Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/Orama-Interactive/Pixelorama.git synced 2025-03-03 01:53:15 +00:00

Remove duplicate project-specific variables from Export

Removed `directory_path`, `file_name`, `file_format` and `was_exported` from Export.gd. These variables already exist on Project.gd, no need to have them twice.
This commit is contained in:
Emmanouil Papadeas 2022-12-18 03:33:53 +02:00
parent c50239ff18
commit 7e15fc9d15
6 changed files with 55 additions and 68 deletions

View file

@ -24,13 +24,6 @@ var resize := 100
var interpolation := 0 # Image.Interpolation
var new_dir_for_each_frame_tag := false # we don't need to store this after export
# Export directory path and export file name
var directory_path := ""
var file_name := "untitled"
var file_format: int = FileFormat.PNG
var was_exported := false
# Export coroutine signal
var stop_export := false
@ -151,17 +144,17 @@ func export_processed_images(
) -> bool:
# Stop export if directory path or file name are not valid
var dir := Directory.new()
if not dir.dir_exists(directory_path) or not file_name.is_valid_filename():
if not dir.dir_exists(directory_path) and file_name.is_valid_filename():
if not dir.dir_exists(project.directory_path) or not project.file_name.is_valid_filename():
if not dir.dir_exists(project.directory_path) and project.file_name.is_valid_filename():
elif not file_name.is_valid_filename() and dir.dir_exists(directory_path):
elif not project.file_name.is_valid_filename() and dir.dir_exists(project.directory_path):
return false
var multiple_files := false
if current_tab == ExportTab.IMAGE and not is_single_file_format():
if current_tab == ExportTab.IMAGE and not is_single_file_format(project):
multiple_files = true if processed_images.size() > 1 else false
# Check export paths
var export_paths := []
@ -174,7 +167,7 @@ func export_processed_images(
if multiple_files and new_dir_for_each_frame_tag:
var frame_tag_directory := Directory.new()
if not frame_tag_directory.dir_exists(export_path.get_base_dir()):
if not ignore_overwrites: # Check if the files already exist
@ -185,7 +178,7 @@ func export_processed_images(
paths_of_existing_files += export_path
# Only get one export path if single file animated image is exported
if is_single_file_format():
if is_single_file_format(project):
if not paths_of_existing_files.empty(): # If files already exist
@ -198,9 +191,9 @@ func export_processed_images(
if is_single_file_format():
if is_single_file_format(project):
var exporter: BaseAnimationExporter
if file_format == FileFormat.APNG:
if project.file_format == FileFormat.APNG:
exporter = APNGAnimationExporter.new()
exporter = GIFAnimationExporter.new()
@ -232,19 +225,19 @@ func export_processed_images(
# Store settings for quick export and when the dialog is opened again
was_exported = true
var file_name_with_ext := project.file_name + file_format_string(project.file_format)
project.was_exported = true
if project.export_overwrite:
6, tr("Overwrite") + " %s" % (file_name + Export.file_format_string(file_format))
Global.FileMenu.EXPORT, tr("Overwrite") + " %s" % file_name_with_ext
6, tr("Export") + " %s" % (file_name + file_format_string(file_format))
Global.FileMenu.EXPORT, tr("Export") + " %s" % file_name_with_ext
# Only show when not exporting gif - gif export finishes in thread
if not is_single_file_format():
if not is_single_file_format(project):
Global.notification_label("File(s) exported")
return true
@ -318,14 +311,14 @@ func file_format_description(format_enum: int) -> String:
return ""
func is_single_file_format(format_enum: int = file_format) -> bool:
func is_single_file_format(project := Global.current_project) -> bool:
# True when exporting to .gif and .apng (and potentially video formats in the future)
# False when exporting to .png, and other non-animated formats in the future
return format_enum == FileFormat.GIF or format_enum == FileFormat.APNG
return project.file_format == FileFormat.GIF or project.file_format == FileFormat.APNG
func create_export_path(multifile: bool, project: Project, frame: int = 0) -> String:
var path := file_name
var path := project.file_name
# Only append frame number when there are multiple files exported
if multifile:
var frame_tag_and_start_id := get_proccessed_image_animation_tag_and_start_id(
@ -343,8 +336,8 @@ func create_export_path(multifile: bool, project: Project, frame: int = 0) -> St
# Add frame tag if frame has one
# (frame - start_id + 1) Makes frames id to start from 1 in each frame tag directory
path += "_" + frame_tag_dir + "_" + String(frame - start_id + 1)
return directory_path.plus_file(frame_tag_dir).plus_file(
path + file_format_string(file_format)
return project.directory_path.plus_file(frame_tag_dir).plus_file(
path + file_format_string(project.file_format)
# Add frame tag if frame has one
@ -353,7 +346,7 @@ func create_export_path(multifile: bool, project: Project, frame: int = 0) -> St
path += "_" + String(frame)
return directory_path.plus_file(path + file_format_string(file_format))
return project.directory_path.plus_file(path + file_format_string(project.file_format))
func get_proccessed_image_animation_tag_and_start_id(

