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mirror of https://github.com/Orama-Interactive/Pixelorama.git synced 2025-03-13 23:05:20 +00:00

495 lines
15 KiB
Raw Normal View History

extends "res://src/Tools/Base.gd"
var _brush := Brushes.get_default_brush()
var _brush_size := 1
var _brush_interpolate := 0
var _brush_image := Image.new()
var _brush_texture := ImageTexture.new()
var _strength := 1.0
var _undo_data := {}
var _drawer := Drawer.new()
var _mask := PoolByteArray()
var _mirror_brushes := {}
var _draw_line := false
var _line_start := Vector2.ZERO
var _line_end := Vector2.ZERO
var _indicator := BitMap.new()
var _polylines := []
var _line_polylines := []
func _ready() -> void:
Tools.connect("color_changed", self, "_on_Color_changed")
Global.brushes_popup.connect("brush_removed", self, "_on_Brush_removed")
func _on_BrushType_pressed() -> void:
if not Global.brushes_popup.is_connected("brush_selected", self, "_on_Brush_selected"):
Global.brushes_popup.connect("brush_selected", self, "_on_Brush_selected", [], CONNECT_ONESHOT)
Global.brushes_popup.popup(Rect2($Brush/Type.rect_global_position, Vector2(226, 72)))
func _on_Brush_selected(brush : Brushes.Brush) -> void:
_brush = brush
func _on_BrushSize_value_changed(value : float) -> void:
_brush_size = int(value)
func _on_InterpolateFactor_value_changed(value : float) -> void:
_brush_interpolate = int(value)
func _on_Color_changed(_color : Color, _button : int) -> void:
func _on_Brush_removed(brush : Brushes.Brush) -> void:
if brush == _brush:
_brush = Brushes.get_default_brush()
func get_config() -> Dictionary:
return {
"brush_type" : _brush.type,
"brush_index" : _brush.index,
"brush_size" : _brush_size,
"brush_interpolate" : _brush_interpolate,
func set_config(config : Dictionary) -> void:
var type = config.get("brush_type", _brush.type)
var index = config.get("brush_index", _brush.index)
_brush = Global.brushes_popup.get_brush(type, index)
_brush_size = config.get("brush_size", _brush_size)
_brush_interpolate = config.get("brush_interpolate", _brush_interpolate)
func update_config() -> void:
$Brush/Size.value = _brush_size
$BrushSize.value = _brush_size
$ColorInterpolation/Factor.value = _brush_interpolate
$ColorInterpolation/Slider.value = _brush_interpolate
func update_brush() -> void:
match _brush.type:
_brush_texture.create_from_image(load("res://assets/graphics/pixel_image.png"), 0)
_brush_texture.create_from_image(load("res://assets/graphics/circle_9x9.png"), 0)
_brush_texture.create_from_image(load("res://assets/graphics/circle_filled_9x9.png"), 0)
Brushes.FILE, Brushes.RANDOM_FILE, Brushes.CUSTOM:
if _brush.random.size() <= 1:
_brush_image = _create_blended_brush_image(_brush.image)
var random = randi() % _brush.random.size()
_brush_image = _create_blended_brush_image(_brush.random[random])
_brush_texture.create_from_image(_brush_image, 0)
_indicator = _create_brush_indicator()
_polylines = _create_polylines(_indicator)
$Brush/Type/Texture.texture = _brush_texture
$ColorInterpolation.visible = _brush.type in [Brushes.FILE, Brushes.RANDOM_FILE, Brushes.CUSTOM]
func update_random_image() -> void:
if _brush.type != Brushes.RANDOM_FILE:
var random = randi() % _brush.random.size()
_brush_image = _create_blended_brush_image(_brush.random[random])
_brush_texture.create_from_image(_brush_image, 0)
_indicator = _create_brush_indicator()
func update_mirror_brush() -> void:
_mirror_brushes.x = _brush_image.duplicate()
