2024-01-23 06:25:37 +05:00
extends Window
## Usage:
## Change the "STORE_NAME" and "STORE_LINK"
## Don't touch anything else
const STORE_NAME := "Extension Explorer"
# gdlint: ignore=max-line-length
2024-07-01 17:49:59 +03:00
const STORE_LINK := "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Orama-Interactive/Pixelorama/master/src/UI/ExtensionExplorer/extension_repository.md"
2024-01-23 06:25:37 +05:00
## File that will contain information about extensions available for download
const EXTENSION_ENTRY_TSCN := preload("res://src/UI/ExtensionExplorer/Entry/ExtensionEntry.tscn")
# Variables placed here due to their frequent use
var extension_path: String ## The path where extensions will be stored (obtained from pixelorama)
var custom_links_remaining: int ## Remaining custom links to be processed
var redirects: Array[String]
var faulty_custom_links: Array[String]
# node references used in this script
@onready var content: VBoxContainer = $"%Content"
@onready var store_info_downloader: HTTPRequest = %StoreInformationDownloader
@onready var main_store_link: LineEdit = %MainStoreLink
@onready var custom_store_links: VBoxContainer = %CustomStoreLinks
@onready var search_manager: LineEdit = %SearchManager
@onready var tab_container: TabContainer = %TabContainer
@onready var progress_bar: ProgressBar = %ProgressBar
@onready var update_timer: Timer = %UpdateTimer
@onready var faulty_links_label: Label = %FaultyLinks
@onready var custom_link_error: AcceptDialog = %ErrorCustom
@onready var error_get_info: AcceptDialog = %Error
func _ready() -> void:
# Basic setup
main_store_link.text = STORE_LINK
# Get the path that pixelorama uses to store extensions
2024-03-24 01:20:51 +02:00
extension_path = ProjectSettings.globalize_path(Extensions.EXTENSIONS_PATH)
2024-01-23 06:25:37 +05:00
# tell the downloader where to download the store information
store_info_downloader.download_file = extension_path.path_join(STORE_INFORMATION_FILE)
func _on_Store_about_to_show() -> void:
# Clear old tags
search_manager.available_tags = PackedStringArray()
for tag in search_manager.tag_list.get_children():
# Clear old entries
for entry in content.get_children():
custom_links_remaining = custom_store_links.custom_links.size()
func _on_close_requested() -> void:
func fetch_info(link: String) -> void:
if extension_path != "": # Did everything went smoothly in _ready() function?
# everything is ready, now request the store information
# so that available extensions could be displayed
var error := store_info_downloader.request(link)
if error == OK:
printerr("Unable to get info from remote repository.")
Validate the extension file SHA-256 hash when downloading for security purposes
This is just an added step for security. Now, if an extension file gets compromised, Pixelorama can detect the mismatch between the file's SHA256 and the SHA256 from the extension repository, and refuse to install the extension.
For example, someone with malicious intent could gain access in the repository where the extension file is hosted, and replace it with a different file. Before this commit, the malicious file would be downloaded normally, but now, since the file will change, so will its SHA-256 hash, so Pixelorama will be able detect the mismatch and recognize that it is potentially malicious.
2024-07-07 18:29:10 +03:00
## Gets called when the extension repository information has finished downloading.
2024-01-23 06:25:37 +05:00
func _on_StoreInformation_request_completed(
result: int, _response_code: int, _headers: PackedStringArray, _body: PackedByteArray
) -> void:
if result == HTTPRequest.RESULT_SUCCESS:
Validate the extension file SHA-256 hash when downloading for security purposes
This is just an added step for security. Now, if an extension file gets compromised, Pixelorama can detect the mismatch between the file's SHA256 and the SHA256 from the extension repository, and refuse to install the extension.
For example, someone with malicious intent could gain access in the repository where the extension file is hosted, and replace it with a different file. Before this commit, the malicious file would be downloaded normally, but now, since the file will change, so will its SHA-256 hash, so Pixelorama will be able detect the mismatch and recognize that it is potentially malicious.
2024-07-07 18:29:10 +03:00
var file_path := extension_path.path_join(STORE_INFORMATION_FILE)
2024-01-23 06:25:37 +05:00
# process the info contained in the file
Validate the extension file SHA-256 hash when downloading for security purposes
This is just an added step for security. Now, if an extension file gets compromised, Pixelorama can detect the mismatch between the file's SHA256 and the SHA256 from the extension repository, and refuse to install the extension.
For example, someone with malicious intent could gain access in the repository where the extension file is hosted, and replace it with a different file. Before this commit, the malicious file would be downloaded normally, but now, since the file will change, so will its SHA-256 hash, so Pixelorama will be able detect the mismatch and recognize that it is potentially malicious.
