιρικα αρχεια/Godot Projects/Pixelorama/"
[node name="SaveSprite" type="FileDialog" parent="."]
anchor_left = 0.5
anchor_top = 0.5
anchor_right = 0.5
anchor_bottom = 0.5
margin_left = -512.0
margin_top = -300.0
margin_right = 3.0
margin_bottom = 48.0
resizable = true
access = 2
filters = PoolStringArray( "*.pxo ; Pixelorama Project" )
current_dir = "C:/Users/Overloaded/Dropbox/Orama Founding Members/εταιρικα αρχεια/Godot Projects/Pixelorama"
current_path = "C:/Users/Overloaded/Dropbox/Orama Founding Members/εταιρικα αρχεια/Godot Projects/Pixelorama/"
[node name="ImportSprites" type="FileDialog" parent="."]
margin_right = 515.0
margin_bottom = 348.0
window_title = "Open File(s)"
resizable = true
mode = 1
@ -554,7 +632,7 @@ filters = PoolStringArray( "*jpg, *.png ; JPG, PNG Images" )
current_dir = "C:/Users/Overloaded/Dropbox/Orama Founding Members/εταιρικα αρχεια/Godot Projects/Pixelorama"
current_path = "C:/Users/Overloaded/Dropbox/Orama Founding Members/εταιρικα αρχεια/Godot Projects/Pixelorama/"
[node name="SaveSprite" type="FileDialog" parent="."]
[node name="ExportSprites" type="FileDialog" parent="."]
anchor_left = 0.5
anchor_top = 0.5
anchor_right = 0.5
@ -644,7 +722,7 @@ margin_left = 91.0
margin_right = 182.0
margin_bottom = 20.0
text = "Nearest"
items = [ "Nearest", null, false, 0, null, "Bilinear", null, false, 1, null, "Cubic", null, false, 2, null, "Trilinear", null, false, 3, null ]
items = [ "Nearest", null, false, 0, null, "Bilinear", null, false, 1, null, "Cubic", null, false, 2, null, "Trilinear", null, false, 3, null, "Lanczos", null, true, 4, null ]
selected = 0
[node name="AnimationTimer" type="Timer" parent="."]
@ -658,7 +736,7 @@ selected = 0
[connection signal="value_changed" from="UI/ToolPanel/Tools/ToolOptions/RightToolOptions/BrushSize/RightBrushSizeEdit" to="." method="_on_RightBrushSizeEdit_value_changed"]
[connection signal="mouse_entered" from="UI/CanvasAndTimeline/ViewportContainer" to="." method="_on_ViewportContainer_mouse_entered"]
[connection signal="mouse_exited" from="UI/CanvasAndTimeline/ViewportContainer" to="." method="_on_ViewportContainer_mouse_exited"]
[connection signal="toggled" from="UI/CanvasAndTimeline/AnimationTimeline/TimelineContainer/ButtonContainer/AnimationButtons/LoopAnim" to="." method="_on_LoopAnim_toggled"]
[connection signal="pressed" from="UI/CanvasAndTimeline/AnimationTimeline/TimelineContainer/ButtonContainer/AnimationButtons/LoopAnim" to="." method="_on_LoopAnim_pressed"]
[connection signal="toggled" from="UI/CanvasAndTimeline/AnimationTimeline/TimelineContainer/ButtonContainer/AnimationButtons/PlayBackwards" to="." method="_on_PlayBackwards_toggled"]
[connection signal="toggled" from="UI/CanvasAndTimeline/AnimationTimeline/TimelineContainer/ButtonContainer/AnimationButtons/PlayForward" to="." method="_on_PlayForward_toggled"]
[connection signal="value_changed" from="UI/CanvasAndTimeline/AnimationTimeline/TimelineContainer/ButtonContainer/AnimationButtons/FPSValue" to="." method="_on_FPSValue_value_changed"]
@ -673,12 +751,19 @@ selected = 0
[connection signal="pressed" from="UI/LayerPanel/LayersAndMisc/ScrollContainer/VBoxLayerContainer/CenterContainer/LayerButtons/MoveDownLayer" to="." method="_on_MoveDownLayer_pressed"]
[connection signal="pressed" from="UI/LayerPanel/LayersAndMisc/ScrollContainer/VBoxLayerContainer/CenterContainer/LayerButtons/CloneLayer" to="." method="_on_CloneLayer_pressed"]
[connection signal="pressed" from="UI/LayerPanel/LayersAndMisc/ScrollContainer/VBoxLayerContainer/CenterContainer/LayerButtons/MergeDownLayer" to="." method="_on_MergeLayer_pressed"]
[connection signal="value_changed" from="UI/LayerPanel/LayersAndMisc/OnionSkinningButtons/PastOnionSkinning" to="." method="_on_PastOnionSkinning_value_changed"]
[connection signal="value_changed" from="UI/LayerPanel/LayersAndMisc/OnionSkinningButtons/FutureOnionSkinning" to="." method="_on_FutureOnionSkinning_value_changed"]