_mirror_brushes.y = _brush_image.duplicate()
_mirror_brushes.xy = _mirror_brushes.x.duplicate()
func update_mask() -> void:
var size := _get_draw_image().get_size()
_mask = PoolByteArray()
_mask.resize(size.x * size.y)
for i in _mask.size():
_mask[i] = 0
func update_line_polylines(start : Vector2, end : Vector2) -> void:
var indicator := _create_line_indicator(_indicator, start, end)
_line_polylines = _create_polylines(indicator)
func restore_image() -> void:
var project : Project = Global.current_project
var image = project.frames[project.current_frame].cels[project.current_layer].image
image.data = _undo_data[image]
func prepare_undo() -> void:
_undo_data = _get_undo_data()
func commit_undo(action : String) -> void:
var redo_data = _get_undo_data()
var project : Project = Global.current_project
var frame := -1
var layer := -1
if Global.animation_timer.is_stopped():
frame = project.current_frame
layer = project.current_layer
project.undos += 1
for image in redo_data:
project.undo_redo.add_do_property(image, "data", redo_data[image])
for image in _undo_data:
project.undo_redo.add_undo_property(image, "data", _undo_data[image])
project.undo_redo.add_do_method(Global, "redo", frame, layer)
project.undo_redo.add_undo_method(Global, "undo", frame, layer)
func draw_tool(position : Vector2) -> void:
var strength := _strength
if Global.pressure_sensitivity_mode == Global.Pressure_Sensitivity.ALPHA:
strength *= Tools.pen_pressure
_drawer.pixel_perfect = tool_slot.pixel_perfect if _brush_size == 1 else false
_drawer.horizontal_mirror = tool_slot.horizontal_mirror
_drawer.vertical_mirror = tool_slot.vertical_mirror
_drawer.color_op.strength = strength
match _brush.type:
draw_tool_circle(position, false)
draw_tool_circle(position, true)
# Bresenham's Algorithm
# Thanks to https://godotengine.org/qa/35276/tile-based-line-drawing-algorithm-efficiency
func draw_fill_gap(start : Vector2, end : Vector2) -> void:
var dx := int(abs(end.x - start.x))
var dy := int(-abs(end.y - start.y))
var err := dx + dy
var e2 := err << 1
var sx = 1 if start.x < end.x else -1
var sy = 1 if start.y < end.y else -1
var x = start.x
var y = start.y
while !(x == end.x && y == end.y):
e2 = err << 1
if e2 >= dy:
err += dy
x += sx
if e2 <= dx:
err += dx
y += sy
draw_tool(Vector2(x, y))
func draw_tool_pixel(position : Vector2) -> void:
var start := position - Vector2.ONE * (_brush_size >> 1)
var end := start + Vector2.ONE * _brush_size
for y in range(start.y, end.y):
for x in range(start.x, end.x):
_set_pixel(Vector2(x, y))
# Algorithm based on http://members.chello.at/easyfilter/bresenham.html
func draw_tool_circle(position : Vector2, fill := false) -> void:
var r := _brush_size
var x := -r
var y := 0
var err := 2 - r * 2
var draw := true
if fill:
while x < 0:
if draw:
for i in range(1 if fill else -x, -x + 1):
_set_pixel(position + Vector2(-i, y))
_set_pixel(position + Vector2(-y, -i))
_set_pixel(position + Vector2(i, -y))
_set_pixel(position + Vector2(y, i))
draw = not fill
r = err
if r <= y:
y += 1
err += y * 2 + 1
draw = true
if r > x || err > y:
x += 1
err += x * 2 + 1
func draw_tool_brush(position : Vector2) -> void:
if Global.tile_mode and _get_tile_mode_rect().has_point(position):
position = position.posmodv(Global.current_project.size)
var size := _brush_image.get_size()
var dst := position - (size / 2).floor()
var dst_rect := Rect2(dst, size)
var draw_rect := _get_draw_rect()
