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## Download
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- [GitHub Releases (Windows, Linux & Mac)](
Pixelorama uses Godot 3.2. As of right now, all of the code is written using GDScript, so the mono version of Godot is not required, but Pixelorama should also work with it.
- Choosing between 6 tools – pencil, eraser, fill bucket, lighten/darken, color picker and rectangle select – and mapping them to both of your left and right mouse buttons.
- Are you an animator? Then you've come to the right place! Pixelorama has its own animation timeline with Onion Skinning just for you!
- Different colors, brush sizes and brush types for each of the mouse buttons.
- Custom brushes! Load your brushes from files or select them in your project with the selection tool, and they will get stored in `.pxo` files!
- Random custom brushes! Every time you draw, expect to see a different random result!
- Pixelorama has a multiple layer system! You can add, remove, move up and down, clone and merge as many layers as you like! You can also rename them, and change their opacity!
- Import images and edit them inside Pixelorama. If you import multiple files, they will be added as individual animation frames. Importing spritesheets is also supported.
- Export your gorgeous art as `PNG` files. Exporting your projects as spritesheets is also possible.
- Save and open your projects as Pixelorama's custom file format, `.pxo`
- Create straight lines for pencil, eraser and the lighten/darken tool by pressing `Shift`. If you also press `Control`, you can constrain angles with a step of 15.
- Scale, crop, rotate, flip, color invert and desaturate your images!
- English, Greek, German, French, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Traditional and Simplified Chinese, Italian, Spanish and Latvian localization support!