[connection signal="toggled" from="UI/LayerPanel/LayersAndMisc/OnionSkinningButtons/BlueRedMode" to="." method="_on_BlueRedMode_toggled"]
[connection signal="confirmed" from="CreateNewImage" to="." method="_on_CreateNewImage_confirmed"]
[connection signal="popup_hide" from="CreateNewImage" to="." method="_can_draw_true"]
[connection signal="files_selected" from="OpenSprite" to="." method="_on_OpenSprite_files_selected"]
[connection signal="popup_hide" from="OpenSprite" to="." method="_on_OpenSprite_popup_hide"]
[connection signal="file_selected" from="OpenSprite" to="." method="_on_OpenSprite_file_selected"]
[connection signal="popup_hide" from="OpenSprite" to="." method="_on_ImportSprites_popup_hide"]
[connection signal="file_selected" from="SaveSprite" to="." method="_on_SaveSprite_file_selected"]
[connection signal="popup_hide" from="SaveSprite" to="." method="_can_draw_true"]
[connection signal="files_selected" from="ImportSprites" to="." method="_on_ImportSprites_files_selected"]
[connection signal="popup_hide" from="ImportSprites" to="." method="_on_ImportSprites_popup_hide"]
[connection signal="file_selected" from="ExportSprites" to="." method="_on_ExportSprites_file_selected"]
[connection signal="popup_hide" from="ExportSprites" to="." method="_can_draw_true"]
[connection signal="confirmed" from="ScaleImage" to="." method="_on_ScaleImage_confirmed"]
[connection signal="popup_hide" from="ScaleImage" to="." method="_can_draw_true"]
[connection signal="timeout" from="AnimationTimer" to="." method="_on_AnimationTimer_timeout"]
@ -106,6 +106,8 @@ func update_texture(layer_index : int) -> void:
layers[layer_index][1].create_from_image(layers[layer_index][0], 0)
get_layer_container(layer_index).get_child(0).get_child(1).texture = layers[layer_index][1]
#This code is used to update the texture in the animation timeline frame button
#but blend_rect causes major performance issues on large images
var whole_image := Image.new()
whole_image.create(size.x, size.y, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8)
for layer in layers:
@ -122,8 +124,37 @@ func get_layer_container(layer_index : int) -> PanelContainer:
return null
func _draw() -> void:
draw_texture_rect(trans_background, Rect2(location, size), true)
#for texture in layer_textures:
draw_texture_rect(trans_background, Rect2(location, size), true) #Draw transparent background
#Onion Skinning
if Global.onion_skinning_past_rate > 0:
var color : Color
if Global.onion_skinning_blue_red:
color = Color.blue
color = Color.white
for i in range(1, Global.onion_skinning_past_rate + 1):
if Global.current_frame >= i:
for texture in Global.canvases[Global.current_frame - i].layers:
color.a = 0.6/i
draw_texture(texture[1], location, color)
if Global.onion_skinning_future_rate > 0:
var color : Color
if Global.onion_skinning_blue_red:
color = Color.red
color = Color.white
for i in range(1, Global.onion_skinning_future_rate + 1):
if Global.current_frame < Global.canvases.size() - i:
for texture in Global.canvases[Global.current_frame + i].layers:
color.a = 0.6/i
draw_texture(texture[1], location, color)
#Draw current frame layers
for texture in layers:
if texture[3]: #if it's visible
draw_texture(texture[1], location)
@ -275,6 +306,7 @@ func flood_fill(pos : Vector2, target_color : Color, replace_color : Color) -> v
east += Vector2.RIGHT
for px in range(west.x + 1, east.x):
var p := Vector2(px, n.y)
#print(point_in_rectangle(p, location, size))
draw_pixel(p, replace_color, 1)
var north := p + Vector2.UP
var south := p + Vector2.DOWN
@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
extends Node
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var current_frame := 0 setget set_current_frame_label
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var can_draw := false
