2024-11-16 03:41:32 +02:00
class_name CelTileMap
extends PixelCel
enum TileEditingMode { MANUAL, AUTO, STACK }
var tileset: TileSetCustom
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var tile_editing_mode := TileEditingMode.AUTO
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var indices := PackedInt32Array()
var indices_x: int
var indices_y: int
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func _init(_tileset: TileSetCustom, _image: ImageExtended, _opacity := 1.0) -> void:
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super._init(_image, _opacity)
tileset = _tileset
indices_x = ceili(float(get_image().get_width()) / tileset.tile_size.x)
indices_y = ceili(float(get_image().get_height()) / tileset.tile_size.y)
indices.resize(indices_x * indices_y)
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func update_tileset() -> void:
var removed_tile_indices: Array[int] = []
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if tile_editing_mode == TileEditingMode.AUTO:
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for j in range(tileset.tiles.size() - 1, 0, -1):
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var tile := tileset.tiles[j]
var tile_used := false
for i in indices.size():
var x_coord := float(tileset.tile_size.x) * (i % indices_x)
var y_coord := float(tileset.tile_size.y) * (i / indices_x)
var rect := Rect2i(Vector2i(x_coord, y_coord), tileset.tile_size)
var image_portion := image.get_region(rect)
if image_portion.is_invisible():
if image_portion.get_data() == tile.get_data():
tile_used = true
if not tile_used:
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for i in indices.size():
var x_coord := float(tileset.tile_size.x) * (i % indices_x)
var y_coord := float(tileset.tile_size.y) * (i / indices_x)
var rect := Rect2i(Vector2i(x_coord, y_coord), tileset.tile_size)
var image_portion := image.get_region(rect)
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if image_portion.is_invisible():
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var index := indices[i]
if tile_editing_mode == TileEditingMode.MANUAL:
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if index == 0 or tileset.tiles.size() <= index:
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if image_portion.get_data() != tileset.tiles[index].get_data():
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tileset.replace_tile_at(image_portion, index)
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# TODO: Update the rest of the tilemap
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2024-11-16 15:38:06 +02:00
var found_tile := false
for j in range(1, tileset.tiles.size()):
var tile := tileset.tiles[j]
if image_portion.get_data() == tile.get_data():
indices[i] = j
found_tile = true
if not found_tile:
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if removed_tile_indices.is_empty():
indices[i] = tileset.tiles.size()
var index_position := removed_tile_indices.pop_back() as int
tileset.insert_tile(image_portion, index_position)
indices[i] = index_position
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func get_class_name() -> String:
return "CelTileMap"