mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 12:33:14 +00:00
Some static typing and docstring improvements
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 29 additions and 28 deletions
@ -430,8 +430,8 @@ class ProjectAPI:
func get_cel_at(project: Project, frame: int, layer: int) -> BaseCel:
# frames from left to right, layers from bottom to top
clamp(frame, 0, project.frames.size() - 1)
clamp(layer, 0, project.layers.size() - 1)
clampi(frame, 0, project.frames.size() - 1)
clampi(layer, 0, project.layers.size() - 1)
return project.frames[frame].cels[layer]
func set_pixelcel_image(image: Image, frame: int, layer: int) -> void:
@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ func _ready() -> void:
default_fill_color = config_cache.get_value(
"preferences", "default_fill_color", default_fill_color
var proj_size := Vector2(default_width, default_height)
var proj_size := Vector2i(default_width, default_height)
projects.append(Project.new([], tr("untitled"), proj_size))
current_project = projects[0]
current_project.fill_color = default_fill_color
@ -565,13 +565,13 @@ func notification_label(text: String) -> void:
func general_undo(project: Project = current_project) -> void:
func general_undo(project:= current_project) -> void:
project.undos -= 1
var action_name := project.undo_redo.get_current_action_name()
notification_label("Undo: %s" % action_name)
func general_redo(project: Project = current_project) -> void:
func general_redo(project := current_project) -> void:
if project.undos < project.undo_redo.get_version(): # If we did undo and then redo
project.undos = project.undo_redo.get_version()
if control.redone:
@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ func general_redo(project: Project = current_project) -> void:
func undo_or_redo(
undo: bool, frame_index := -1, layer_index := -1, project: Project = current_project
undo: bool, frame_index := -1, layer_index := -1, project := current_project
) -> void:
if undo:
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
class_name GIFAnimationExporter
extends AImgIOBaseExporter
# Acts as the interface between the AImgIO format-independent interface and gdgifexporter.
# Note that if the interface needs changing for new features, do just change it!
## Acts as the interface between the AImgIO format-independent interface and gdgifexporter.
## Note that if the interface needs changing for new features, do just change it!
# Gif exporter
## Gif exporter
const GIFExporter := preload("res://addons/gdgifexporter/exporter.gd")
const MedianCutQuantization := preload("res://addons/gdgifexporter/quantization/median_cut.gd")
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
class_name AnimationTag
extends RefCounted
# A class for frame tag properties
## A class for frame tag properties
var name: String
var color: Color
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ func get_image() -> Image:
func update_texture() -> void:
if link_set != null:
var frame: int = Global.current_project.current_frame
var frame := Global.current_project.current_frame
# This check is needed in case the user has selected multiple cels that are also linked
if self in Global.current_project.frames[frame].cels:
for cel in link_set["cels"]:
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ func _add_object(type: int, file_path := "") -> void:
var dict := {"type": type, "file_path": file_path}
var new_objects := _cel.object_properties.duplicate()
new_objects[_cel.current_object_id] = dict
var undo_redo: UndoRedo = Global.current_project.undo_redo
var undo_redo := Global.current_project.undo_redo
undo_redo.create_action("Add 3D object")
undo_redo.add_do_property(_cel, "object_properties", new_objects)
undo_redo.add_undo_property(_cel, "object_properties", _cel.object_properties)
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ func _on_RemoveObject_pressed() -> void:
func _object_property_changed(object: Cel3DObject) -> void:
var undo_redo: UndoRedo = Global.current_project.undo_redo
var undo_redo := Global.current_project.undo_redo
var new_properties := _cel.object_properties.duplicate()
new_properties[object.id] = object.serialize()
undo_redo.create_action("Change object transform")
@ -322,8 +322,8 @@ func _prepare_circle_tool(fill: bool) -> void:
# Make sure to always have invoked _prepare_tool() before this. This computes the coordinates to be
# drawn if it can (except for the generic brush, when it's actually drawing them)
## Make sure to always have invoked _prepare_tool() before this. This computes the coordinates to be
## drawn if it can (except for the generic brush, when it's actually drawing them)
func _draw_tool(pos: Vector2) -> PackedVector2Array:
if !Global.current_project.layers[Global.current_project.current_layer].can_layer_get_drawn():
return PackedVector2Array() # empty fallback
@ -28,13 +28,13 @@ func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
visible = true
if event is InputEventMouseMotion:
var tmp_transform = get_canvas_transform().affine_inverse()
var tmp_position = Global.main_viewport.get_local_mouse_position()
var mouse_point = (tmp_transform.basis_xform(tmp_position) + tmp_transform.origin).snapped(
var tmp_transform := get_canvas_transform().affine_inverse()
var tmp_position := Global.main_viewport.get_local_mouse_position()
var mouse_point := (tmp_transform.basis_xform(tmp_position) + tmp_transform.origin).snapped(
Vector2(0.5, 0.5)
var project_size = Global.current_project.size
var project_size: = Global.current_project.size
if Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, project_size).has_point(mouse_point):
visible = true
@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
func _draw() -> void:
width = Global.camera.zoom.x * 2
var viewport_size: Vector2 = Global.main_viewport.size
var zoom: Vector2 = Global.camera.zoom
var viewport_size := Global.main_viewport.size
var zoom := Global.camera.zoom
# viewport_poly is an array of the points that make up the corners of the viewport
var viewport_poly := [
var viewport_poly: PackedVector2Array = [
Vector2.ZERO, Vector2(viewport_size.x, 0), viewport_size, Vector2(0, viewport_size.y)
# Adjusting viewport_poly to take into account the camera offset, zoom, and rotation
@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ func _draw() -> void:
draw_set_transform(position_tmp, rotation, scale_tmp)
for i in range(1, rate + 1):
var change: int = project.current_frame
var change := project.current_frame
change += i if type == FUTURE else -i
if change == clamp(change, 0, project.frames.size() - 1):
if change == clampi(change, 0, project.frames.size() - 1):
var layer_i := 0
for cel in project.frames[change].cels:
var layer: BaseLayer = project.layers[layer_i]
@ -14,7 +14,9 @@ var image_exports: Array[Export.FileFormat] = [
var spritesheet_exports := [Export.FileFormat.PNG, Export.FileFormat.WEBP, Export.FileFormat.JPEG]
var spritesheet_exports: Array[Export.FileFormat]= [
Export.FileFormat.PNG, Export.FileFormat.WEBP, Export.FileFormat.JPEG
@onready var tabs: TabBar = $VBoxContainer/TabBar
@onready var checker: ColorRect = $"%TransparentChecker"
@ -158,7 +160,6 @@ func create_preview_container() -> VBoxContainer:
func create_preview_rect() -> TextureRect:
var preview := TextureRect.new()
preview.expand = true
preview.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL
preview.size_flags_vertical = Control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL
preview.stretch_mode = TextureRect.STRETCH_KEEP_ASPECT_CENTERED
@ -180,7 +181,7 @@ func set_file_format_selector() -> void:
## Updates the suitable list of file formats. First is preferred.
## Note that if the current format is in the list, it stays for consistency.
func _set_file_format_selector_suitable_file_formats(formats: Array) -> void:
func _set_file_format_selector_suitable_file_formats(formats: Array[Export.FileFormat]) -> void:
var project := Global.current_project
var needs_update := true
@ -362,8 +363,8 @@ func _on_FileFormat_item_selected(idx: int) -> void:
## Overwrite existing file
func _on_FileExistsAlert_confirmed() -> void:
# Overwrite existing file
file_exists_alert_popup.dialog_text = Export.file_exists_alert
Export.stop_export = false
Add table
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