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var has_focus := true
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var onion_skinning_past_rate := 0
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var onion_skinning_future_rate := 0
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var onion_skinning_blue_red := false
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var draw_grid := false
var canvases := []
var canvas : Canvas
@ -20,12 +25,16 @@ var left_brush_size := 1
# warning-ignore:unused_class_variable
var right_brush_size := 1
var camera : Camera2D
var left_color_picker : ColorPickerButton
var right_color_picker : ColorPickerButton
var file_menu : MenuButton
var edit_menu : MenuButton
var left_indicator : Sprite
var right_indicator : Sprite
var left_color_picker : ColorPickerButton
var right_color_picker : ColorPickerButton
var left_brush_size_edit : SpinBox
var right_brush_size_edit : SpinBox
var loop_animation_button : Button
var play_forward : Button
var play_backwards : Button
var frame_container : HBoxContainer
@ -51,12 +60,17 @@ func _ready() -> void:
canvas_parent = canvas.get_parent()
camera = find_node_by_name(canvas_parent, "Camera2D")
left_color_picker = find_node_by_name(root, "LeftColorPickerButton")
right_color_picker = find_node_by_name(root, "RightColorPickerButton")
file_menu = find_node_by_name(root, "FileMenu")
edit_menu = find_node_by_name(root, "EditMenu")
left_indicator = find_node_by_name(root, "LeftIndicator")
right_indicator = find_node_by_name(root, "RightIndicator")
left_color_picker = find_node_by_name(root, "LeftColorPickerButton")
right_color_picker = find_node_by_name(root, "RightColorPickerButton")
left_brush_size_edit = find_node_by_name(root, "LeftBrushSizeEdit")
right_brush_size_edit = find_node_by_name(root, "RightBrushSizeEdit")
loop_animation_button = find_node_by_name(root, "LoopAnim")
play_forward = find_node_by_name(root, "PlayForward")
play_backwards = find_node_by_name(root, "PlayBackwards")
frame_container = find_node_by_name(root, "FrameContainer")
@ -1,27 +1,33 @@
extends Control
var current_path := ""
var current_save_path := ""
var current_export_path := ""
var opensprite_file_selected := false
var pencil_tool
var eraser_tool
var fill_tool
var export_all_frames : CheckButton
var export_as_single_file : CheckButton
var export_vertical_spritesheet : CheckButton
var import_as_new_frame : CheckBox
var export_all_frames : CheckBox
var export_as_single_file : CheckBox
var export_vertical_spritesheet : CheckBox
var fps := 1.0
var animation_loop := false
var animation_loop := 0 #0 is no loop, 1 is cycle loop, 2 is ping-pong loop
var animation_forward := true
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready() -> void:
# Set a minimum window size to prevent UI elements from collapsing on each other.
# This property is only available in 3.2alpha or later, so use `set()` to fail gracefully if it doesn't exist.
OS.set("min_window_size", Vector2(1024, 600))
var file_menu_items := {
"New..." : KEY_MASK_CTRL + KEY_N,
#The import and export key shortcuts will change,
#and they will be bound to Open and Save/Save as once I
#make a custom file for Pixelorama projects
"Import..." : KEY_MASK_CTRL + KEY_O,
"Export..." : KEY_MASK_CTRL + KEY_S,
"Export as..." : KEY_MASK_SHIFT + KEY_MASK_CTRL + KEY_S,
"Open..." : KEY_MASK_CTRL + KEY_O,
"Save..." : KEY_MASK_CTRL + KEY_S,
"Import..." : KEY_MASK_CTRL + KEY_I,
"Export..." : KEY_MASK_CTRL + KEY_E,
"Export as..." : KEY_MASK_SHIFT + KEY_MASK_CTRL + KEY_E,
var edit_menu_items := {
@ -51,15 +57,22 @@ func _ready() -> void:
eraser_tool.connect("pressed", self, "_on_Tool_pressed", [eraser_tool])
fill_tool.connect("pressed", self, "_on_Tool_pressed", [fill_tool])
export_all_frames = CheckButton.new()
#Options for Import
import_as_new_frame = CheckBox.new()
import_as_new_frame.text = "Import as new frame?"
