Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/Orama-Interactive/Pixelorama.git synced 2025-03-14 07:15:19 +00:00

237 lines
7.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

extends BaseTool
const EMBOLDEN_AMOUNT := 0.6
const ITALIC_AMOUNT := 0.2
const ITALIC_TRANSFORM := Transform2D(Vector2(1.0, ITALIC_AMOUNT), Vector2(0.0, 1.0), Vector2.ZERO)
var text_edit: TextToolEdit:
text_edit = value
confirm_buttons.visible = is_instance_valid(text_edit)
var text_size := 16
var font := FontVariation.new()
var font_name := "":
font_name = value
font.base_font = Global.find_font_from_name(font_name)
font.base_font.antialiasing = antialiasing
var text_style := TextStyle.REGULAR:
text_style = value
match text_style:
font.variation_embolden = 0
font.variation_transform = Transform2D()
font.variation_embolden = EMBOLDEN_AMOUNT
font.variation_transform = Transform2D()
font.variation_embolden = 0
font.variation_transform = ITALIC_TRANSFORM
font.variation_embolden = EMBOLDEN_AMOUNT
font.variation_transform = ITALIC_TRANSFORM
var horizontal_alignment := HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_LEFT
var antialiasing := TextServer.FONT_ANTIALIASING_NONE:
antialiasing = value
font.base_font.antialiasing = antialiasing
var _offset := Vector2i.ZERO
@onready var confirm_buttons: HBoxContainer = $ConfirmButtons
@onready var font_option_button: OptionButton = $GridContainer/FontOptionButton
func _ready() -> void:
var font_names := Global.get_available_font_names()
for f_name in font_names:
func get_config() -> Dictionary:
return {
"font_name": font_name,
"text_size": text_size,
"text_style": text_style,
"horizontal_alignment": horizontal_alignment,
"antialiasing": antialiasing
func set_config(config: Dictionary) -> void:
font_name = config.get("font_name", "Roboto")
if font_name not in Global.get_available_font_names():
font_name = "Roboto"
text_size = config.get("text_size", text_size)
text_style = config.get("text_style", text_style)
horizontal_alignment = config.get("horizontal_alignment", horizontal_alignment)
antialiasing = config.get("antialiasing", antialiasing)
func update_config() -> void:
for i in font_option_button.item_count:
var item_name: String = font_option_button.get_item_text(i)
if font_name == item_name:
font_option_button.selected = i
$TextSizeSlider.value = text_size
func draw_start(pos: Vector2i) -> void:
if not is_instance_valid(text_edit):
text_edit = TextToolEdit.new()
text_edit.text = ""
text_edit.font = font
text_edit.add_theme_color_override(&"font_color", tool_slot.color)
text_edit.add_theme_font_size_override(&"font_size", text_size)
text_edit.position = pos - Vector2i(0, text_edit.custom_minimum_size.y / 2)
_offset = pos
func draw_move(pos: Vector2i) -> void:
if is_instance_valid(text_edit) and not text_edit.get_global_rect().has_point(pos):
text_edit.position += Vector2(pos - _offset)
_offset = pos
func draw_end(_position: Vector2i) -> void:
func text_to_pixels() -> void:
if not is_instance_valid(text_edit):
if text_edit.text.is_empty():
text_edit = null
var undo_data := _get_undo_data()
var project := Global.current_project
var image := project.frames[project.current_frame].cels[project.current_layer].get_image()
var vp := RenderingServer.viewport_create()
var canvas := RenderingServer.canvas_create()
RenderingServer.viewport_attach_canvas(vp, canvas)
RenderingServer.viewport_set_size(vp, project.size.x, project.size.y)
RenderingServer.viewport_set_disable_3d(vp, true)
RenderingServer.viewport_set_active(vp, true)
RenderingServer.viewport_set_transparent_background(vp, true)
var ci_rid := RenderingServer.canvas_item_create()
RenderingServer.viewport_set_canvas_transform(vp, canvas, Transform2D())
RenderingServer.canvas_item_set_parent(ci_rid, canvas)
var texture := RenderingServer.texture_2d_create(image)
ci_rid, Rect2(Vector2(0, 0), project.size), texture
var text := text_edit.text
var color := tool_slot.color
var font_ascent := font.get_ascent(text_size)
var pos := Vector2(1, font_ascent + text_edit.get_theme_constant(&"line_spacing"))
pos += text_edit.position
font.draw_multiline_string(ci_rid, pos, text, horizontal_alignment, -1, text_size, -1, color)
RenderingServer.viewport_set_update_mode(vp, RenderingServer.VIEWPORT_UPDATE_ONCE)
var viewport_texture := RenderingServer.texture_2d_get(RenderingServer.viewport_get_texture(vp))
Implement indexed mode (#1136) * Create a custom PixeloramaImage class, initial support for indexed mode * Convert opened projects and images to indexed mode * Use shaders for RGB to Indexed conversion and vice versa * Add `is_indexed` variable in PixeloramaImage * Basic undo/redo support for indexed mode when drawing * Make image effects respect indexed mode * Move code from image effects to ShaderImageEffect instead * Bucket tool works with indexed mode * Move and selection tools works with indexed mode * Brushes respect indexed mode * Add color_mode variable and some helper methods in Project Replace hard-coded cases of Image.FORMAT_RGBA8 with `Project.get_image_format()` just in case we want to add more formats in the future * Add a helper new_empty_image() method to Project * Set new images to indexed if the project is indexed * Change color modes from the Image menu * Fix open image to replace cel * Load/save indices in pxo files * Merging layers works with indexed mode * Layer effects respect indexed mode * Add an `other_image` parameter to `PixeloramaImage.add_data_to_dictionary()` * Scale image works with indexed mode * Resizing works with indexed mode * Fix non-shader rotation not working with indexed mode * Minor refactor of PixeloramaImage's set_pixelv_custom() * Make the text tool work with indexed mode * Remove print from PixeloramaImage * Rename "PixeloramaImage" to "ImageExtended" * Add docstrings in ImageExtended * Set color mode from the create new image dialog * Update Translations.pot * Show the color mode in the project properties dialog
2024-11-20 14:41:37 +02:00
text_edit = null
if not viewport_texture.is_empty():
Implement indexed mode (#1136) * Create a custom PixeloramaImage class, initial support for indexed mode * Convert opened projects and images to indexed mode * Use shaders for RGB to Indexed conversion and vice versa * Add `is_indexed` variable in PixeloramaImage * Basic undo/redo support for indexed mode when drawing * Make image effects respect indexed mode * Move code from image effects to ShaderImageEffect instead * Bucket tool works with indexed mode * Move and selection tools works with indexed mode * Brushes respect indexed mode * Add color_mode variable and some helper methods in Project Replace hard-coded cases of Image.FORMAT_RGBA8 with `Project.get_image_format()` just in case we want to add more formats in the future * Add a helper new_empty_image() method to Project * Set new images to indexed if the project is indexed * Change color modes from the Image menu * Fix open image to replace cel * Load/save indices in pxo files * Merging layers works with indexed mode * Layer effects respect indexed mode * Add an `other_image` parameter to `PixeloramaImage.add_data_to_dictionary()` * Scale image works with indexed mode * Resizing works with indexed mode * Fix non-shader rotation not working with indexed mode * Minor refactor of PixeloramaImage's set_pixelv_custom() * Make the text tool work with indexed mode * Remove print from PixeloramaImage * Rename "PixeloramaImage" to "ImageExtended" * Add docstrings in ImageExtended * Set color mode from the create new image dialog * Update Translations.pot * Show the color mode in the project properties dialog
2024-11-20 14:41:37 +02:00
if image is ImageExtended:
commit_undo("Draw", undo_data)
func commit_undo(action: String, undo_data: Dictionary) -> void:
var redo_data := _get_undo_data()
var project := Global.current_project
var frame := -1
var layer := -1
if Global.animation_timeline.animation_timer.is_stopped() and project.selected_cels.size() == 1:
frame = project.current_frame
layer = project.current_layer
project.undos += 1
Global.undo_redo_compress_images(redo_data, undo_data, project)
project.undo_redo.add_do_method(Global.undo_or_redo.bind(false, frame, layer))
project.undo_redo.add_undo_method(Global.undo_or_redo.bind(true, frame, layer))
func _get_undo_data() -> Dictionary:
var data := {}
var images := _get_selected_draw_images()
for image in images:
Implement indexed mode (#1136) * Create a custom PixeloramaImage class, initial support for indexed mode * Convert opened projects and images to indexed mode * Use shaders for RGB to Indexed conversion and vice versa * Add `is_indexed` variable in PixeloramaImage * Basic undo/redo support for indexed mode when drawing * Make image effects respect indexed mode * Move code from image effects to ShaderImageEffect instead * Bucket tool works with indexed mode * Move and selection tools works with indexed mode * Brushes respect indexed mode * Add color_mode variable and some helper methods in Project Replace hard-coded cases of Image.FORMAT_RGBA8 with `Project.get_image_format()` just in case we want to add more formats in the future * Add a helper new_empty_image() method to Project * Set new images to indexed if the project is indexed * Change color modes from the Image menu * Fix open image to replace cel * Load/save indices in pxo files * Merging layers works with indexed mode * Layer effects respect indexed mode * Add an `other_image` parameter to `PixeloramaImage.add_data_to_dictionary()` * Scale image works with indexed mode * Resizing works with indexed mode * Fix non-shader rotation not working with indexed mode * Minor refactor of PixeloramaImage's set_pixelv_custom() * Make the text tool work with indexed mode * Remove print from PixeloramaImage * Rename "PixeloramaImage" to "ImageExtended" * Add docstrings in ImageExtended * Set color mode from the create new image dialog * Update Translations.pot * Show the color mode in the project properties dialog
2024-11-20 14:41:37 +02:00
return data
func _on_confirm_button_pressed() -> void:
if is_instance_valid(text_edit):
func _on_cancel_button_pressed() -> void:
if is_instance_valid(text_edit):
text_edit = null
func _textedit_text_changed() -> void:
if not is_instance_valid(text_edit):
text_edit.add_theme_font_size_override(&"font_size", 1) # Needed to update font and text style
text_edit.add_theme_font_size_override(&"font_size", text_size)
func _on_color_changed(_color_info: Dictionary, _button: int) -> void:
if is_instance_valid(text_edit):
text_edit.add_theme_color_override(&"font_color", tool_slot.color)
func _on_text_size_slider_value_changed(value: float) -> void:
text_size = value
func _on_font_option_button_item_selected(index: int) -> void:
font_name = font_option_button.get_item_text(index)
func _on_style_option_button_item_selected(index: TextStyle) -> void:
text_style = index
func _on_horizontal_alignment_option_button_item_selected(index: HorizontalAlignment) -> void:
horizontal_alignment = index
func _on_antialiasing_option_button_item_selected(index: TextServer.FontAntialiasing) -> void:
antialiasing = index
func _exit_tree() -> void: