diff --git a/Prefabs/Dialogs/SplashDialog.tscn b/Prefabs/Dialogs/SplashDialog.tscn index ab3244d91..737c3d33f 100644 --- a/Prefabs/Dialogs/SplashDialog.tscn +++ b/Prefabs/Dialogs/SplashDialog.tscn @@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ [node name="SplashDialog" type="WindowDialog"] margin_right = 400.0 -margin_bottom = 380.0 +margin_bottom = 399.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 400, 380 ) script = ExtResource( 1 ) +__meta__ = { +"_edit_use_anchors_": false +} [node name="Contents" type="VBoxContainer" parent="."] anchor_right = 1.0 @@ -45,25 +48,32 @@ mouse_default_cursor_shape = 2 text = "Art by Erevoid" flat = true -[node name="HSeparator2" type="HSeparator" parent="Contents"] +[node name="CheckBox" type="CheckBox" parent="Contents"] margin_top = 330.0 margin_right = 400.0 -margin_bottom = 334.0 +margin_bottom = 354.0 +text = "Don't show on the next startup" + +[node name="HSeparator2" type="HSeparator" parent="Contents"] +margin_top = 358.0 +margin_right = 400.0 +margin_bottom = 362.0 [node name="DevelopedBy" type="Label" parent="Contents"] -margin_top = 338.0 +margin_top = 366.0 margin_right = 400.0 -margin_bottom = 351.0 +margin_bottom = 379.0 custom_fonts/font = ExtResource( 4 ) text = "Pixelorama v0.6 - Developed by Orama Interactive" align = 1 [node name="Copyright" type="Label" parent="Contents"] -margin_top = 355.0 +margin_top = 383.0 margin_right = 400.0 -margin_bottom = 368.0 +margin_bottom = 396.0 custom_fonts/font = ExtResource( 4 ) text = "Copyright 2019-2020 Orama Interactive" align = 1 [connection signal="about_to_show" from="." to="." method="_on_SplashDialog_about_to_show"] [connection signal="pressed" from="Contents/ArtCredits" to="." method="_on_ArtCredits_pressed"] +[connection signal="toggled" from="Contents/CheckBox" to="." method="_on_CheckBox_toggled"] diff --git a/Scripts/Dialogs/SplashDialog.gd b/Scripts/Dialogs/SplashDialog.gd index 7dfde3c17..64871bb9f 100644 --- a/Scripts/Dialogs/SplashDialog.gd +++ b/Scripts/Dialogs/SplashDialog.gd @@ -9,3 +9,9 @@ func _on_SplashDialog_about_to_show() -> void: func _on_ArtCredits_pressed() -> void: OS.shell_open("https://www.instagram.com/erevos_art") + +func _on_CheckBox_toggled(pressed) -> void: + if pressed: + Global.config_cache.set_value("preferences", "startup", false) + else: + Global.config_cache.set_value("preferences", "startup", true) diff --git a/Scripts/Global.gd b/Scripts/Global.gd index 2d0dd81c8..2e23e7381 100644 --- a/Scripts/Global.gd +++ b/Scripts/Global.gd @@ -215,6 +215,8 @@ var palette_import_file_dialog : FileDialog var error_dialog : AcceptDialog +var startup : bool + func _ready() -> void: randomize() # Load settings from the config file diff --git a/Scripts/Main.gd b/Scripts/Main.gd index 05e074769..6d90ac1d3 100644 --- a/Scripts/Main.gd +++ b/Scripts/Main.gd @@ -156,8 +156,15 @@ func _ready() -> void: Import.import_brushes("Brushes") - $SplashDialog.popup_centered() # Splash screen - OS.set_window_title("(" + tr("untitled") + ") - Pixelorama") + if Global.config_cache.has_section_key("preferences", "startup"): + Global.startup = Global.config_cache.get_value("preferences", "startup") + else: + Global.startup = true + Global.config_cache.set_value("preferences", "startup", Global.startup) + + if Global.config_cache.get_value("preferences", "startup"): + $SplashDialog.popup_centered() # Splash screen + OS.set_window_title("(" + tr("untitled") + ") - Pixelorama") func _input(event : InputEvent) -> void: Global.left_cursor.position = get_global_mouse_position() + Vector2(-32, 32) @@ -925,4 +932,4 @@ func _on_QuitDialog_confirmed() -> void: # (it won't respond to user input in this state). modulate = Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) - get_tree().quit() \ No newline at end of file + get_tree().quit()