#Options for Export
export_all_frames = CheckBox.new()
export_all_frames.text = "Export all frames?"
export_as_single_file = CheckButton.new()
export_as_single_file = CheckBox.new()
export_as_single_file.text = "Export frames as a single file?"
export_vertical_spritesheet = CheckButton.new()
export_vertical_spritesheet = CheckBox.new()
export_vertical_spritesheet.text = "Vertical spritesheet?"
func _input(event):
#Handle tool shortcuts
@ -82,20 +95,33 @@ func file_menu_id_pressed(id : int) -> void:
0: #New
Global.can_draw = false
1: #Import
1: #Open
Global.can_draw = false
opensprite_file_selected = false
2: #Export
if current_path == "":
2: #Save
if current_save_path == "":
Global.can_draw = false
3: #Export as
3: #Save as
Global.can_draw = false
4: #Quit
4: #Import
Global.can_draw = false
opensprite_file_selected = false
5: #Export
if current_export_path == "":
Global.can_draw = false
6: #Export as
Global.can_draw = false
7: #Quit
func edit_menu_id_pressed(id : int) -> void:
@ -111,30 +137,97 @@ func _on_CreateNewImage_confirmed() -> void:
var height = float($CreateNewImage/VBoxContainer/HeightCont/HeightValue.value)
new_canvas(Vector2(width, height).floor())
#func _on_OpenSprite_file_selected(path : String) -> void:
# var image = Image.new()
# var err = image.load(path)
# if err == OK:
# opensprite_file_selected = true
# new_canvas(image.get_size(), image)
# else:
# OS.alert("Can't load file")
func _on_OpenSprite_file_selected(path) -> void:
var file := File.new()
var err := file.open(path, File.READ)
if err == 0:
var version := file.get_line()
var frame := 0
var frame_line := file.get_line()
while frame_line == "--":
var canvas : Canvas = load("res://Canvas.tscn").instance()
Global.canvas = canvas
var width := file.get_16()
var height := file.get_16()
var layer := 0
var layer_line := file.get_line()
while layer_line == "-":
var buffer := file.get_buffer(width * height * 4)
var image := Image.new()
image.create_from_data(width, height, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8, buffer)
var tex := ImageTexture.new()
tex.create_from_image(image, 0)
canvas.layers.append([image, tex, "Layer %s" % layer, true])
layer_line = file.get_line()
layer += 1
canvas.size = Vector2(width, height)
canvas.frame = frame
frame_line = file.get_line()
frame += 1
Global.current_frame = frame - 1
#Load tool options
Global.left_color_picker.color = file.get_var()
Global.right_color_picker.color = file.get_var()
Global.left_brush_size = file.get_8()
Global.left_brush_size_edit.value = Global.left_brush_size
Global.right_brush_size = file.get_8()
Global.right_brush_size_edit.value = Global.right_brush_size
var left_palette = file.get_var()
var right_palette = file.get_var()
for color in left_palette:
for color in right_palette:
func _on_OpenSprite_files_selected(paths) -> void:
for child in Global.vbox_layer_container.get_children():
if child is PanelContainer:
for child in Global.frame_container.get_children():
for child in Global.canvas_parent.get_children():
if child is Canvas:
func _on_SaveSprite_file_selected(path) -> void:
current_save_path = path
var file := File.new()
var err := file.open(path, File.WRITE)
if err == 0:
for canvas in Global.canvases:
for layer in canvas.layers:
#Save tool options
var left_color := Global.left_color_picker.color
var right_color := Global.right_color_picker.color
var left_brush_size := Global.left_brush_size
var right_brush_size := Global.right_brush_size
var left_palette := Global.left_color_picker.get_picker().get_presets()
var right_palette := Global.right_color_picker.get_picker().get_presets()
func _on_ImportSprites_files_selected(paths) -> void:
if !import_as_new_frame.pressed: #If we're not adding a new frame, delete the previous
#Find the biggest image and let it handle the camera zoom options
var max_size : Vector2
var biggest_canvas : Canvas
var i := 0
var i := Global.canvases.size()
for path in paths:
var image = Image.new()
var err = image.load(path)
@ -152,7 +245,7 @@ func _on_OpenSprite_files_selected(paths) -> void:
canvas.visible = false
if i == 0:
if path == paths[0]: #If it's the first file
max_size = canvas.size