dst_rect = dst_rect.clip(draw_rect)
if dst_rect.size == Vector2.ZERO:
var src_rect := Rect2(dst_rect.position - dst, dst_rect.size)
dst = dst_rect.position
var mirror_x = draw_rect.end.x + draw_rect.position.x - dst.x - src_rect.size.x
var mirror_y = draw_rect.end.y + draw_rect.position.y - dst.y - src_rect.size.y
_draw_brush_image(_brush_image, src_rect, dst)
if tool_slot.horizontal_mirror:
_draw_brush_image(_mirror_brushes.x, _flip_rect(src_rect, size, true, false), Vector2(mirror_x, dst.y))
if tool_slot.vertical_mirror:
_draw_brush_image(_mirror_brushes.xy, _flip_rect(src_rect, size, true, true), Vector2(mirror_x, mirror_y))
if tool_slot.vertical_mirror:
_draw_brush_image(_mirror_brushes.y, _flip_rect(src_rect, size, false, true), Vector2(dst.x, mirror_y))
func draw_indicator() -> void:
draw_indicator_at(_cursor, Vector2.ZERO, Color.blue)
if Global.tile_mode and _get_tile_mode_rect().has_point(_cursor):
var tile := _line_start if _draw_line else _cursor
if not _get_draw_rect().has_point(tile):
var offset := tile - tile.posmodv(Global.current_project.size)
draw_indicator_at(_cursor, offset, Color.green)
func draw_indicator_at(position : Vector2, offset : Vector2, color : Color) -> void:
var canvas = Global.canvas
if _brush.type in [Brushes.FILE, Brushes.RANDOM_FILE, Brushes.CUSTOM] and not _draw_line:
position -= (_brush_image.get_size() / 2).floor()
position -= offset
canvas.draw_texture(_brush_texture, position)
if _draw_line:
position.x = _line_end.x if _line_end.x < _line_start.x else _line_start.x
position.y = _line_end.y if _line_end.y < _line_start.y else _line_start.y
position -= (_indicator.get_size() / 2).floor()
position -= offset
canvas.draw_set_transform(position, canvas.rotation, canvas.scale)
var polylines := _line_polylines if _draw_line else _polylines
for line in polylines:
var pool := PoolVector2Array(line)
canvas.draw_polyline(pool, color)
canvas.draw_set_transform(canvas.position, canvas.rotation, canvas.scale)
func _set_pixel(position : Vector2) -> void:
if Global.tile_mode and _get_tile_mode_rect().has_point(position):
position = position.posmodv(Global.current_project.size)
if not _get_draw_rect().has_point(position):
var image := _get_draw_image()
var i := int(position.x + position.y * image.get_size().x)
if _mask[i] < Tools.pen_pressure:
_mask[i] = Tools.pen_pressure
_drawer.set_pixel(image, position, tool_slot.color)
func _draw_brush_image(_image : Image, _src_rect: Rect2, _dst: Vector2) -> void:
func _create_blended_brush_image(image : Image) -> Image:
var size := image.get_size() * _brush_size
var brush := Image.new()
brush = _blend_image(brush, tool_slot.color, _brush_interpolate / 100.0)
brush.resize(size.x, size.y, Image.INTERPOLATE_NEAREST)
return brush
func _blend_image(image : Image, color : Color, factor : float) -> Image:
var size := image.get_size()
for y in size.y:
for x in size.x:
var color_old := image.get_pixel(x, y)
if color_old.a > 0:
var color_new := color_old.linear_interpolate(color, factor)
color_new.a = color_old.a
image.set_pixel(x, y, color_new)
return image
func _create_brush_indicator() -> BitMap:
match _brush.type:
return _create_pixel_indicator(_brush_size)
return _create_circle_indicator(_brush_size, false)
return _create_circle_indicator(_brush_size, true)
return _create_image_indicator(_brush_image)
func _create_image_indicator(image : Image) -> BitMap:
var bitmap := BitMap.new()
bitmap.create_from_image_alpha(image, 0.0)