2024-07-07 18:29:10 +03:00
var file := FileAccess.open(file_path, FileAccess.READ)
2024-01-23 06:25:37 +05:00
while not file.eof_reached():
Validate the extension file SHA-256 hash when downloading for security purposes
This is just an added step for security. Now, if an extension file gets compromised, Pixelorama can detect the mismatch between the file's SHA256 and the SHA256 from the extension repository, and refuse to install the extension.
For example, someone with malicious intent could gain access in the repository where the extension file is hosted, and replace it with a different file. Before this commit, the malicious file would be downloaded normally, but now, since the file will change, so will its SHA-256 hash, so Pixelorama will be able detect the mismatch and recognize that it is potentially malicious.
2024-07-07 18:29:10 +03:00
2024-01-23 06:25:37 +05:00
# Hide the progress bar because it's no longer required
2024-07-01 18:03:40 +03:00
printerr("Unable to get info from remote repository.")
2024-01-23 06:25:37 +05:00
func close_progress() -> void:
progress_bar.get_parent().visible = false
tab_container.visible = true
if redirects.size() > 0:
var next_link := redirects.pop_front() as String
# no more redirects, jump to the next store
custom_links_remaining -= 1
if custom_links_remaining >= 0:
var next_link: String = custom_store_links.custom_links[custom_links_remaining]
if faulty_custom_links.size() > 0: # manage custom faulty links
faulty_links_label.text = ""
for link in faulty_custom_links:
faulty_links_label.text += str(link, "\n")
## Signal connected from StoreButton.tscn
func _on_explore_pressed() -> void:
## Function related to error dialog
func _on_CopyCommand_pressed() -> void:
"sudo flatpak override com.orama_interactive.Pixelorama --share=network"
## Adds a new extension entry to the "content"
func add_entry(info: Dictionary) -> void:
var entry := EXTENSION_ENTRY_TSCN.instantiate()
entry.set_info(info, extension_path)
## Gets called when data couldn't be fetched from remote repository
func error_getting_info(result: int) -> void:
# Shows a popup if error is from main link (i-e MainStore)
# Popups for errors in custom_links are handled in close_progress()
if custom_links_remaining == custom_store_links.custom_links.size():
error_get_info.title = error_string(result)
## Progress bar method
func prepare_progress() -> void:
progress_bar.get_parent().visible = true
tab_container.visible = false
progress_bar.value = 0
## Progress bar method
func update_progress() -> void:
var down := store_info_downloader.get_downloaded_bytes()
var total := store_info_downloader.get_body_size()
progress_bar.value = (float(down) / float(total)) * 100.0
## Progress bar method
func _on_UpdateTimer_timeout() -> void:
2024-03-22 03:07:21 +02:00
func process_line(line: String) -> void:
2024-01-23 06:25:37 +05:00
# If the line isn't a comment, we will check data type
var raw_data
line = line.strip_edges()
if !line.begins_with("#") and !line.begins_with("//") and line != "":
# attempting to convert to a variable other than a string
raw_data = str_to_var(line)
if !raw_data: # attempt failed, using it as string
raw_data = line
# Determine action based on data type
match typeof(raw_data):
var extension_data: Dictionary = parse_extension_data(raw_data)
# it's most probably a store link
var link: String = raw_data.strip_edges()
if !link in redirects:
func parse_extension_data(raw_data: Array) -> Dictionary:
DirAccess.make_dir_recursive_absolute(str(extension_path, "Download/"))
var result := {}
# Check for non-compulsory things if they exist
for item in raw_data:
if typeof(item) == TYPE_ARRAY:
# first array element should always be an identifier text type
var identifier = item.pop_front()
if typeof(identifier) == TYPE_STRING and item.size() > 0:
match identifier:
result["name"] = item[0]
result["version"] = item[0]
Validate the extension file SHA-256 hash when downloading for security purposes
This is just an added step for security. Now, if an extension file gets compromised, Pixelorama can detect the mismatch between the file's SHA256 and the SHA256 from the extension repository, and refuse to install the extension.
For example, someone with malicious intent could gain access in the repository where the extension file is hosted, and replace it with a different file. Before this commit, the malicious file would be downloaded normally, but now, since the file will change, so will its SHA-256 hash, so Pixelorama will be able detect the mismatch and recognize that it is potentially malicious.
2024-07-07 18:29:10 +03:00
result["sha256"] = item[0]
2024-01-23 06:25:37 +05:00
result["description"] = item[0]
result["thumbnail"] = item[0]
result["download_link"] = item[0]
"tags": # (this should remain as an array)
result["tags"] = item
return result