biggest_canvas = canvas
@ -174,8 +267,8 @@ func _on_OpenSprite_files_selected(paths) -> void:
Global.remove_frame_button.disabled = true
Global.remove_frame_button.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_FORBIDDEN
func new_canvas(size : Vector2) -> void:
func clear_canvases() -> void:
for child in Global.vbox_layer_container.get_children():
if child is PanelContainer:
@ -185,6 +278,9 @@ func new_canvas(size : Vector2) -> void:
if child is Canvas:
func new_canvas(size : Vector2) -> void:
Global.canvas = load("res://Canvas.tscn").instance()
Global.canvas.size = size
@ -194,8 +290,8 @@ func new_canvas(size : Vector2) -> void:
Global.remove_frame_button.disabled = true
Global.remove_frame_button.mouse_default_cursor_shape = Control.CURSOR_FORBIDDEN
func _on_SaveSprite_file_selected(path : String) -> void:
current_path = path
func _on_ExportSprites_file_selected(path : String) -> void:
current_export_path = path
func export_project() -> void:
@ -203,7 +299,7 @@ func export_project() -> void:
if !export_as_single_file.pressed:
var i := 1
for canvas in Global.canvases:
var path := "%s_%s" % [current_path, str(i)]
var path := "%s_%s" % [current_export_path, str(i)]
path = path.replace(".png", "")
path = "%s.png" % path
save_sprite(canvas, path)
@ -211,7 +307,7 @@ func export_project() -> void:
save_sprite(Global.canvas, current_path)
save_sprite(Global.canvas, current_export_path)
func save_sprite(canvas : Canvas, path : String) -> void:
var whole_image := Image.new()
@ -252,11 +348,11 @@ func save_spritesheet() -> void:
dst += Vector2(canvas.size.x, 0)
var err = whole_image.save_png(current_path)
var err = whole_image.save_png(current_export_path)
if err != OK:
OS.alert("Can't save file")
func _on_OpenSprite_popup_hide() -> void:
func _on_ImportSprites_popup_hide() -> void:
if !opensprite_file_selected:
Global.can_draw = true
@ -446,6 +542,20 @@ func change_frame_order(rate : int) -> void:
func _on_LoopAnim_pressed() -> void:
match Global.loop_animation_button.text:
#Make it loop
animation_loop = 1
Global.loop_animation_button.text = "Cycle"
#Make it ping-pong
animation_loop = 2
Global.loop_animation_button.text = "Ping-Pong"
#Make it stop
animation_loop = 0
Global.loop_animation_button.text = "No"
func _on_PlayForward_toggled(button_pressed) -> void:
Global.play_backwards.pressed = false
@ -478,22 +588,35 @@ func _on_AnimationTimer_timeout() -> void:
if Global.current_frame < Global.canvases.size() - 1:
Global.current_frame += 1
if animation_loop:
Global.current_frame = 0
Global.play_forward.pressed = false
Global.play_forward.text = "Play Forward"
match animation_loop:
0: #No loop
Global.play_forward.pressed = false
Global.play_forward.text = "Play Forward"
Global.play_backwards.pressed = false
Global.play_backwards.text = "Play Backwards"
1: #Cycle loop
Global.current_frame = 0
2: #Ping pong loop
animation_forward = false
if Global.current_frame > 0:
Global.current_frame -= 1
if animation_loop:
Global.current_frame = Global.canvases.size() - 1
Global.play_backwards.pressed = false
Global.play_backwards.text = "Play Backwards"
match animation_loop:
0: #No loop
Global.play_backwards.pressed = false
Global.play_backwards.text = "Play Backwards"
Global.play_forward.pressed = false
Global.play_forward.text = "Play Forward"
1: #Cycle loop
Global.current_frame = Global.canvases.size() - 1
2: #Ping pong loop
animation_forward = true
@ -501,5 +624,11 @@ func _on_FPSValue_value_changed(value) -> void:
fps = float(value)
$AnimationTimer.wait_time = 1 / fps
func _on_LoopAnim_toggled(button_pressed) -> void:
animation_loop = button_pressed
func _on_PastOnionSkinning_value_changed(value) -> void:
Global.onion_skinning_past_rate = int(value)
func _on_FutureOnionSkinning_value_changed(value) -> void:
Global.onion_skinning_future_rate = int(value)
func _on_BlueRedMode_toggled(button_pressed) -> void:
Global.onion_skinning_blue_red = button_pressed
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 558 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 84 B |
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ _global_script_class_icons={
Reference in a new issue