return bitmap
func _create_pixel_indicator(size : int) -> BitMap:
var bitmap := BitMap.new()
bitmap.create(Vector2.ONE * size)
bitmap.set_bit_rect(Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, Vector2.ONE * size), true)
return bitmap
func _create_circle_indicator(size : int, fill := false) -> BitMap:
var bitmap := BitMap.new()
bitmap.create(Vector2.ONE * (size * 2 + 1))
var position := Vector2(size, size)
var r := size
var x := -r
var y := 0
var err := 2 - r * 2
var draw := true
if fill:
bitmap.set_bit(position, true)
while x < 0:
if draw:
for i in range(1 if fill else -x, -x + 1):
bitmap.set_bit(position + Vector2(-i, y), true)
bitmap.set_bit(position + Vector2(-y, -i), true)
bitmap.set_bit(position + Vector2(i, -y), true)
bitmap.set_bit(position + Vector2(y, i), true)
draw = not fill
r = err
if r <= y:
y += 1
err += y * 2 + 1
draw = true
if r > x || err > y:
x += 1
err += x * 2 + 1
return bitmap
func _create_line_indicator(indicator : BitMap, start : Vector2, end : Vector2) -> BitMap:
var bitmap := BitMap.new()
var size := (end - start).abs() + indicator.get_size()
var offset := (indicator.get_size() / 2).floor()
var diff := end - start
start.x = -diff.x if diff.x < 0 else 0.0
end.x = 0.0 if diff.x < 0 else diff.x
start.y = -diff.y if diff.y < 0 else 0.0
end.y = 0.0 if diff.y < 0 else diff.y
start += offset
end += offset
var dx := int(abs(end.x - start.x))
var dy := int(-abs(end.y - start.y))
var err := dx + dy
var e2 := err << 1
var sx = 1 if start.x < end.x else -1
var sy = 1 if start.y < end.y else -1
var x = start.x
var y = start.y
while !(x == end.x && y == end.y):
_blit_indicator(bitmap, indicator, Vector2(x, y))
e2 = err << 1
if e2 >= dy:
err += dy
x += sx
if e2 <= dx:
err += dx
y += sy
_blit_indicator(bitmap, indicator, Vector2(x, y))
return bitmap
func _blit_indicator(dst : BitMap, indicator : BitMap, position : Vector2) -> void:
var rect := Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, dst.get_size())
var size := indicator.get_size()
position -= (size / 2).floor()
for y in size.y:
for x in size.x:
var pos := Vector2(x, y)
var bit := indicator.get_bit(pos)
pos += position
if bit and rect.has_point(pos):
dst.set_bit(pos, bit)
func _line_angle_constraint(start : Vector2, end : Vector2) -> Dictionary:
var result := {}
var angle := rad2deg(end.angle_to_point(start))
var distance := start.distance_to(end)
if Tools.control:
if tool_slot.pixel_perfect:
angle = stepify(angle, 22.5)
if step_decimals(angle) != 0:
var diff := end - start
var v := Vector2(2 , 1) if abs(diff.x) > abs(diff.y) else Vector2(1 , 2)
var p := diff.project(diff.sign() * v).abs().round()
var f := p.y if abs(diff.x) > abs(diff.y) else p.x
end = start + diff.sign() * v * f - diff.sign()
angle = rad2deg(atan2(sign(diff.y) * v.y, sign(diff.x) * v.x))
end = start + Vector2.RIGHT.rotated(deg2rad(angle)) * distance
angle = stepify(angle, 15)
end = start + Vector2.RIGHT.rotated(deg2rad(angle)) * distance
angle *= -1
angle += 360 if angle < 0 else 0
result.text = str(stepify(angle, 0.01)) + "°"
result.position = end.round()
return result
func _get_undo_data() -> Dictionary:
var data = {}
var project : Project = Global.current_project
var frames := project.frames
if Global.animation_timer.is_stopped():
frames = [project.frames[project.current_frame]]
for frame in frames:
var image : Image = frame.cels[project.current_layer].image
data[image] = image.data
return data