View file

@ -148,13 +148,13 @@ func open_pxo_file(path: String, untitled_backup: bool = false, replace_empty: b
# Set last opened project path and save
Global.config_cache.set_value("preferences", "last_project_path", path)
Export.file_name = path.get_file().trim_suffix(".pxo")
Export.directory_path = path.get_base_dir()
new_project.directory_path = Export.directory_path
new_project.file_name = Export.file_name
Export.was_exported = false
Global.top_menu_container.file_menu.set_item_text(4, tr("Save") + " %s" % path.get_file())
Global.top_menu_container.file_menu.set_item_text(6, tr("Export"))
new_project.directory_path = path.get_base_dir()
new_project.file_name = path.get_file().trim_suffix(".pxo")
new_project.was_exported = false
Global.FileMenu.SAVE, tr("Save") + " %s" % path.get_file()
Global.top_menu_container.file_menu.set_item_text(Global.FileMenu.EXPORT, tr("Export"))
@ -396,9 +396,11 @@ func save_pxo_file(
Global.config_cache.set_value("preferences", "last_project_path", path)
if !project.was_exported:
Export.file_name = path.get_file().trim_suffix(".pxo")
Export.directory_path = path.get_base_dir()
Global.top_menu_container.file_menu.set_item_text(4, tr("Save") + " %s" % path.get_file())
project.file_name = path.get_file().trim_suffix(".pxo")
project.directory_path = path.get_base_dir()
Global.FileMenu.SAVE, tr("Save") + " %s" % path.get_file()
@ -635,9 +637,6 @@ func set_new_imported_tab(project: Project, path: String) -> void:
project.was_exported = true
if path.get_extension().to_lower() == "png":
project.export_overwrite = true
Export.directory_path = directory_path
Export.file_name = file_name
Export.was_exported = true
Global.tabs.current_tab = Global.tabs.get_tab_count() - 1

View file

@ -194,26 +194,23 @@ func change_project() -> void:
Global.open_sprites_dialog.current_path = save_path
Global.save_sprites_dialog.current_path = save_path
4, tr("Save") + " %s" % save_path.get_file()
Global.FileMenu.SAVE, tr("Save") + " %s" % save_path.get_file()
Global.top_menu_container.file_menu.set_item_text(4, tr("Save"))
Export.directory_path = directory_path
Export.file_name = file_name
Export.file_format = file_format
Export.was_exported = was_exported
Global.top_menu_container.file_menu.set_item_text(Global.FileMenu.SAVE, tr("Save"))
if !was_exported:
Global.top_menu_container.file_menu.set_item_text(6, tr("Export"))
Global.top_menu_container.file_menu.set_item_text(Global.FileMenu.EXPORT, tr("Export"))
if export_overwrite:
6, tr("Overwrite") + " %s" % (file_name + Export.file_format_string(file_format))
tr("Overwrite") + " %s" % (file_name + Export.file_format_string(file_format))
6, tr("Export") + " %s" % (file_name + Export.file_format_string(file_format))
tr("Export") + " %s" % (file_name + Export.file_format_string(file_format))
for j in Tiles.MODE.values():

