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synced 2025-02-08 03:19:49 +00:00
24 lines
585 B
24 lines
585 B
[gd_scene format=3 uid="uid://cltlo2whtiejd"]
[node name="SaveSpriteHTML5" type="ConfirmationDialog"]
exclusive = false
Mark dialogs as popup_windows
So they can close when the user clicks outside the window on Godot 4.2
popup_window = true
[node name="FileNameContainer" type="HBoxContainer" parent="."]
anchors_preset = 10
anchor_right = 1.0
offset_left = 8.0
offset_top = 8.0
offset_right = -8.0
offset_bottom = 34.0
[node name="FileNameLabel" type="Label" parent="FileNameContainer"]
layout_mode = 2
text = "File Name:"
[node name="FileNameLineEdit" type="LineEdit" parent="FileNameContainer"]
layout_mode = 2
size_flags_horizontal = 3
size_flags_vertical = 4
text = "untitled"