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mirror of https://github.com/Orama-Interactive/Pixelorama.git synced 2025-01-19 01:29:49 +00:00

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Implement 3D layers (#840) * Implement 3D layers * Remove unneeded files * Fix bug where a single hidden layer would ignore all of the layers on top when exporting * Fix pxo loading * Remove junk nodes from 3DShapeEdit Seems like they were created when I copied from the old 3D Options.tscn panel to the new 3D Shape Edit tool. * Make light gizmos half the size, and hide gizmos when rotating * Fix crash when using the 3D shape edit tool on a group layer * Remove unneeded code in Canvas.gd * Add torus in the Cel3DObject.Type enumerator Torus isn't currently supported in Godot 3.5, but it is in 3.6 and 4.0, so this is just future-proofing. May break compatibility with .pxo files that were exported with 3D layers before this change. * Toggle 3D object visibility * Change texts and some variable names * Fill translation strings * Fix crash on group blending, and make the code in Export.blend_layers() more general * Fix errors when attempting to draw on a 3D cel Can occur when multiple cels are selected, some of them 3D and some of them pixel * Make scene properties and objects be per-cel instead of per-layer Breaks compatibility with previous .pxo files that had 3D layers. Also introduces serialize() and deserialize() methods to BaseCel * Use if not layer is get_script() in GroupLayer.blend_children() * Flip the condition in GroupLayer.blend_children() * Fix bug where locked/invisible layers could get drawn Regression from c2f6bf0f3f2ec1fad8e0fff38cad2a2d6052b4b4 * Move gizmo code to 3DShapeEdit's draw_start(), move some undo/redo logic to 3DShapeEdit * Move all of the undo/redo code to 3DShapeEdit, simplify code in Cel3D * Store Cel3D image data to pxo, for easy usage by external software This makes importing projects with 3D layers to other software, such as Godot using godot_pixelorama_importer easier. * Make the linter happy * Fix bug where the previously selected object would remain selected when it got removed with undo
2023-03-31 18:58:56 +00:00
class_name ObjParse
const DEBUG := false
# Obj parser made by Ezcha, updated by Deakcor
# Created on 7/11/2018
# https://ezcha.net
# https://github.com/Ezcha/gd-obj
# MIT License
# https://github.com/Ezcha/gd-obj/blob/master/LICENSE
# Returns an array of materials from a MTL file
# Public methods
# Create mesh from obj and mtl paths
static func load_obj(obj_path: String, mtl_path: String = "") -> Mesh:
if mtl_path == "":
mtl_path = search_mtl_path(obj_path)
var obj := get_data(obj_path)
var mats := {}
if mtl_path != "":
mats = _create_mtl(get_data(mtl_path), get_mtl_tex(mtl_path))
return _create_obj(obj, mats) if obj and mats else null
# Create mesh from obj, materials. Materials should be {"matname":data}
static func load_obj_from_buffer(obj_data: String, materials: Dictionary) -> Mesh:
return _create_obj(obj_data, materials)
# Create materials
static func load_mtl_from_buffer(mtl_data: String, textures: Dictionary) -> Dictionary:
return _create_mtl(mtl_data, textures)
# Get data from file path
static func get_data(path: String) -> String:
if path != "":
var file := File.new()
var err := file.open(path, File.READ)
if err == OK:
var res := file.get_as_text()
return res
return ""
# Get textures from mtl path (return {"tex_path":data})
static func get_mtl_tex(mtl_path: String) -> Dictionary:
var file_paths := get_mtl_tex_paths(mtl_path)
var textures := {}
for k in file_paths:
textures[k] = _get_image(mtl_path, k).save_png_to_buffer()
return textures
# Get textures paths from mtl path
static func get_mtl_tex_paths(mtl_path: String) -> Array:
var file := File.new()
var err := file.open(mtl_path, File.READ)
var paths := []
if err == OK:
var lines := file.get_as_text().split("\n", false)
for line in lines:
var parts = line.split(" ", false, 1)
if parts[0] in ["map_Kd", "map_Ks", "map_Ka"]:
if !parts[1] in paths:
return paths
# Try to find mtl path from obj path
static func search_mtl_path(obj_path: String) -> String:
var mtl_path := obj_path.get_base_dir().plus_file(
obj_path.get_file().rsplit(".", false, 1)[0] + ".mtl"
var dir: Directory = Directory.new()
if !dir.file_exists(mtl_path):
mtl_path = obj_path.get_base_dir().plus_file(obj_path.get_file() + ".mtl")
if !dir.file_exists(mtl_path):
return ""
return mtl_path
# Private methods
static func _create_mtl(obj: String, textures: Dictionary) -> Dictionary:
var mats := {}
var current_mat: SpatialMaterial = null
var lines := obj.split("\n", false)
for line in lines:
var parts = line.split(" ", false)
match parts[0]:
# Comment
#print("Comment: "+line)
# Create a new material
print("Adding new material " + parts[1])
current_mat = SpatialMaterial.new()
mats[parts[1]] = current_mat
# Ambient color
#current_mat.albedo_color = Color(float(parts[1]), float(parts[2]), float(parts[3]))
# Diffuse color
current_mat.albedo_color = Color(float(parts[1]), float(parts[2]), float(parts[3]))
print("Setting material color " + str(current_mat.albedo_color))
if parts[0] in ["map_Kd", "map_Ks", "map_Ka"]:
var path = line.split(" ", false, 1)[1]
if textures.has(path):
current_mat.albedo_texture = _create_texture(textures[path])
return mats
static func _get_image(mtl_filepath: String, tex_filename: String) -> Image:
print(" Debug: Mapping texture file " + tex_filename)
var texfilepath := tex_filename
if tex_filename.is_rel_path():
texfilepath = mtl_filepath.get_base_dir().plus_file(tex_filename)
var filetype := texfilepath.get_extension()
print(" Debug: texture file path: " + texfilepath + " of type " + filetype)
var img: Image = Image.new()
return img
static func _create_texture(data: PoolByteArray) -> ImageTexture:
var img: Image = Image.new()
var tex: ImageTexture = ImageTexture.new()
return tex
static func _create_obj(obj: String, mats: Dictionary) -> Mesh:
# Setup
var mesh := ArrayMesh.new()
var vertices := PoolVector3Array()
var normals := PoolVector3Array()
var uvs := PoolVector2Array()
var faces := {}
var mat_name := "default"
var count_mtl := 0
# Parse
var lines := obj.split("\n", false)
for line in lines:
var parts = line.split(" ", false)
match parts[0]:
# Comment
#print("Comment: "+line)
# Vertex
var n_v = Vector3(float(parts[1]), float(parts[2]), float(parts[3]))
# Normal
var n_vn = Vector3(float(parts[1]), float(parts[2]), float(parts[3]))
# UV
var n_uv = Vector2(float(parts[1]), 1 - float(parts[2]))
# Material group
count_mtl += 1
mat_name = parts[1]
if not faces.has(mat_name):
var mats_keys := mats.keys()
if !mats.has(mat_name):
if mats_keys.size() > count_mtl:
mat_name = mats_keys[count_mtl]
faces[mat_name] = []
if not faces.has(mat_name):
var mats_keys := mats.keys()
if mats_keys.size() > count_mtl:
mat_name = mats_keys[count_mtl]
faces[mat_name] = []
# Face
if parts.size() == 4:
# Tri
var face = {"v": [], "vt": [], "vn": []}
for map in parts:
var vertices_index = map.split("/")
if str(vertices_index[0]) != "f":
face["v"].append(int(vertices_index[0]) - 1)
face["vt"].append(int(vertices_index[1]) - 1)
if vertices_index.size() > 2:
face["vn"].append(int(vertices_index[2]) - 1)
if faces.has(mat_name):
elif parts.size() > 4:
# Triangulate
var points = []
for map in parts:
var vertices_index = map.split("/")
if str(vertices_index[0]) != "f":
var point = []
point.append(int(vertices_index[0]) - 1)
point.append(int(vertices_index[1]) - 1)
if vertices_index.size() > 2:
point.append(int(vertices_index[2]) - 1)
for i in points.size():
if i != 0:
var face = {"v": [], "vt": [], "vn": []}
var point0 = points[0]
var point1 = points[i]
var point2 = points[i - 1]
if point0.size() > 2:
if point2.size() > 2:
if point1.size() > 2:
# Make tri
for matgroup in faces.keys():
"Creating surface for matgroup "
+ matgroup
+ " with "
+ str(faces[matgroup].size())
+ " faces"
# Mesh Assembler
var st = SurfaceTool.new()
if !mats.has(matgroup):
mats[matgroup] = SpatialMaterial.new()
for face in faces[matgroup]:
if face["v"].size() == 3:
# Vertices
var fan_v = PoolVector3Array()
# Normals
var fan_vn = PoolVector3Array()
if face["vn"].size() > 0:
# Textures
var fan_vt = PoolVector2Array()
if face["vt"].size() > 0:
for k in [0, 2, 1]:
var f = face["vt"][k]
if f > -1:
var uv = uvs[f]
st.add_triangle_fan(fan_v, fan_vt, PoolColorArray(), PoolVector2Array(), fan_vn, [])
mesh = st.commit(mesh)
for k in mesh.get_surface_count():
var mat = mesh.surface_get_material(k)
mat_name = ""
for m in mats:
if mats[m] == mat:
mat_name = m
mesh.surface_set_name(k, mat_name)
# Finish
return mesh