View file

@ -364,13 +364,13 @@ func _quit() -> void:
func _on_BackupConfirmation_confirmed(project_paths: Array, backup_paths: Array) -> void:
OpenSave.reload_backup_file(project_paths, backup_paths)
Export.file_name = OpenSave.current_save_paths[0].get_file().trim_suffix(".pxo")
Export.directory_path = OpenSave.current_save_paths[0].get_base_dir()
Export.was_exported = false
Global.current_project.file_name = OpenSave.current_save_paths[0].get_file().trim_suffix(".pxo")
Global.current_project.directory_path = OpenSave.current_save_paths[0].get_base_dir()
Global.current_project.was_exported = false
4, tr("Save") + " %s" % OpenSave.current_save_paths[0].get_file()
Global.FileMenu.SAVE, tr("Save") + " %s" % OpenSave.current_save_paths[0].get_file()
Global.top_menu_container.file_menu.set_item_text(6, tr("Export"))
Global.top_menu_container.file_menu.set_item_text(Global.FileMenu.EXPORT, tr("Export"))
func _on_BackupConfirmation_custom_action(

View file

@ -165,16 +165,17 @@ func set_file_format_selector() -> void:
# Updates the suitable list of file formats. First is preferred.
# Note that if the current format is in the list, it stays for consistency.
func _set_file_format_selector_suitable_file_formats(formats: Array) -> void:
var project: Project = Global.current_project
var needs_update := true
for i in formats:
if Export.file_format == i:
if project.file_format == i:
needs_update = false
var label := Export.file_format_string(i) + "; " + Export.file_format_description(i)
file_format_options.add_item(label, i)
if needs_update:
Export.file_format = formats[0]
file_format_options.selected = file_format_options.get_item_index(Export.file_format)
project.file_format = formats[0]
file_format_options.selected = file_format_options.get_item_index(project.file_format)
func create_frame_tag_list() -> void:
@ -242,23 +243,24 @@ func set_export_progress_bar(value: float) -> void:
func _on_ExportDialog_about_to_show() -> void:
var project: Project = Global.current_project
# If we're on HTML5, don't let the user change the directory path
if OS.get_name() == "HTML5":
get_tree().call_group("NotHTML5", "hide")
Export.directory_path = "user://"
project.directory_path = "user://"
if Export.directory_path.empty():
Export.directory_path = Global.config_cache.get_value(
if project.directory_path.empty():
project.directory_path = Global.config_cache.get_value(
"data", "current_dir", OS.get_system_dir(OS.SYSTEM_DIR_DESKTOP)
# If export already occurred - sets GUI to show previous settings
options_resize.value = Export.resize
options_interpolation.selected = Export.interpolation
path_line_edit.text = Export.directory_path
path_dialog_popup.current_dir = Export.directory_path
file_line_edit.text = Export.file_name
file_format_options.selected = Export.file_format
path_line_edit.text = project.directory_path
path_dialog_popup.current_dir = project.directory_path
file_line_edit.text = project.file_name
file_format_options.selected = project.file_format
# Set the size of the preview checker
@ -317,24 +319,20 @@ func _on_PathButton_pressed() -> void:
func _on_PathLineEdit_text_changed(new_text: String) -> void:
Global.current_project.directory_path = new_text
Export.directory_path = new_text
func _on_FileLineEdit_text_changed(new_text: String) -> void:
Global.current_project.file_name = new_text
Export.file_name = new_text
func _on_FileDialog_dir_selected(dir: String) -> void:
path_line_edit.text = dir
Global.current_project.directory_path = dir
Export.directory_path = dir
func _on_FileFormat_item_selected(idx: int) -> void:
var id := file_format_options.get_item_id(idx)
Global.current_project.file_format = id
Export.file_format = id
if not Export.is_single_file_format():
multiple_animations_directories.disabled = false

View file

@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ func _save_project_file_as() -> void:
func _export_file() -> void:
if Export.was_exported == false:
if Global.current_project.was_exported == false: